Our wonderful 11.5 year old dog, Sam, passed away at the beginning of this month. As a tribute to him, I’m re-running this post I wrote more than three years ago and adding a brief update at the end. -Becky
I’m reminded for the thousandth time of one key component of my career: the indispensable Writer Dog.
Ask many a writer, and they’ll tell you. Writer Dogs (and Writer Cats) are the unsung heroes of the authorly life. You may not have realized it, but they’re the pillars that hold up the world of publishing!
I thought I’d give you a peek into the daily responsibilities of my own Writer Dog, Sam. He’s an eight year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and he’s the most helpful and least high-maintenance individual in my family.
He begins the day by accompanying me on chores.

Next, he spends time working on his fitness, so that he’ll be in shape for the harsh demands placed upon Writer Dogs.

During the Bible study we do before writing sessions, he can be counted on to pray fervently.

As I begin writing, he faithfully a) warms my feet and b) provides a soundtrack of snoring.

He makes sure I rise from my seated position regularly to let him outside and in because he knows writers need to kickstart their circulation from time to time.

Whenever I get stuck and need brainstorming assistance, he’s a whiz.

Should I get bored, he’s quick to liven things up by eating something he shouldn’t.

Any time I need revision tips, require a high-level discussion about writing craft, or want to discuss the use of metaphor, I know who to call.

I’ll confess that he’s not perfect. Whenever I release a book, he becomes insufferable with self-congratulation for a few days.

But, really. Sam’s very, very close to perfect.
He and I both know that he’s brilliant at his most important jobs: keeping me company, comforting me when I’m discouraged, and lavishing me with unconditional love.

We all loved Sam so very much! He was our family’s first dog and we couldn’t have asked for a better one. He was sweet and mellow, quiet and cuddly. He was a playmate for my kids and a companion for me. A precious member of our family.
In August of 2020, like so many people during Covid, we added a puppy to the mix. Because of Sam’s fabulous-ness, we went with another male Cavalier spaniel (this time a “black and tan”). For more than a year, the two dogs overlapped in our home. As his final gift to me, Sam showed Duke how to become a Writer Dog. Duke learned from his example. When I sit down to write, Duke knows it’s time to rest and he curls up in the dog bed under the desk, on the carpet near my feet, or in my lap. Sometimes, he even attempts to snore.

Thank you, my sweet Sam. For everything.
We miss you enormously, but we’re also incredibly grateful for the years we had with you.
Becky Wade
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I’m sure that Sam is hanging out in Heaven with Tippy, discussing their epic lives as mentors to their Writer Humans.
Bless you, for being such a fine pupil to your Writing Coach, Sam.
Writer dogs do indeed have “epic lives”! He made such a difference in my writing life.
Oh, Becky…what a sweet tribute to your beloved dog. I’m so sorry about his passing, but how precious you have all those memories (and photos!).
And what a blessing you have another furbaby to keep you company and assist you in your writing. I can’t imagine a world without our beloved pets–in my case, it’s my kitties!
Hugs, Patti Jo
Our pets truly do add so much to our lives, don’t they? Our dogs have had a unique and delightful role in our house. I’m very thankful for all the precious memories of Sam!
What a sweet tribute, and I am sorry for the hole in your hearts. Last summer, my Writer Cat Annabelle “helped” me beta-read a fellow writer’s manuscript by sitting on the pages every chance she got. Sadly, we lost her mere days after Easter to a horrid cocktail of conditions, having already lost her “big brother” Derek early in the pandemic. He was the one who draped himself like a furry noodle on my lap while I typed, and he especially loved watching the scanner light go back-and-forth on the printer. He wanted to chase it! Yes. The level of support they provide us is highly underrated.
Oh. Tears in my eyes. Bless Sam’s sweet memory.
Tears in my eyes, too, Rhonda. It’s been almost three weeks and thankfully the tears now are mostly grateful ones instead of heartbroken ones.
The level of support they give is amazing! And yes, when they go, they leave a hole in the hearts of those who loved them.
I loved this. Thank you for sharing. It is so true and real to those of us with pets. I am sorry for your loss.
Thank you, Mildred. It’s wonderful to hear from people like you who understand. 🙂
He was just the SWEETEST, Becky. I’m so sorry. Praying for your family as you get used to life without a very important family member. ♥️
Thank you, Deb. {HUGS}
I loved what you wrote about Sam and the cute photos of him. I am sure you miss him! We don’t have a dog, but my son and his wife and girls have had 2 dogs and we enjoy them when we visit them.
Thanks for stopping by the blog! I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos of Sam. I enjoyed looking back at them, too. It helps to smile at the memories. 🙂
What a beautiful tribute, Becky! So very sorry. Hugs!!♡♡
Thank you!
What a nice tribute! Thinking of you and your family. So happy you have Duke.
I’m so happy we have him, too! Dogs give such great emotional support and he’s been a comforting presence as we grieve.
Such a heartwarming and loving tribute to Sam. I have gone through the loss of fur babies. It is never easy. Each has their own personality and never are they replacements, just special additions. I have a nine year old toy poodle, Missy, who is spoiled to the max! Thanks for sharing!
“Each has their own personality and never are they replacements, just special additions.” Yes! Precisely.
I’ll miss Sam. Such a beautiful tribute. My heart is with you.
Becky, didn’t you have this breed in A Love Like Ours? ❤
Yes! I gave Lyndie two Cavalier spaniels. 😉
I relate to so much of this – the tender and the hilarious! I made the decision to have our beloved Fox Terrier, Dottie, put to sleep last October 12th (as if a pandemic weren’t enough disruption). Every morning for the few years prior to her final day on this earth, she waited at my feet while I ate my toasted bagel, eager for some of it. Being selfish, I only gave her the last little bit. Thus began the morning tradition. Nearly a year later, my heart still aches every time I hold that last little bit of bagel, but I use the opportunity to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for my writer dog, then toss the crumb over the porch railing. Bless you as you grieve your loss. God has promised me He has taken care of Dottie’s heart. Same for Sam!
I empathize with you, Mary! I’ve been working to turn moment of sorrow into prayers of thanksgiving, too.
Awww, it’s so hard to lose our writer partners! My kitty loves to come into my shed (Huckleberry Hutch) and sleep in the chair while I work. Sorry about losing your Sam!
Thank you! I’m so glad you have such sweet company in the Huckleberry Hutch. 🙂
What a sweet and beautiful tribute! Precious! So very sorry for your loss 😢. I lost my sweet dog to lymphoma in June so I can empathize with what you’re going through.
My condolences on the loss of your Sam. My beloved Charlie, a brown cocker spaniel and the sweetest dog I’ve ever had died at age 14 just two years ago August. I miss my shadow every day. There’s no better lesson in undeserved, unreserved love, that that of a dog.