On Monday, Deb shared that she began writing 30 years ago this month. So many great books by Deborah Raney have found their way to my shelves because of her decision to write. So I am definitely celebrating this milestone with her.
I have an anniversary of my own this month. Actually a couple of them. First, a little history.
In March 1981 (I don’t know the exact date), I sat down with a yellow legal pad and began writing my first novel. I wrote longhand in evenings and on weekends, and I used the office typewriter during coffee breaks and lunch hours to type the manuscript. I didn’t know much about writing a novel, but I had a great time doing it all the same.
I finished the manuscript in November 1981 and, soon after, mailed out query letters and sample chapters to publishers I found in The Writer’s Market. Most ignored me, the partials drowned in slush piles, no doubt. But I did get two requests for full manuscripts, and one of those publishers offered me a contract with an advance of a thousand dollars. Yippee! I signed the contract in May 1982 and waited to hear back from the publisher with their signature on the contract. Neither contract nor advance came, and in August 1982, I learned the publisher had gone bankrupt. By that time, I had finished writing the sequel.
Time passed while I tried to figure out what to do. I was unsure if my half of the contract still bound me. It didn’t. And, wonder of wonders, I sold both my first and second books to Leisure Books (a mass market romance publisher) in February 1983.
My first book released on January 14, 1984 — making this month my 40th anniversary! The Idaho Statesman (largest newspaper in Idaho) ran a half page article about me, and the bookstore advertised my launch autograph party in the paper. That party was an amazing three hours. Even my first grade teacher showed up for it. I hadn’t seen Miss Moncure since I was six! I sold several hundred copies at the signing that day—which gave me a skewed idea of what future autograph parties would be like. Ha! I’ve had signings in the years since where the only person who approached me wanted to know where the restroom was.
Fifteen years and thirty general market romances later, my first novel for the Christian market, The Forgiving Hour, released (January 1999). Thus, that makes this month also the 25th anniversary of my introduction to Christian fiction readers.
Since then I’ve written another 60 novels and novellas, all of them informed by my faith. My 91st book, To Marry an English Lord, will release in February.

My publishing career has had both high hills and low valleys, but the Lord has been with me through all the ups and downs. I’m so grateful. But the greatest blessings have been the wonderful writers and readers He has brought into my life.
Thank you, each and every one, for being a part of the journey.
Do you have a favorite Robin Lee Hatcher book from the past 40 years?
Robin Lee Hatcher
Latest posts by Robin Lee Hatcher (see all)
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Wow, Robin That is AMAZING. Congratulations.
Thanks, Dani!
Congratulations, Robin. You are an inspiration.
Thanks, Barbara.
Wow, Robin. Congratulations! What a lifetime achievement. And you’re still as humble and pretty as ever. Actually, aside from the big hair and the addition
of glasses, you look the same!
That’s sweet, Marilyn. Thanks.
What a worthy thing to celebrate! The Lord has been SO FAITHFUL in your writing life as the two of you have partnered together on such a large number of novels. Wow. Warmest congratulations!
Thanks much, Becky!
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your writing journey. You are an inspiration, as are other authors on this blog. I have mentioned on some of the other posts from this group how much I am in awe of authors. As a Language Arts teacher for 23 years, I know what it takes to write a novel, and that I could never do it. I am so blessed to have found Christian authors like you!
What a lovely compliment, Betty. Thank you.
What an amazin career, Robin! And you’re still going strong. So inspiring! I love that January maks both a 40 and a 25-year anniversary. Lovely symmetry there. 🙂 May the Lord continue to bless your writing. I expect to see you break that 100 book milestone soon. 🙂
What an exciting set of anniversaries! How wonderful to have blessed so many readers with the beauty and power of words and stories for so long! I have enjoyed many of your books, but my favorite is “Who I am with You.” That one touched a special place in my heart. Keep celebrating what God has done in your life, and keep writing for readers like me!
I’m late hopping on here, Robin, but happy, happy 40th anniversary. We are all the richer for having you as a friend and favorite author!