For me, one of the most exciting (and nerve-wracking!) parts of the publication process is seeing a new cover for the first time. We’ve all been told not to judge a book by it’s cover, but that’s exactly what we do every day. I know I do. The cover is what makes a story’s first impression on a reader. Not the words we’ve painstakingly crafted over months of labor, but a single shot of art that we usually have very little control over.
In a traditional publishing house, cover art is determined by talented designers, sales managers who know what retailers are looking for, marketing teams who keep up with reader trends, and the editors who have read the actual story. At the beginning of the process, the author is usually asked to contribute basic information about the setting, the physical appearance of the main characters, as well as any ideas they have for possible scenes.
In 2016, I have three projects hitting the shelves: 2 novella collections and a full-length novel. As you can tell in the graphic at the top, all three covers have very different looks to them.
The first is a novella collection that will be out in January 2016. This cover went through one overhaul after another. The title even changed halfway through the process. The original title On Bended Knee was changed to With This Ring? The blurred effect was a new twist for me. The first version was a little too blurred, but of all the iterations we saw, this final version was the best of the lot. Usually authors don’t get much say, but Bethany House listened to our comments and changed the cover several times. And when they were down to a final two selections, they gave us as authors final say. My novella, The Husband Maneuver, is included in this collection. It is a follow-up story to my last novel, A Worthy Pursuit, and continues on with Dead-Eye Dan and Marietta Hawkins. I had so much fun with the dime novel sections of Stone and Charlotte’s story, that I decided to start each chapter of the follow-up novella with a scene from a Dead-Eye Dan novel. So you’ll actually be getting two stories in one!
The second novella collection comes out in August 2016. With All My Heart is a collection of 5 novellas that are not connected in any way except that they are all historical love stories. They were previously published by Bethany House as e-singles. My novella, Love on the Mend, is included in the collection. I’ve had many people ask me when they would be able to get this novella in print, and I’m excited to say that it is finally happening. Little Jacob Sadler from Full Steam Ahead, is all grown up and finally returning to the home he ran away from 17 years earlier, ready to put his past to rest. Only his past is still alive and kicking and it takes a spirited woman with a past of her own to help him see the power in love and forgiveness.
This year, I was told that my publisher had decided to take my covers in a new direction. They wanted to go for more visual impact and less whimsy – hoping to draw in a larger readership, tapping into customers who are looking for books with deeper emotional and spiritual depth, which my stories offer along with the touches of humor and lightheartedness my previous covers implied. I was a little uneasy when I first heard this because I have always liked my covers, but at the same time, I was excited to see what they might put together for me.
So here it is – My next full-length novel and the new cover art. No Other Will Do. What do you think? I love the deep red of the dress and the historic town in the background. There are still touches of my old brand carrying over into the new look, but sadly – no man on the cover. Bummer. I always like having a hint of the hero in the artwork. But, I must say that it does have more of that impact and less whimsy, which was what they were going for.
I’ve received mixed opinions from reviewers who have seen it so far, but I would love to hear what you think. Share your honest opinion – positive or negative.
- What do you like about my new cover?
- What don’t you like?
- Which of the three covers do you prefer and why?
- What types of cover art are most likely to convince you to pick up a book?
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- 2025 Reading Challenges - January 16, 2025
- Bookish Goodies Under the Tree - January 2, 2025
- Cloaked in Beauty is Available! - December 19, 2024
Rebecca Maney says
From a reader’s perspective, this is awesome news! Thanks for all your hard work putting these projects together!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Rebecca! I hope you enjoy all of the stories coming next year. 🙂
Lynn Austin says
I also go through a mix of emotions when it comes to my covers, Karen. There have been some I’ve loved and some that have frustrated me. I like a cover that is a little mysterious, and I usually dislike a cover that pictures the hero or heroine’s face. I want to leave that to readers’imaginations. The half-face on your newest cover is a good compromise. The smile adds a touch of that whimsy you want to convey. Congratulations on releasing these three books!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Lynn. I have to say that I’ve LOVED your biblical covers. They capture that hint mystery you mentioned as well as conveying strong heroes and a wonderful sense of place and time. Gorgeous!
Carrie Turansky says
Hi Karen, I love the heroine’s dress and hair style, but I wish I could see the rest of her face. Her expression seems to suggest the story is lighthearted, maybe even humorous. The sky is beautiful, and the historic town shows the period and setting well. Overall, it’s a lovely cover.
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Carrie. I’m glad you like it. I had fun during rewrites adding in the dress details and even the watch. It wasn’t part of the original story but was used as a prop to convey Emma’s leadership of the town, which is a women’s colony in Texas. So as I edited, I decided she needed to carry her late father’s pocket watch with her. It only shows up in a couple scenes, but I love bringing the cover details into the story whenever possible. Makes it feel more authentic that way.
Carolyn Astfalk says
They are all very nice. I prefer the covers of With This Ring and No Other Will Do to With All My Heart. I love that color of that dress on No Other Will Do, and it does have great continuity with your other covers. I also like that the character’s whole face is not shown. That just a “thing” of mine.
Karen Witemeyer says
I’m glad you like the missing face style, Carolyn. A lot of people complain about the “decapitated” covers. I can go either way. I like being able to picture the characters in my mind the way I want them to look, but sometimes having a whole face is nice, too. 🙂
Rachael K says
I have always enjoyed your whimsical covers, so this one seems a trifle boring in comparison. But on the other hand, details pop more, like that pocket watch . . . what role might that play in the story? Something important? And being a fan of hacked faces (on book covers, not live people), I also like not seeing her eyes.
Karen Witemeyer says
Great perspective, Rachel. Detail vs. Whimsy. I’ll be interested to see how the next covers in this new series build on this beginning. Maybe I’ll even be able to work another man onto the cover somehow. Ha!
Annie says
Hi Karen. These are all nice covers in their own way. My favorite is With All My Heart. The colors are just beautiful and how the title is placed with the girl off to the side looking beyond, just perfect. As to your new covers, it will take time getting use to, since I was one of those fans that love how fun and whimsy your old covers were. The models were chosen perfectly with their expressions. With the new cover, there’s more detail to consider and more of a mystery in terms of “what’s that have to do with it?” Like you, I do love the town in the background and the beautiful deep burgundy of the gown. The pocket watch does raise a question mark in my mind “what does that have to do with ‘No Other Will Do'”?
Karen Witemeyer says
Hi, Annie. Raising questions is a good thing, so I’m glad the detail got you to thinking. The watch is more of a representation than a physical detail from the story (The heroine is the town banker and leader of the women’s colony so the watch symbolizes that leadership). Yet, during rewrites, I added a physical watch to a couple of the scenes and tied it into her late father.
I did really like the cover art for With All My Heart. Love those purple flowers!
Karen says
I really like the cover for “No One Will Do”. The covers that draw me are like this one that is vibrant in color and the heroine’s expression looks mischievous. Also I like it when the heroine is close up and not far away in the background. It seems that it lets me know that I’m going to make a new friend in the book.
Karen Witemeyer says
Oh – I like that. Making a new friend. 🙂 Thanks, Karen.
Dianna Auton says
I will miss the whimsical covers from your previous books however this new one doesn’t stray too far. It’s definitely an updated look and her grin suggests some fun and whimsy. It does give it a more serious look. However, all that said from a girl who sometimes chooses books due to their great cover design, I would pick it up and read it. 🙂
Karen Witemeyer says
Excellent, Dianna. That’s the selling point, isn’t it? Knowing you would pick it up is key. Thanks!
Sandra G says
Of the three, I prefer the cover to “No Other Will Do” because it is more like your previous covers, which I simply adore.
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Sandra. I was glad they didn’t change my look too drastically.
Janet Estridge says
I would pick, up the last 2 books based on the cover alone but not the first one. For some reason it doesn’t do a thing for me. We do have your books in the church library and our readers love them.
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Janet. I wasn’t a huge fan of the blurred effect, either, but at least it is unique. 🙂
Johnette says
I also judge a book by its cover.thats how I tried your books
For the first time..the cover for me. Honestly, no matter what your covers look like now…I will always buy them. I REALLY love the old style of your books. I think they went along perfectly with the inside. Your write such great stories, weaving the Word of God throughout, the characters personalities,’s all in there. I think your covers showed exactly that. These, I’m honestly not a fan of. I read
Only historical. The first cover doesn’t look historica
To me and I would
Pass it by (if I didn’t know you) the second looks exactly what it is..a novella (buying this..excited about your story) the third..I have waited for this one. I am
So looking forward to it. I do like the color
Of her outfit and the town..but honestly, I don’t think it compared with your
Old Covers. This is just me and my opinions and really it won’t stop me from sharing or reading your me, you have a reader for life.
Congratulations on 3 upcoming releases and thank you so much for all you do. You are a blessing!
Karen Witemeyer says
Great feedback, Johnette. Thanks for your honesty. I love my old covers, too. They seemed to be a snapshot of a scene from the story itself, which I really liked. I’m hoping we can find a way to incorporate some of those old strengths with the new, more dramatic look. We’ll see. It’s a work in progress for sure.
Thanks for being such a dedicated reader!
Darcy Southern says
I like your new cover although I miss the hero peeking in somewhere. The model’s smile is fun, but you’re right that the general impression is more serious. I suppose, considering the story, it actually works well to omit her hero this time. And the pink-and-blue sky behind her keeps the overall picture from being too dark.
As a general rule, I look for covers that are neither sensuous nor dark. I like a person in the picture somewhere. And I love little details from the story woven into the cover picture.
By the way, the model on ‘No Other Will Do’ reminds me a little of the model on ‘A Cowboy Unmatched.’ Coincidence?
Congratulations on your new books!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Darcy. Interesting that you noticed similarities between the two dark-haired cover models. As far as I know they are not the same, but it might be worth a question or two. 🙂
Steph J says
My favorite book cover is the No Other Will Do. I really like it because it’s so bright and colorful. I like the other covers too. Although, I do miss the male hero on the cover of your books. I especially like a book with the man and woman on it as a couple! 🙂
Karen Witemeyer says
Me, too, Steph. I like the man on the covers – even if it is just an arm or a leg. Ha! I’ll keep dropping hints and maybe we can get the hero to put in an appearance for the next one. 🙂
Heidi Robbins says
I can get pretty critical of book covers, especially when the Photoshopping is too obvious or the design elements are amateurish. I like all of these covers. None of them would prevent me from buying the book, but I also wouldn’t buy them based on the cover alone. The authors are a bigger draw for me in these cases. I appreciate the boldness of No Other Will Do, but also miss the hero on the cover. I’ve always loved that your novels are about both characters, not one dominantly. I do like that we don’t see her whole face, I’d rather get a hint of the model’s face/expression than an image I don’t feel coincides with the character portrayed in the novel. All in all, I can’t wait to read your new stories!!!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Heidi. I appreciate your feedback. I had one reviewer comment that the cover for No Other Will Do looked too photoshopped to her so hearing you say that it didn’t make that negative impact on you is reassuring, though I’m totally on board for getting the man on cover somewhere. 😉
Melanie Snitker says
Congratulations on your new work! I’m super excited to read No Other Will Do. The cover is different but I really like it! I can get what you’re saying about wanting at least some hint of the hero in it. And I do agree with that. But this particular cover is very striking and I like how the image of the woman is positioned on the cover. Beautiful!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Melanie. That encourages me a lot. I’m so glad you like it and find it striking. I think that is exactly what my designers were going for.
Mocha with Linda says
I love all these covers. And I love that they are “real” pictures. I am really struggling with the computerized covers that so many indie books are trending toward. They look way too cheesy to me.
While a cover is important (and I really prefer not having a full-face on the cover because they rarely completely match the author’s description in the book, plus I always end up picturing the characters in my head), the most important factor for me is the author’s name! I am so excited to see that you have several releases for 2016, and the other authors on the novella collections are some of my faves. Can’t wait to read them!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Linda. I hope you enjoy them all! And I totally agree with you about some of the cheesy computerized covers we see in the indie market. They are getting better, and some are professional and fabulous, but there are still a lot out there that I turn away from just because the cover looks homemade.
June says
Covers can make or break a book with a lot of people. It’s interesting to read everyone’s comments and the reasons why they like or don’t like them. As prominent as that watch is in the photo, I’m glad you incorporated it in your rewrites. I would have thought it was a major part of the story and been a little disappointed if no watch were mentioned. I’m excited about all three books!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, June. Yes, I’m glad we had the cover before I finished with my edits so I could add the watch into the story. It fits well with Emma’s history, so it was easy to do. They toyed with giving her a rifle to hold (that IS in the original story), but I think they decided it looked too cheesy. I’m glad they opted for the watch.
Beckie B. says
I like the cover for your new novel best. I like the bold colors. Even though there is no man, the pocket watch seems like a hint.
Karen Witemeyer says
I love the colors, too, Beckie. And I’m glad that small masculine touch of the watch roused your curiosity. 🙂
Susan Adams says
Of the 3, I’d have to say “No Other Will Do” is my favorite. It is definitely the closest to your previous whimsical covers which I adore. It was the cover of one that made me buy the first of your books that I own (and I think I own all but 1). The other 2 covers are too much like anyone’s book, too common, too formula. I like that I could scroll through pictures of book covers and be able to find yours without even needing to see your name on the cover. I hope future books stick closer to the whimsical covers, even if they are a little more like “No Other Will Do”. Good luck!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Susan. It will be interesting to watch how my next covers evolve. I agree that the last thing I want is a generic look. But I’m also trying to be open to change, which I have to admit goes against my nature.
Susan says
If I had to choose a favorite, it would be the cover for With All My Heart. The art practically invites you to cuddle up with a blanket, a mug of your favorite beverage, and snuggle in to read this in one sitting. Your cover for No One Will Do is gorgeous! I have always found your covers intriguing and like you, I do judge books by their covers and I have never been let down by one of yours!!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Susan! I’m so glad you like the No Other Will Do Cover, and I agree about the Will All My Heart one, too. That scene makes me want to take a deep breath and see if I can smell the flowers. 🙂
Susan Adams says
Change can be good but if it takes away from who you are then I don’t think it is so good. In this case, the new cover works. It still says Karen Witemeyer. I think going to a complete change with a cover more like the novellas would not be a good choice on your publisher’s part. Hopefully they read the comments on this and see how much your readers love your covers. :o) I’d snatch up one of your books without reading the synopsis based solely on the cover because they are always so inviting (and they are excellent reads which makes it even better!).
Michelle A. says
I’m glad the publisher didn’t change things too much with your solo novel “No Other Will Do,” because as a loyal reader, I count on being able to recognize your work in a glance. I loved the previous covers and could easily recognize the style and associate it with you as an author. I hope they don’t take that away! I’m really bad with names, but I can remember the pictures and covers of books much easier. 🙂
Karen Witemeyer says
Great point, Michelle, about remember pictures better than names. I think a lot of people are like that. Hopefully, there will continue to be enough touches in my new designs that readers will recognize them as mine. 🙂
Becky Wade says
I love cover conversations! Of these three covers, I like With This Ring? the best.
To answer your questions about No Other Will Do’s cover…. I like the eye-catching brightness of the sky. I like that this heroine comes across as an interesting, independent, perhaps forceful character. I don’t like the fact that there’s no man on this cover. And I’m not crazy about the place where they decided to crop her face. I think I’d prefer to either see her whole face or have the photo cropped just above her smile. Thanks for sharing these with us!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Becky. I agree that the cropping seems a little awkward. I’m sure they looked at it several different ways and picked the one they thought looked best, but it does seem a little high on her face.
Katarina says
The cover for “No Other Will Do” still looks like it should be long with a Karen Witemeyer book and that is the one I like the best. I like the face being mostly covered, because as a female reader I like to imagine myself as the heroine and with other books when I close them and I see some other girls face it kind of throws off what I just read.
When judging a fiction book by its cover at a book store, I mostly look for covers like yours. Nothing crazy sexual on the cover and being able to go “oh yeah this book looks like its set in the past and there must be a love story based on the handsome man on the cover with the girl”.
Really excited for your new works to come out!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Katarina. I definitely look for the historical flavor, too. It’s the first thing that draws me to a book. I just have to work on getting that hunky hero back on the cover. Ha!
Katherine says
I think the cover for “No Other will Do” is fabulous. Yes it’s a departure and I love the whimsy and hero peek of the over covers, but this one seems more grown-up, mature, which goes well with you maturing as an author. Also, that red! Love it. It will certainly draw people’s eye in the store. Kudos to you for going back and weaving in the watch. One of my favorite things is figuring out how the cover ties in with the story. My husband even asks me now while I’m reading the book if I’ve figured it out yet!
Both novella collections are great! I have a feeling I’ve read most of them, but will have to buy in print just because.
Karen Witemeyer says
So glad you like the red, Katherine. I do, too. I love that punch of color. And I think that touch of maturity is what the design team was going for.
As for the novella, the second one – With All My Heart – has stories you might have read before, But With This Ring? is a totally new collection, never before published.
Hope you enjoy them all!
Tammy says
In my opinion the cover for “With This Ring” looks too modern. It would not catch my eye as a potential book to add to my reading because I focus on Historic tales & this cover doesn’t say “Historic” to me.
“With All My Heart” gives my the impression the novellas won’t be plot driven & will be too simplistic. I don’t know why I get that feeling, but I do.
The cover for “No Other Will Do” is a winner. I like how it focuses on the character of the story enough that my imagination can really move forward from the little details included in the photo. My husband has a purchasing theory that the books without a complete face (whether its cut off on the cover or she’s turned to the side) are the ones that turn out to be the best reads because they have more twists & turns & plot development. I agree with his theory (for the most part).
Karen Witemeyer says
Interesting theory, Tammy. I like it. 🙂 Especially since most of my books have cropped faces. Ha! I think I only have one with a full head.
Sondra Kraak says
Karen, I’ve loved your covers and used them as my examples for the look I wanted on my cover (releasing tomorrow. Yikes!). For me, I’m not sure that this cover changes much in feeling or brand, except the man is missing. The heroine has a whimsical smile and is dangling a watch, which seems playful. What I noticed right away is that your name is much larger than the title, which seems strange to me. However, all I need is your name on a book and I know it will be a great read!
Karen Witemeyer says
Congratulations on your book release, Sondra! How exciting!!! I’m wishing you amazing success. 🙂
Having the name larger than the title is actually kind of exciting for me. It typically means that the author’s name recognition is a bigger selling point than the title of the story. So I was a little giddy when I saw that my name was in the larger font.
Susan Adams says
Sondra, just added your book to my wish list for my next book buying adventure. 🙂 Sounds like a good one!
Sondra Kraak says
Thanks, Susan!
Sondra Kraak says
Karen, I get it now about the name. That is exciting! The marketing factor worked because your name was the first thing I noticed and you’re one of my automatic read authors!
Sandy Faye Mauck says
Hi Karen, if the “wit” in Witemeyer is there, it needs to be on the cover, in my opinion. It is almost like a branding thing with you. Those who love your books, love your wit. There are plenty of serious authors and it shows in their covers. I would disagree with your publisher on this. The new cover is okay and hard to compare the three. I would think you would need something a little generic for a collection. I don’t care for the blur, why not just highlight the ring in the hand. I think we have acclimated to the head chopping but as I have been working on my cover, I wanted more person in it. I find that if I don’t think the person on the cover matches the person in the book, I just tune it out and get the character in my head the way my mind sees her/him. And covers are a big deal to me. I will pick up a book just because of the way a cover looks or ignore it for that matter. Oh, and I like the guys in your covers, too.
Karen Witemeyer says
I love your “Wit in Witemeyer” catch phrase, Sandy. So fun! My editors are trying to draw in a new audience who perhaps are turned off by the humor and whimsy, thinking (wrongly) that the book must just be fluff without any spiritual/emotional depth. So maybe this new cover direction will appeal to those who aren’t actually looking for the wit, but who hopefully will enjoy it while they get lost in a more adventurous/emotional plot. That’s my hope, anyway.
Jen H. says
Designing book covers is a very difficult job. Imagine a potential buyer meandering through the isles at their local book store. There’s countless books to look through and it can feel awfully overwhelming. Therefore, anyone would naturally just skim the shelves and only pick up books that have a captivating cover. Because buyers often skim the shelves, a publisher has MERE SECONDS to capture the attention of the buyer. Therefore, a strong book cover is absolutely essential. It’s the cover design that will ultimately put a stop to the skimming and persuade the buyer to pick up that one book swimming amongst a sea of other novels. Finding the perfect combination of text (title) and visuals (cover art) that immediately stimulates the imagination of a viewer is the goal for any designer.
Your previous covers definitely did that for me. With your previous designs I knew exactly what I was getting into – a fun, lighthearted romance. What intrigued me the most was the action that was captured on each cover. Every time I look at them I feel like I’ve been gifted with this privilege to take a peek into the world of these characters. With “A Tailer-Made Bride” there was the crouched pose of the female next to a mysterious figure. With “Short-Straw Bride” there’s the female peering over the shoulder of the man. With “Stealing the Preacher” the female is grabbing and pulling the arm of this man off camera. What a perfect combination of text and visuals. I read the text, “Stealing the Preacher” and I see this woman tugging on the arm of some man. What an explosion in the mind! I instantly want to look more into this novel and find out what caused this scene.
That all being said…I have to be honest…I’m not a fan of the new cover design for “No Other Will Do.” It feels very flat to me. There’s not enough going on in the cover image that pulls me in and makes me want to learn more about the novel. Honestly, this design looks identical to pretty much every other cover design associated with this genre. I love the rich color palette and the cut-off face accompanied with the pocket watch offers a sense of mystery that I really enjoy. But, I feel there needs to be much more going on. It doesn’t stimulate my imagination enough to persuade me to investigate further. The fact that your name on the cover is enlarged and much more prominent than the actual title of the novel indicates that you have a loyal fan base who will read whatever you write. Therefore, your name is more important than the title. I myself am one of those fans so regardless of this poor cover design, I will read this book. However, if your publisher is attempting to capture more followers than a stronger cover design is necessary. In my humble opinion.
Karen Witemeyer says
Great feedback, Jen. I totally understand where you are coming from, and part of me agrees. I can’t even imagine what goes into a cover design from conception to production. They work so hard to create the perfect image. I do miss the action scene feel to my old covers. I’m hoping we can find a way to merge the old and new as we move forward – action + impact. We’ll see. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. 🙂
Marjolein says
I agree with Johanette! I’m a fan from Holland and in our bookstores are more books with covers like the three above. The ones who stand out the most were your old covers with a nice dress and a man!
When you buyed every book so far, it seams to me that it is way better that all the books are in the same style. When the books stand in your bookshelf, you can pick all your books out from a distance.
I think that when you change it, it will be a more ordinary book (except your name ofcorse).
Why did your Publisher wanted to change it? Did he get complanes from the readers?
Your new bookcover is beautiful though, but i prefer the old ones 😉
Karen Witemeyer says
Marjolein – All the way from Holland? How fabulous! Thanks for your input. 🙂 I think my publisher is hoping to reach new readers with the new covers – trying to entice those who are not already familiar with my books (and didn’t already pick them up with the old covers) to see something new and decide to give it a try. We’ll see how it works.
Nancy Griggs says
I actually like all three of them. They all ask a question! I will want to read all three.
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Nancy! 🙂
Janette Foreman says
First off, if your name’s on the cover, Karen, I’m reading it! That said, I do love all of these cover designs. I like how independent the heroine looks in “No Other Will Do” (cute title, by the way), and I think it captures more of your emotional/spiritual depth.
One last question before I go. Will Stone make an appearance in Dead-Eye Dan’s story?? 😉
Karen Witemeyer says
Thank, Janette. Stone is mentioned in Dan and Marietta’s story, but he’s not on screen. The novella takes place with Dan and Etta pretty much isolated on the Double H ranch. He’s there in spirit, though. 😉
Janette Foreman says
Good enough for me! Dan’s pretty great, too. I’m excited for their story. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Zelma says
Love the middle cover. “No Other Will Do” I know they say don’t judge a book by its cover but to be honest we all do. If I was in the store I would completely pick up this book for the cover. The other 2 not so much. But to be perfectly honest I would pick up any of your books, I have read them all so far and loving them!
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Zelma! I’m so glad you are enjoying my stories. 🙂
Crystal Hayduk says
Of the three covers, “With All My Heart” is my personal favorite. I love the colors of the new novel, but I have to say I do miss the presence of the part of the main fellow. “With This Ring?” doesn’t seem like your brand, but it is shared with other writers, so that is to be expected. From the cover, I expect it to be set in modern day.
I love your writing and your stories. I’ve read everything you’ve had published, and plan to continue to do so. I look forward to more books from you.
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Crystal. Yes, the blurred effect on With This Ring? does disguise the historical elements. All of us write historical, and all of our stories are historical in the collection, but the cover has a bit of a modern, contemporary feel. Maybe we’ll trick some unsuspecting contemporary romance readers into giving us a try. Ha!
Dora Wagner says
I really enjoyed the covers. Each one gives me a sense of mystery and anticipation for the stories contained inside. I will admit that I miss the “glimpse” of the hero.
Karen Witemeyer says
Me, too, Dora. Maybe we’ll get him on the next one. 🙂
Cheryl Baranski says
I love the covers. No Other Will Do is my favorite.
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Cheryl. Of the three, it’s my favorite, too. 🙂
Crystal @ Serving Joyfully says
I’m so excited to read these stories! I always love your books 🙂 I have to say that I’m torn about the covers. I used to LOVE all Bethany House covers. They were all gorgeous. I’m not crazy about the direction they seem to be going as a whole. The cover for With This Ring just seems a bit off to me. You can’t readily tell by looking at it that it’s historical because of the angle and blurring, and the overall feel of it to me seems more contemporary (maybe it’s just me though). It doesn’t seem like a Bethany House cover. I love the cover of With All My Heart! As for your new novel, I’m super excited about the book because I’ve enjoyed all of yours so far. I don’t necessarily love the cover though I can’t put my finger on why exactly.
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Crystal. Bethany House has had such fabulous covers for so long, I can only imagine how hard it is to keep up that standard while still trying to be innovative and respond to retailers who get tired of seeing the same design style. I’m hoping they will continue to refine until they find just the right new balance for me. I trust that they will. 🙂
Crystal @ Serving Joyfully says
Agreed 🙂
Lynda Gomben says
Karen, if your name is on the cover, I am buying the book. My first thought when I saw “No Other Will Do” was positive. The coloring was so rich, the expression on the models face was intelligent and the watch was mysterious.
The cover for “With All My Heart” is sweet. You know the stories will be also.
I did have a negative response to the cover of “With This Ring?” I am not sure the impression it is meant to give, but it just does not impress. Make no mistake, I will be purchasing it, but when I put it on my bookcase there will be another of your books in front of it.
Karen Witemeyer says
Ha! I love it, Lynda. Hide the less lovely cover behind another one. 🙂 Works for me.
Rachel says
Well, I will still read them all however I like the cover for “No Other Will Do” best. I am so glad there is still a beautiful, eye catching dress which is something I tend to associate as a bit of a signature for your book covers. The cover for “With This Ring” doesn’t hint at the genre of the stories within so I would only look twice because I know your name is there. Looking forward to some great reads 🙂
Karen Witemeyer says
Thanks, Rachel. I agree that the blurred look to With This Ring? takes away from the historical feel. I’m hoping that won’t deter readers from picking it up. Hopefully, like you, they will see the author names and recognize it for what it is.
Susan Adams says
I came back to add another thought since I put these on my Amazon wish list and was looking at them again.
What I don’t like about the cover for “With This Ring?” is not so much the blur as it is her finger by her mouth. It looks extremely unnatural to me. I think if her finger were more centered on her mouth it would look better. I can’t say I’ve ever really seen anyone “thinking” with their finger on the side of their mouth. I don’t think it necessarily looks modern either as I think the woman looks like she is wearing clothes from the 1970s, but it sure doesn’t look any more historical than that. Other than the finger, though, the cover is okay in my opinion, but definitely not great.
Karen Witemeyer says
I agree that the finger is a bit too posed. And your comment about the 1970s made me laugh because I could so see that after you mentioned it. Ha!
Susan Johnson says
I like the cover to No Other Will Do, even without the man on the cover. I know your editors are trying to go with “less whimsy”, but I thought they made your books look like a lot of fun to read. That is why I like this cover. It still looks like it would be fun to read.
Karen Witemeyer says
Great, Susan! I definitely want to give the impression that the story will be fun to read. Who wants to pick up something dreary? Not me. 🙂
Holly Neuenschwander says
No Other Will Do is my favorite. I like the strong color of her clothing and the hint of background behind her. Her being on her own and her body position make her come across as a strong, determined lady. The man nearby was cute and I like those covers a lot, but this cover seems to say I don’t need a man to be complete.
Karen Witemeyer says
Interesting take, Holly. And actually that fits the story perfectly. Emma runs a women’s colony where they all believe that they can get by just fine without men. So that impression fits very well with the story.
Ellen says
Karen, I think the cover of No Other Will Do is my favorite of the three. The dress color really stands out and I like the details included like the pocket watch (Glad to see it is a part of the story from reading previous comments!) As someone who doesn’t often pay much attention to the images, I do admit I miss having a hero. 🙂 Typically, it’s the spine you see first so the fonts used are what draw my attention most often. I like the font on your book, simple with just enough flair to intrigue me. The font for With All My Heart is ok, but I have a personal dislike for combining two fonts or fonts in which the letters just look really different, I do however like the all caps. With This Ring just threw me for a loop, lol. Not a fan of the two fonts mixed especially because it seems to put an emphasis on ‘this’. Not knowing what the books are about leaves me a little confused more so than intrigued to be honest. I don’t like using covers to determine what I read, so I honestly don’t typically pay attention a cover-I care more about what the synopsis on the back tells me about a story. Enjoy your covers, there are far too many people to appeal to everyone’s individual tastes. Looking forward to this next release as well as reading your novellas. I love your writing style!
Marla says
I am so glad that you are coming out with a new book. I was just thinking about that when I was trying to figure out what to read next yesterday (which I picked Full Steam Ahead, again.) I’m not a big fan of the With this Ring cover, I’m not sure entirely why though. The other two covers I love! I am a little sad to see no hero on the cover of No Other Will Do, but I do like it anyway. My favorite cover is probably Short Straw Bride (which also happens to be my favorite book.) I think that is because it shows the little bit of teasing that Meredith and Travis do to each other throughout the book. I can’t wait to read your newest work!