Writing is a career that careens out of control. It's a dream that sucks the very marrow from your bones and leaves you spent. I'm firmly convinced God has me in publishing because so much is so far outside of my control. Right when I am my most stressed and worried, He reminds me He's in control of this journey. A couple nights ago my husband and I were talking about how drained I … [Read more...]
The Path of Obedience
For the last week and a half, I've been part of a blog tour of Christian fiction writers of World War II novels. We came together to honor the 70th anniversary of D-Day. I invite you to join the tour by clicking on the image above. It's been such fun (and fascinating to learn about what motivates people to write the stories they do. With each of us it was launched by a story spark. Maybe it was … [Read more...]
The Foiled Tales of Wonder Woman
I own this t-shirt....really. After enough people told me they thought I was Wonder Woman, I decided I needed the t-shirt....though I still don't have the gold bracelets, the lasso of truth, or that invisible plane. That's probably what I'd like most...the ability to fly around in invisible comfort and speed. I tend to joke whenever someone uses that moniker, but I keep thinking if they really … [Read more...]
In Our Weakness
I like to think I can do everything, but I know all too well--sometimes more each day-- that I just can't. That means sometimes I do things I never would have imagined. But in the doing I see His provision of all my needs. That His strength is made perfect when I admit my weakness. This week I registered my daughter for a couple high school classes. My daughter who has been homeschooled every … [Read more...]
Purpose in Everything We Do
I have been immensely blessed in life. I grew up in a Christian home with a heart to serve God from about as young as I can remember. Maybe that's why this quote from Holley Gerth's book You're Made for a God-Sized Dream resonates with me. There is a purpose for everything we do. In a day and age where so much tells us there is no meaning to life, I feel the need to repeat those words. Let … [Read more...]