Ever had one of those moments when the veil between this world and the next seems to lift ever so slightly, and you feel a “hug” from Eternity?
That happened to me in November 2014 with a $20 bill, of all things. And God kindly reminded me of that gift again when I ran across that $20 bill in my drawer this weekend.
I was out running errands that Monday over seven years ago now. Nothing huge, just Target, Costco, then I grabbed an Ice Dream cone from Chick-fil-A (an errand staple, you know). Then I ran by the bank to grab money from the ATM, all while missing Mom something awful. She’d been gone for five years at that point.

I was thinking about how she’d worked in a bank for so many years, and how we used to laugh and have such fun together while shopping and running around town.
As I was counting my money, I noticed a twenty dollar bill in the stack that looked different from the others. Different print. It was older. I looked at the date on the bill and teared up. 1934. The year Mom was born.

Even now I remember the Holy Spirit’s presence filling the car. The sense of “And all will be well” that permeated the space—and my heart.
Don’t you love it when the LORD gives you those special moments? When the Creator of time and space and everything that exists cares enough to reach down into the routine day of a ransomed sinner and let her know that he hears, he sees, he cares.
When was your last “hug” from Eternity?
It would bless me (and the entire community here) to hear it!
Hugs from Nashville,
And keep reading, I’ve got two more fun things to share:
Colors of Truth eBook on sale
For a limited time, Colors of Truth is majorly discounted in a Kindle Countdown Deal. So if you haven’t read this standalone Carnton novel yet, now might be the time.
If you have read Wade & Catriona’s story (and young Nora’s too), I’d appreciate you leaving a quick 2-3 sentence review on Amazon sharing your thoughts about the book. Reviews help new readers decide whether to “take the plunge” with me or not. Thanks, friends!

How will Deb spend Tammy’s $5 at Deb’s next garage sale?
Everyone here knows what a Garage Sale Queen our Miss Deb Raney is, and she and her husband Ken are heading out again this Friday. Because as she said yesterday, “Garage sale season is upon us!”
So I’ve given her $5 (well, she knows I’m good for it <g>) and have asked her to buy me something this Friday. Whatever she wants. What fun! I hope it’s something really cool like the items she’s found pictured below. Click the pics of flowers below to read a fun “recap” of the Raney garage sale escapades (I STILL Brake for Garage Sales).
Anyone care to guess what she’ll buy for me? : )

Tamera Alexander
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- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
I can’t WAIT to shop for you, dear friend! What fun!
Me too! Y’all always have such fun. Wish I could drive over and pile into your back seat. ; )
Love this post – just what I needed today! Thank you, Tammy. I miss my mom and dad so much, especially at difficult times.
Can’t wait to see what Deb buys for you. She has amazing taste and decorating skills!
Aw, Betty, praying for you today, and asking God to give you a “hug” from Eternity (aka: from him) in relation to your parents. And believing he will do it. He’s such a gracious and kind Heavenly Father.
And yes to Deb’s decorating taste and skills. She’s amazing! But let’s keep that just between us. : )
Haha! I heard that! 😉 And Betty, I’m praying along with Tammy. ♥️
A nudge from Heaven, happened when I was in the parking lot
of a local mall.
I happened to look down and saw this penny and
picked it up.
The year was 1918, when my Dad was born.
I dream quite often about my Mom.
She is holding out her arms and giving me a big hug.
I’m looking forward to getting a Heavenly hug from
her, one that will last for all Eternity.
Bless you, Janet, for sharing. What a precious gift from God to you, and now to us. And yes to that Heavenly hug for all eternity. Thank you, Lord, for dreams.
Aww, what a special gift! I love those moments.
And yard sale season! I’ve almost convinced my husband how fun it would be to have a weekly (I’d be happy with monthly) date to go to yard sales or thrift shops! Almost.