In my novel, Shadows of Swanford Abbey (December 2021), the Swanford Abbey Hotel is an ancient monastery turned grand hotel.
I wrote that mystery during lockdowns and was unable to visit in person. Swanford Abbey is a fictional place, inspired by past visits to the historic Lacock Abbey in Wiltshire, England, as well as photos and floor plans of the Stanbrook Abbey Hotel in Worcestershire.
My husband and I were finally able to visit the Stanbrook Abbey Hotel in early September of this year.
Stanbrook was originally built in the mid-1700s as a private home. It later served as an abbey for more than 150 years before becoming a hotel.
Here are a few more photos of this wonderful place.
Have you read Shadows of Swanford Abbey? Either way, I hope you enjoy these photos of a beautiful place that helped inspire the book.
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Deborah Raney says
Oh wow! I would have those checkerboard floors in my whole house if I could! So glad you were finally able to visit, Julie! Wonderful photos!
Julie Klassen says
Thank you, Deb!
Becky Wade says
Gorgeous! I love the way your books “come to life” through the photos you take on your visits. 🙂
Julie Klassen says
Thanks, Becky. And thanks for being such a consistent commenter! 🙂
Betty Strohecker says
Thank you for these wonderful pictures!I loved the book and your descriptions which added so much, even though you wrote it during lockdown. Looking forward to the next book!
Julie Klassen says
Thank you, Betty. So glad you enjoyed the photos and the book!
Erica D. Vetsch says
So beautiful! I can’t wait to hear all about your trip!
Julie Klassen says
Hi Erica. Look forward to seeing you soon!
Elisa says
I read a library copy of the novel and enjoyed it.
Oh, these are great photos! That tower reminds me of the one at Westminster Cathedral in London.Are you planning to upload them on your website?
Julie Klassen says
Hi Elisa. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the novel and the photos. I probably should add them to my website. Thanks for the reminder!
Kim says
Thanks for sharing Julie. So happy you finally got there! (Hope Brian also enjoyed the sweet stops!). Did you get to do any research for your next novels?
Julie Klassen says
Hi Kim. Visiting Sidmouth will certainly help me in writing the next books in the On Devonshire Shores series. Mostly, we visited places we’d hoped to visit back in 2020. But I did find a charming village in the Cotswolds I could see myself setting a novel in one day. And you KNOW Brian ate loads of sweets. 🙂
Rebecca Trump says
Hey Julie,
One of my sons just bought me your book, Shadows of Swanford Abbey. I am so excited to read it. I have 5 books I’m trying to read right now, 3 of them from authors asking for me to read and review. And I’m a part of Jaime Jo Wright’s launch team for her newest book, The Premonition at Withers Farm. So, as SOON as I am done with those, I want to sit back and enjoy your book. I’ve been wanting it since it came out. But I’m so glad I was able to see the pics on this email of yours. I’m a very visual person, so I will enjoy the book even more now. 😉
Julie Klassen says
You’re a busy reader! When you do have time, I hope you enjoy the book. Glad you liked the pictures.
Jennifer B. says
Loved the book!! It’s been a while since I read it (the first week it came out) so it was neat seeing these pictures of the real location. What fun plaid floor coverings in the billiards room!
I hope you will continue writing mysteries woven into your regency stories. You are a gifted writer and I enjoy your books! God’s blessings to you, Julie.
Kathleen says
Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures. Such an amazing book! It is on my favorites shelf on Goodreads. I loved how all the pieces came together in the final chapters. Beautifully written.
Lynne Hess says
Love it, Julie! You must have had a wonderful time – such a grand place to visit. I loved the book – one of your best of those I’ve read so far (I still have a few older ones to look forward to).
Harriet Glenn says
I enjoyed Stanford Abbey as I do all your books. I had my own image of the Abbey which was pretty good, but seeing your pictures makes my image pale in comparison. I especially like the library. Looking forward to your next book.
Sally Davison says
I loved this book. I was glued to every page to the end! Great Job Julie!