The authors of Inspired by Life...and Fiction thought our readers might be inspired by the gardens of the novelists who are featured on the blog "The Plot Thickens." Each Sunday, we'll share another novelist's newest book, and the garden spots where they find inspiration. Since selling her first book in 1997, Carolyne Aarsen has had numerous novels published. Her stories reflect a love of … [Read more...]
Spring has sprung at our house!
“I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.” ― Virginia Woolf Well, I must be getting older because this year I've officially converted from an Autumn-is-best mindset to an I-adore-Spring one! Perhaps it's because we had such a long winter this year. And I'm fickle, so it's possible when autumn does come, I'll flip-flop and change my loyalties again. … [Read more...]
Speaking of what we’re passionate about . . .
It's been so long, you may not remember, but when Tammy introduced me last month, I mentioned some of the things I was passionate about, and asked you to share some of the things you're passionate about. Most of you were too busy sending warm, friendly welcomes to take the time to do that. But today, I'd sincerely love to know! What floats your boat? What makes your heart sing? What makes you feel … [Read more...]
Author Event: Deborah Raney (4/26/14)
Deb will be signing copies of her novels and visiting with library patrons at a brunch at the Marion City Library, Marion, KS on April 26, 2014 beginning at 9:30 a.m. The Marion City Library is in a beautifully restored and renovated Santa Fe Railroad Depot in the town of Marion, Kansas. … [Read more...]
Author Event: Deborah Raney (4/11/14)
Deb will be at Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference near San Jose, CA from April 11-15, teaching the major morning track on fiction. Deb's topic for the nine-hour teaching track is The Nuts & Bolts of Fiction Writing, which is designed to help writers become proficient with the basic tools of the fiction writer. Keying on characterization, dialogue, pacing, word choice, and other … [Read more...]