Writing is a career that careens out of control. It’s a dream that sucks the very marrow from your bones and leaves you spent. I’m firmly convinced God has me in publishing because so much is so far outside of my control.
Right when I am my most stressed and worried, He reminds me He’s in control of this journey.
A couple nights ago my husband and I were talking about how drained I felt. The merry-go-round of teaching, taking classes, marketing, homeschooling, etc., etc. had worn me down. It also made me a bit pessimistic about life. This from someone who is usually an optimist through and through!
Sometimes I know God is just smiling at me as I stress about what the future holds. As I wonder if I’m doing the right things. As I long for a little peace and quiet.
He knew I’d be worn out this week after another round of final exams. He also knew, my publisher had planned a promotion for Shadowed by Grace. They’ve offered promotions before, and I’ve felt very supported by their efforts, and I wondered if this one would really be different.
Ummm. Yeah.
First I asked God if I could hit top 20 on one of Amazon’s lists. He offered this: It spent time yesterday on three lists in that one and two slot. When that happened I realized, I’d also hit a number on the overall list that had me crying. Then my son (the 10 year-old) told me I should ask God for #1 of all books. (Have you had that happen? Your kids having bigger dreams for you than you do? It happens frequently with my kids! Talk about convicting!) I wanted to remind him there are authors people know on that list. So instead, I asked if I could crack the top 100 Kindle books. The numbers kept creeping up, and I began to wonder if I slept if I might just miss the blip.
God woke me at 5:30, and I snapped these screen shots (and then had an impossible time falling back asleep).
Through this God has reminded me that He sees me and those secret desires I hesitate to voice.
He has used this book time and again to remind me it is truly His story. Let me tell you — that is pretty humbling as I watch Him open doors I could never force open.
He’s whispered that He has my career in His hands. Whether this is my last book or only one stop on the way to 100, all that matters is that I am in the center of His will and His plan for my life.
In a couple days, I might stop compulsively watching the Amazon numbers — but as I’ve watched them the last 48 hours, I have witnessed God do something new and introduce this book to audiences that might not otherwise have discovered this story about the search for our heavenly Father.
And all I can do is clap from the sidelines and whisper, “Thank You, Abba Daddy!” And pray that this serves as encouragement for those dreams that lay dormant in your heart. Bring them out, pray over them, and offer them to Him as a sacrifice. You might just be amazed at what He does!
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What a great story! I love how God encourages us by giving us the desires of our heart. Children have great faith (they haven’t learned about cynicism and disbelief quite yet) and they help us return to stronger faith! I follow Amazon’s Christian lists daily, but somehow I missed this, I’m going right there and get it now!
Tracey, you’re so right. God does encourage us…not always in the way we want, but He is an encourager for His children. And I love how He uses our children to keep challenging us!
This makes me want to jump up and yell “HOORAY!” Our Father is so good. Thank you for this encouragement, Cara. A novel I’ve worked on for the past six years sits on my desk with a to-do list in preparation for the ACFW conference. However, my dear 102-year old father-in-law who lives with us, needs my attention even more. At times I am so overwhelmed. Your post was just what I needed this morning. Thank you.
Leslie, you will cherish this time with your father. He has lived a long life…I can only imagine the changes he has experienced. Praying for you! And can’t wait to see you at ACFW!
I am always amazed when I discover that God is in control. He has a way of saying to me, I’ve got this. His most awesome work in my life was when I sat for the Bar Exam. I had a major melt down the night before the exam. I was convinced that I would not be able to pass, but God had other plans. As I look back, I realize that my dreams were never as big as His and what He has given me is so much more than I could have ever thought possible.
Congratulations on receiving more than you dared to dream. Our Father always knows what we need and just when we need it.
I love that, Dora! I know from experience (passed VA and IN bars) how very stressful that process is. I think God loves to allow me to go to the end of what I think I can do so I have no choice but to rely on Him. He is so good!
I found the same book on sale at Write-to-Publish Conference. 🙂 I grabbed it. It’s waiting for me in my basket full of books to read this year. 🙂 So yes, Cara. He’s at work all the time if that makes you smile some more. 🙂
Oh, I love that, Anna. Hope you enjoy it when you reach it!
I’m worn out as well. But my vacation starts in August. And I don’t want to get there yet because that would mean we will get closer to fall. I haven’t even used summer pool passes yet! I was running like crazy for the last few months. Now, I slowed down in the last ten days, but my productivity also hit the bottom. And it doesn’t make me happy.
That balance is so hard. We can only run so hard before we have to stop, but then productivity slides. I’m not good at taking Sabbaths, but it’s one thing God is encouraging me to get better at. To build in spots of rest and rejuvenation.
Congratulations — and can I add, I’m not surprised? Shadowed by Grace is an awesome read. Rachel’s faith journey really inspired me. It’s a story that still lingers with me now and I read it over four months ago.
Kav, thank you so much for sharing that with me! I’ve prayed her story would challenge and move people. God really surprised me as I wrote the book. I didn’t realize just how much the story was about grace. Surprising, huh, considering it’s in the title. But God showed me the book is really about the journey to our heavenly Father. That’s what has me so excited about the people buying the book…God can use that to reach them!
Cara, I’m so happy for you! Shadowed by Grace is still on my list to read. My copy is waiting in the wings behind a couple of books I’ve received for the purpose of reviewing. But even though I haven’t read it yet, I’ve heard such great things about it that I’m mentioning it in my blog next Monday. I’ll be sure to link back to Amazon for you, too. Do you have a website you’d like me to also link to?
Blessings for your writing journey,
Andrea! That would be great! And the timing is wonderful since the sale continues until Tuesday. You can link to http://www.caraputman.com/shadowed-grace, which is where the first chapter can be read. And feel to grab any graphics from this post or my website. Thank you! I’ll try to remember to direct people to you!
Appreciate the link, graphics, and you! Will get the link sent to you on Monday. 🙂