When my children were small and needy, I dreamed of being home alone. The thought of time in my house to do what I wanted to do sounded like a slice of paradise. Then, suddenly it seemed, my children were grown and gone and my husband took a job requiring travel. Lots of travel. And while i am blessed to accompany him often, I also often find myself (as I do this week) in the midst of my long ago … [Read more...]
A Tale as Old as Time
Our middle child—our oldest son—got married almost 2 weeks ago. It was lovely and joyful, as weddings are. But it wasn’t perfect. In fact, it seemed every moment was fraught with the tension of plans going awry. A wedding band that didn’t get shipped before the wedding. Thunderstorms hovering in the forecast over the rehearsal and wedding day. The deluge of rain that appeared in … [Read more...]
Our Summer Movie Adventure
I know, it’s the 4th of July. But instead of a usual 4th of July post, I’m going to tell you something fun that happened last week. Something epic in our life as a couple. Last week we watched three movies together. Three movies in a theater. Three movies in four days! And while those numbers might not be staggering in your world, they are in mine. It’s the first time in our history as a … [Read more...]
Security Blanket Reads
We’ve had a long 16 months of stressful events. Not all of those events have been bad. Many have been happy things—like weddings!—which produce stress nonetheless. During such seasons of life, even if we run first to Jesus, most of us grab hold of something familiar, something that makes us feel secure. No unlike the way our infants and toddlers reached for their pacifiers or blankets when they … [Read more...]
Suggestions for Portland, Oregon trip?
For the past several years, my husband has traveled extensively for work. Once the kids were all in college, I began to go with him more often, usually when the trips entailed more than a couple nights and/or were to places interesting to me. But I confess, I’m a reluctant traveler. It’s not that I don’t enjoy experiencing new places, it’s the actual traveling part i don’t like. (Planes, trains … [Read more...]