I love reading the front part of a novel where an author dedicates the book to someone. It’s always so touching to see the sweet words of love and appreciation.
Most of the dedications are usually to family members, husbands, children, or parents. Sometimes authors will dedicate a book to an agent or a critique partner. Or sometimes the dedication will be more general to a group of people, like I did with my recent release Hearts Made Whole which reads:
“To all the women who worked in lighthouses: Thank you for your courage and for showing that women are capable of doing anything.”
As I was thinking about some of my other dedications, I realized that I tend to gravitate toward dedicating my books to my parents. Now as a parent myself, I see so much more clearly the hard work, dedication, commitment, and self-sacrifices they made for me. Being a parent makes me appreciate my parents all the more.
My mother is still alive and lives just a few miles away from me. So thankfully we enjoy a wonderful friendship. She continues to support, encourage, and bless me in countless ways.
My father passed away unexpectedly when I was in college. He was only 50 years old at the prime of his life with kids in college and a thriving career as a Lutheran pastor. The night he died he was playing in a racquetball tournament. In the middle of one of his games, he fell to the ground, and died of a massive heart attack. It shocked and devastated us all.
Even though it’s been nearly twenty-five years since he died, I can’t help thinking of him in a special way, especially as Father’s Day approaches.
I remember the way he used to sing so beautifully, the sound of his voice rising above all the others around him. I remember the way he loved to play the guitar, especially while leading children in worship. I remember the way he taught me how to play softball and basketball, the countless hours he spent playing catch or rebounding for me.
I remember his thick stack of note cards of Bible verses he’d written out and memorized. He’d flip through the cards often to review them. I remember his passion for his church, his love for his people, and his desire to be used by God.
And of course with such a passionate and driven man, I also remember some of the moments of frustration, the times when people hurt him or the times when he mourned over people who were hurting and lost.
Although my father is no longer physically present in my life, I still feel his impact every day.
My Luther and Katharina book releases in the fall and I’m dedicating it to him. Here’s what I wrote:
“This book is for you, Dad. As a Lutheran pastor you embodied Martin Luther in so many ways: in personality, love of family, devotion to the gospel, and passion for your flock. You were well-loved everywhere you served. As you look down from heaven, I hope you’re proud of your little girl.”
Happy Father’s Day to Dads past and present!
Readers, if you could dedicate a book to someone, who would it be? And writers, who are some of the people you’ve dedicated your books to?
Jody Hedlund
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To my Dad I miss him everyday ! he has been in Heaven now for 10 years !it seems like yesterday ! He was an eye dr. He cared so much for his patients! As a Dad you couldn’t ask for a better Dad ! He always had your back and always played with us and taught us! He slso.brought me to the Lord !He was a devoted Elder most his adult life until Heaven ! He always was the rock In our family !always lol too amd loved dogs too !II love my Dad very much !;)♡ I alwats really miss him on Father’s day !I don’t like Farher’s day anymore .I kn ow I should have great memories which I do it’s just a sad day for me ! I love your devotion to your Dad !
Darlene Lindstrom
Hi Darlene,
Thank you for sharing about your dad! He sounds like he was wonderful! Some Father’s Days are hard for me too, so I understand what you’re saying. We miss them! 🙂
I would have to mull over that for a while Jody. Tough question. My dad was 46 when he died of a massive stroke. I was five months pregnant with my first baby. That was over 33 years ago. I’m thankful I still have my mom too, just a few miles away. I drive her wherever she needs to go, she’s past being able, but still insists on living by herself.
That was a wonderful tribute and dedication to your dad. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.
Hi Gail,
I’m sorry to hear about your dad passing when you were so young and that he never got to meet your first baby. I regret that my dad never got to meet any of my kids. He would have made such a wonderful grandpa! 🙂
To my parents who are both gone now
It’s amazing how life teaches us to appreciate our parents better, doesn’t it? 🙂
My husband and/or 2 sons. Also my parents and my in-laws. We have been through a lot recently with health problems with my 1 year old son. And the support that they have given us has been a blessing. My kiddos have been put through a lot in this season and to see the joy and the peace and strength that they carry encourages me to continue pressing on.
What a blessing to have parents and in-laws who are there for you when you most need them! That is truly a blessing and not something to take for granted! And that’s a praise that your sons and your family are continuing to grow and persevere through this hard time!
If I were a writer I would dedicate my book to my daughter. Registered Nurse, Red Cross volunteer and community hero. A young lady who is very uncomfortable with any kind of recognition for any of her accomplishments or hours spent as a volunteer or in her nursing carer. She is my hero and I’m very proud of who she’s become.
Hi Shirley,
What a lovely tribute to your daughter! I can see why you’re so proud! 🙂
I would dedicate the book to my mom, step-dad and aunt. They were all big influences on how I grew up.
Hi Cynthia,
I love your dedication! I only wish I’d learned to appreciate those wonderful people in my life earlier than I did. 🙂
I was listening to the music channel on the television yesterday, while cleaning the house. My Dad loved the song, “A Taste of Honey”. So what song did I hear? You guessed it.
Happy 18th Father’s Day in Heaven!