Readers often ask me how they can help their favorite authors. I love to get that question because it is so very easy to help your favorite authors. Today I want to share a few of those with you.
1) Tell your friends about the book. Word of mouth is still one large way that readers discover new-to-them authors . If you loved a book, then be sure to tell friends and family that are readers about it. You can use social media tools like twitter, facebook, Google+, etc. But also tell them in person. It’s very natural to talk about what you’ve been reading.
2) If you read a book and like it, then please post reviews. Don’t give spoiler details, but let other readers know why you liked it. Did you connect with the characters? Love the plot? Get engaged with the setting? Was there a spiritual thread that has stuck with you after you reached “the end?” Then write a quick review and post it any number of places. My favorites are: Amazon, Goodreads, Christianbook.com, and Barnes & Noble. You don’t need to stop there. It usually takes me 4 or 5 minutes to copy a review to those places, and it helps authors!

3) Give books as gifts. Not everybody is a reader, but many people love to get books as gifts. Especially if the book is tied to genres or places that they enjoy. For example, do you know someone who loves WWII? Then there are a dozen new Christian novels out that showcase different parts of that war. Books like Stars in the Night, The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron (on ebook sale right now for $1.99), The London House by Katherine Reay, and When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin. Know someone who loves to travel? Then look for books like Deadly Secrets on Mackinac Island and they can travel without leaving home.
4) Ask you local and church libraries to purchase a book. Many readers utilize their libraries, and this is a great way to get a book into more readers’ hands. It’s super easy. All you have to do is ask your local library (school, church, public) to add your favorite book to its collection. Many libraries will add books if they know their patrons are interested. And many have made it very easy to request books. If your local library has a website you can start by checking for an online request form.
This is a great way to help your favorite authors. When my books are in a library, more readers have a risk free way to try my books and see if they like them. It also make it possible for readers to discover my books who wouldn’t otherwise run across Christian fiction.
Other ways you can help are to let other people know about this opportunity by posting it to Facebook, twitter, pinning the image on Pinterest, Instagram, etc. I’ve added lots of ways to enter. And I’ve got lots of goodies to give away. The more the word spreads, the more goodies I’ll add to the pile.
How do you help spread the word about Christian fiction? Do you use any of the ways I’ve mentioned?
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I do all of these. Within the past year, I have started funneling some of my books to a church library. As the Christian book section has decreased in bookstores I frequent, I have had to order more. An interesting fact I found out from my local B&N is that when someone requests a book, they order two copies and place one on the shelves.
My sister works at my local public library. Every three months I give her a 3-month list of new Christian fiction books that are coming out. She takes that list and submits it to the person who does the book ordering for the library. Our library is very good about getting these.
I usually post on Pinterest the new books I want to read and my TBR list. On Instagram I’ll post images of new books I got in the mail and talk a little bit about a book if I really was blown away by it.
I tell people about the books that I read and love. I also post reviews on almost every book I read in at least one place, sometimes more. I do book recommendations in my monthly newsletter and two to three times a year, I recommend my top 7-10 books from the past quarter. I also give books away. I gift books to my school library and request them at my local library. I often give books as graduation gifts or at other times.