Last week, I had the privilege of attending the RT Booklovers Convention in Dallas. This was my first year to attend, and it was so fun to be surrounded by an entire hotel full of romance readers and fans. We had a great contingent of Inspirational authors this year, led by our own Tammy Alexander. Tammy kept us organized and on task, and helped us shine our light at a convention dominated by darker fantasies.
I thought I’d share some of my favorite moments with you today.
From left to right are Regina Jennings (my roomy for the convention), Jen Turano, Anne Mateer, Francine Rivers, Elizabeth Ludwig, Dorothy Love, Lynn Gentry (she’s hiding), and Winnie Griggs.
And here are Lisa Wingate and I with our pictionary group. It got a little wild and crazy, I will admit.
Later that day, Regina and I went to one of the reader events for western romances, and I actually won a horse. YeeHaw! Cute little fella, isn’t he?
Not only did we have a great showing of Inspie authors, but the publishers showed up as well. Baker Books (Bethany House and Revell) sponsored a chocolate party on Thursday where we gave out literally thousands of books. Each of the authors signed and gave away 100 books. Fabulous! Then on Friday, the combined forces of Tyndale, Thomas Nelson, and Zondervan hosted a breakfast with more delightful giveaways. And the readers flocked to these events.
But of course, the best part of the event was meeting readers, some of whom are also writers.
- What are some of the ways you let your light shine?
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God’s blessings on you, Karen, for bravely shining your light at the RT convention. It must have been wonderful to meet so many of your readers and book lovers.
Thanks, Lynn. I was pleasantly surprised by how many true fans of inspirational romance were there. We were still greatly outnumbered, but seeing genuine enthusiasm on a handful of faces made the entire convention worth it.
I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with you at RT, Karen! I was so proud to be a part of the strong Christian Fiction showing there. Our publishers supported us wonderfully.
Loved seeing you, too, Becky. It’s too bad you were only able to come for a day, but I know how crazy deadline time is. And yes, the publisher support made a huge difference. It would not have been the same without them.
Oh goodness! I sure would have given a LOT to have been there!! To be a fly on that …well, on that table would have been the best thing ever!
It was a lot of fun, Alyssa. There was really a strong camaraderie among all the inspie authors. I loved every minute of it. Oh, and I brought one of those “I’m an inspie fan” fans home with me. Couldn’t resist. It had Francine Rivers’s autograph on it! 🙂
Karen what a wonderful time you had with all your author /reader friends. Wish I could have been there .:) I’m about to attend a Nurses Conference in NZ and I’m waiting very impatiently to catch up with all my NZ friends. The camaraderie is always amazing.
No doubt about our Tammy….. she would have had a fun time with all of you:) Lol
Tammy was such a blessing. She organized the entire inspie contingent and did a fabulous job! She showed us newbies the ropes and help us maximize our experience. Wouldn’t have wanted to do it without her.
Have a great time at your conference. It’s always great to get together with friends and colleagues who “get” you. 🙂
Love that little pony. The chocolate celebration sounds wonderful. I saw a photo of a chocolate in a previous post and about fell off my chair! All that chocolate and so little time!
Yes, that horse was my favorite memento of the trip. He’s on display in my bedroom now, but I’m thinking about making him my new writing mascot. 🙂
The chocolate disappeared very fast! Thankfully, Regina and I managed to get an early taste before all the attendees were allowed in. That chocolate fountain was delicious!
I had such a blast at the convention, especially the Inspirational panels and events! You all did a wonderful job, and it’s so encouraging to hear how much the Christian fiction group has grown over the years, and I’m hoping will continue to grow. 🙂 Oh, and it was SO nice meeting you as well! (Gotta love our first name. 😉 )
Oh yeah – the double Karen! LOL. I was equally impressed by how many readers who actually knew our books came up to greet us. It was like a little mini family reunion in the midst of the overarching convention. What a blessing you are!
This event sounds fascinating to a reader like me. I read mostly inspirational fiction. If ever I read any other kind of fiction I’m extremely uncomfortable with it. I have on one occasion read a book from an author who wrote books that were published by a Christian publisher. There was a swear word in the book. I didn’t appreciate it and will avoid this author and publisher in the future.
Hi, Shirley. Yes, there is a WIDE variety of romance books out there when it comes to content. Even within the inspirational market you can find a spectrum. My prayer is that whatever we as Christian authors write, it honors God, ministers to his people, and serves his kingdom. Thank you for being such a dedicated reader of Christian fiction. You are the reason we write. 🙂
What fun you had. I want to know who Winnie Griggs is since we have the same last name. Having so many great writers in one place would be awesome.
Ha! You would love her, Nancy. She’s a down-to-earth historical western romance writer. In fact, I blog with her over at Petticoats & Pistols. She writes the shorter books for Love Inspired, but I bet you would like them. Here’s the link to her website if you want to poke around and learn more about her:
Karen, that looks like an amazing event! How fabulous to meet face-to-face with so many readers and fans all in one place! Thanks for giving us a glimpse.
It was joy to meet you at RT, Karen! I hope you had as much fun as I did. I love all of the pictures!