We are in Texas this week to meet our brand new grandson, #14 for us, and he may be the cutest one yet! (I say that every time. ;) ) Our little guy is our oldest son's baby and gave us quite a scare. He had to have surgery a few hours after he was born, but came through with flying colors and he's doing just great now. We are so grateful. We're enjoying time with our other Texas grandkids, … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
Wishing a blessed Christmas to all our readers! This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashVerseoftheDay.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with Scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashVerseoftheDay.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with Scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
Just When I Thought I Couldn’t Squeeze in One More Thing…
The month of December has found me in my office working on four different story projects. First of all is an edit for our own Robin Lee Hatcher. (You are going to love her next book, To Capture a Mountain Man!) This is the third in Robin's The British Are Coming series, following these two, which I throughly enjoyed as well. Second, I've been listening to the audiobook files for my novel … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashVerseoftheDay.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with Scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]