On Tuesday of this week, February 13, I celebrated the release of a new book (To Marry an English Lord). It is release #91 for me. That 100-books-published mark is getting closer and closer.
But that’s not the day I meant in the title. It matters but it doesn’t matter most.
Wednesday of this week matters, but not because of Valentine’s Day. I’m all for romance or I wouldn’t write so many books in that genre. 😉 I believe in expressions of love. Boy, do I believe in them. They are important. But Valentine’s Days come and go. So that’s not what I meant in the title either.
February 14 was also Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent on the Christian calendar. That day is definitely important. It’s a day with eternal significance. It begins a season of reflection leading up to Resurrection Sunday. What Christ accomplished on the cross and by His resurrection is so much more than even His followers truly comprehend.
But that still isn’t what I meant in the title.
What makes last Wednesday a day that matters most to me is that it was my 48th born again birthday. On February 14, 1976, I became a child of God when I surrendered to the love of Jesus and became His disciple. Every other day in my life pales in comparison, even the most wonderful of days (and I’ve been blessed with many of those).
Some of my brothers and sister in Christ can’t point to a definite day and time. Some have just always known and belonged to Him since they were young children. But I can point to almost the exact minute because I lived without conscious knowledge of His hand on my life for too many years. So when I surrendered, I knew.
There’s a line from The Chosen which I love. I love it so much that I have it on both a sweatshirt and a t-shirt. In the show, it is spoken by Mary Magdalene when she is asked how she was set free of the demons that had possessed her. She says, “I was one way, and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him.” That pretty much sums it up for me. I was one way (prior to February 14, 1976) and now I am another (from February 14, 1976 and on). And what happened in between was Jesus the Christ, my Lord and Savior.
Salvation takes a moment. Sanctification takes a lifetime. That’s the part of the journey I’ve been on for the past 48 years. And while 48 years as a believer might sound like a long time—and I am oh-so-very thankful for every single one of those years—in comparison with eternity in His presence, it is just a drop in the bucket.
Here’s to the days that matter most.
Robin Lee Hatcher
Latest posts by Robin Lee Hatcher (see all)
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Deborah Raney says
I didn’t know the “one way” you were before Christ, Robin, but I sure love what He has done in your life now that you are “completely different.” You have been a blessing in my life for virtually my entire writing career and I am so grateful God allowed me to know you and call you friend. Happy new birth day. (And how special that day falls on Valentine’s Day for you.)
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Ah, Deb. That comment made me tear up. And yes, I’ve always loved that I was born again on Valentine’s Day.
Tamera Alexander says
Love your post, Robin. Happy eternal bday in Christ, my friend! And congrats again on this new release. Well done.
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, Tammy.
Vickie Henry says
One of my favorite posts of all times!
Thank you for sharing.
Robin Lee Hatcher says
What a very sweet comment, Vickie. Thank you in return.
Bev says
Thank you for sharing your story! What a wonderful day indeed!
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks for celebrating with me, Bev.
Karen Witemeyer says
This is beautiful, Robin. I don’t remember the exact date that I gave my life to Christ (though I have it recorded in a Bible the church presented me), but I do remember the year – 1981. We baptise in our church, and I love that that moment of commitment becomes a day we can point to in remembrance. My husband was so smart. He put the “baptism day” of each of our children in his calendar and he sends them celebration texts every year on their new birth day. I now have them in my calendar too. My favorite days of the year!
This has been such a milestone year for you, Robin! I praise the Lord for all of these blessings, but most of all for your steadfast devotion to Him.
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, Karen. God is good and has been so faithful, even when I’ve been faithless.
Betty Strohecker says
Congratulations on the release, and congratulations on this wonderful post, sharing your personal journey. Thank you for the reminder that “Salvation takes a moment. Sanctification takes a lifetime,” journeying toward glorification, which humans cannot hope to reach.
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, Betty.
D'Ann Mateer says
Happy born again birthday! I love that quote from The Chosen. And so happy for you as you close in on 100 books. What an accomplishment!
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, D’Ann.
Jen says
Amen! That is what matters most!
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Patti Jo Moore says
LOVE this post, Robin!
And how special you know the exact date.
That is indeed a day that matters most!
Mine happened on a Friday night in October when I was 16 (my Church was having a missions conference that weekend—amazing experience for me!). 🙂
And big CONGRATS on getting closer to 100 books – – you are AMAZING!
Hugs, Patti Jo
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, Patti Jo.
Jocelyn says
Beautiful testimony. I too remember when the Lord opened my eyes to receive HIM. November 1972, barely out of my teens, the veil was lifted. Jesus forever was stamped in my heart.
Robin Lee Hatcher says