I have been immensely blessed in life. I grew up in a Christian home with a heart to serve God from about as young as I can remember. Maybe that’s why this quote from Holley Gerth’s book You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream resonates with me.
There is a purpose for everything we do.
In a day and age where so much tells us there is no meaning to life, I feel the need to repeat those words. Let them ooze into your spirit.
There is a purpose for everything we do.
What does that make you think? For much of my life — okay, even earlier today — it’s created a deep desire in me not to miss God’s will for my life. Am I supposed to be writing? If so, has the season ended? Is there another journey God wants me to start? Am I using the gift and talents He gave me in a way He approves.
I vividly remember being in my mid-20’s in Washington, D.C., and needing to choose between two jobs. Then as now, my deepest desire was to be where God wanted me. And He went strangely quiet. There wasn’t a neon sign in the sky telling me which job to take. There wasn’t a clear sense of direction. Instead, when I finally sat still enough to dig deep for Him, there was a deep sense of peace and that He didn’t care which one I took. Instead, I knew He would use me in either one.
In that instance, saying “yes” to God meant just stepping forward in either role. Did God use me in the one I took? Absolutely. Could He have used me in the other? I have no doubt.
But that experience has stuck with me. There is a purpose in everything we do. At that time, the purpose may have been simply learning that God can use me wherever I go. That I take God with me, and He shines through me in each and every situation.
Do you agree that there is a purpose in everything we do? How have you said yes to God in an unexpected way?
P.S. if you’re interested in more from Holley’s books, I’ve written a series of bookclub posts at my blog. Hop over here to read them.
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Thank you for this timely reminder, Cara. As my husband retires from the job he’s held for the past 22 years, I believe with all my heart that God has a new purpose for his life–and for our life together in a new home and new state.
Oh, Lynn. Those are big changes. I’ll be praying for you as God reveals His new purpose!
Amen! This is a good reminder, and one that I need. Even the little things have a purpose. Even washing the dishes and doing laundry are significant. When you are a stay-at-home mom of one (like me!), your world is rather small. I’m not affecting the multitudes here. But even if my husband and little boy are the only ones I minister to on a daily basis, that is enough. There is a major purpose in it!
Thanks for that encouragement! God uses us in the little things, just as much as the big.
Courtney, you have a great perspective. The world is small when you have young kids and make the choice to stay home with them. But God will use you as you stay open to His purposes. And I imagine one day you’ll look back and see how all of this prepared you for something more later.
Cara – Such a wonderful dose of truth this morning. In my day job, I work with university students who are undeclared in their choice of major. We deal a lot with the idea of calling and using the talents God has blessed you with in choosing a career. But many times, I believe fear of making a wrong choice freezes people from making any choice. They want to do God’s will, but they don’t know what that will is. I have come to believe, as you so aptly stated, that living God’s will is less about what job we take and more about the person we are within that job. We can be the most successful doctor/author/engineer in our field, but if our character does not show God’s love to the world it gains us nothing. Thank you for reminding me not just to strive for excellence, but to strive to bring glory to God. In whatever I do. [Col. 3:23]
Karen, you are at the crossroads at such an important time in people’s lives. I remember times where I was paralyzed because I so wanted to do things right. Now I realize it really is being the right person where I am. All the while staying open for the next place God might want to use me.
Cara–I really enjoyed that quote. I have often wondered whether or not I followed God’s Will or chose my own path, in my chosen career. Jesus was very hard on lawyers. However, I always believed that I would not love what I do nearly as much, if He wasn’t in it. It may have taken me longer to reach my goals and discover my true legal calling, but realizing that He can use me in any endeavor is a great eye opener.
I firmly believe that whether or not I say “yes” to His Will, He will accomplish it. Sometimes, I am just along for the ride and what a glorious ride it is.
Thank you for these words of blessing and insight.
We need Christian lawyers. We need Christians everywhere. So glad you are in that field and seeking His will!
“However, I always believed that I would not love what I do nearly as much, if He wasn’t in it.”
Dora, that quote from your comment speaks to what’s in my heart as I read Cara’s post. There’s a saying about finding God’s will for our lives, individually, I suppose it may have become cliche by now, but there’s a truth in it. “Love God and do what you want.”
Here’s an expanded version: “Love the Lord your God with all your being and He will give you the desires of your heart.” That could have two meanings, and the one I’m thinking of now is that as we love Him, seek to follow Him, want to please Him, consider Him in all our ways, the desires we have are going to conform to His will for us, so that we want with all our hearts to do those things (jobs, relationships, hobbies, service, whatever) that He wants for us, too. His will becomes what our hearts desire. Once I got my mind wrapped around that, it took away the confusion of finding God’s will for my life, and the fear of getting it wrong.
As a writer who creates a set of circumstances for her characters that all have purpose, even some seemingly small things, I can’t help but believe God’s doing that too, with each of us. And I can’t wait to see the story He’s written for us, how it was all connected through time and over distance in ways we couldn’t see from our “character on the page” point of view. 🙂
This turned into a long comment! Thanks, Cara, for such a thought provoking post.
Lori! That is my life verse. And I’ve had the same revelation on it that you have. How very cool!!! And I love your part about if an author puts purposes into things for our characters, how much more God does the same with us. So true, friend.
Lori, thank you for those words. I have a better understanding of “the desires of your heart,” now in the context of my profession.
Yes! I do believe there’s a purpose in everything we do.
I’ve felt God stirring in my life lately, letting me know that He has more for me to do on behalf of the poor and lost in my city. Thus, I’ve given an unexpected ‘yes’ to Him this past month by volunteering my family to help with service projects through our church. Kids can so easily become self-focused. It’s been good for them (despite all their grumbling) and me to get out and focus on others.
I so agree, Becky! How awesome that you’re looking for ways to help them become and stay other-focused! Praying God will continue to guide you!
Cara! What wise words you have written in your Post, dear Lady.
As I’ve passed through phases in my life, I wonder how one phase links into the next but somehow, things just seem to fit ..a little like a jigsaw really.
At times, one has to play around with the pieces but inevitably they will fit together and flow to create the big picture .
I have nursed for many years and there have been times when I could have happily “thrown in the towel” but when it came to the crunch, I simply could not see myself doing anything else careerwise. I’m sure that is what God had in mind for me.
I entered into nursing through the “back door” so to speak, working in areas that didn’t seem to be leading me to where I wished to work….namely in the Cardiac Unit and then later in the Neonatal Unit. Well I achieved my desire. God was truly looking out for me and I know I couldn’t have made it without His Help!
Thank you so much for reminding me of those Blessings in life that we sometimes take for granted.:)
Life really is that jigsaw puzzle that we have to stop and periodically look back to see what is possible and what God has done. That looking back is so key to not taking God’s presence and activity for granted!
Thank you for sharing, Cara! I’ve been struggling lately with knowing where God wants me. I don’t know what to do and I’ve been praying that He would show me. I needed the reminder that God can use me wherever I am, if I will let Him.
And to answer your question, yes, I do believe there is purpose in everything.
I’ll pray for you, Sarah. That’s not an easy place to be! But God is there and He knows. Praying He will reveal that to you.
Thank you for sharing this, Cara – – excellent reminders for us.
When my teaching career was going well (before spinal surgeries) I was very happy with my school and teaching little ones.
Then one year the enrollment numbers changed, and I was moved to the 4th grade – – a very troubled, defiant class, I might add. For the first weeks I kept asking God “WHY?” I’d been moved to that class – – I was a kindergarten/first-grade teacher, not older students who tried to act like teens. But looking back, I see how God used me that year – – and how He used others in my life. So now I see that it wasn’t a mistake, but He had a plan and was with me every step of the way. 🙂
And I will add….thankfully I was able to return to kindergarten the next year, and I was thrilled!! 😉
I have been a certified nurses aide for about twelve years in home health. I went to people houses and took care of young adults and older adults with disabilities. I loved my job. I was being the hands and feet of Jesus and touching the untouchable. I want them to have the best care I could give them. I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. I always had a very compassionate heart. I knew that was the job than God had in mind for be because I took care of my mom at home when she had colon cancer before she passed away. God was truly looking out for me when I took my CNA classes. I sure couldn’t done it without Him in my life.
This is a conutine on to the one I just sent you. At this time I am not working as a nurse aide because I had surgery in September ,2013 for lung cancer and they removed the top part of my left lung but the good news is that they got it all. So right now I am still at home recovering and the doctor hasn’t let me go back to work yet. So while I am at home recovering I am doing alot of writing and research ing at home jobs that I can do from my computer and get an income coming in. I got some pretty good leads and been praying about them for God to show me which ones he wants be to call about. I have been spending more quality time with my family. Yes there is a purpose or purposes for each one of our lives. We just have to pray and listen to God then do what he said
I really believe that