Quick! What's an unexpected blessing in your life right now? A blessing you didn't foresee. Maybe something you thought was going to be really good, but then it turned out to be even better than you ever dreamed! Or perhaps it's something you didn't even dream of, and now you marvel at what a gift God has given you. That's how I feel about you! When I first started writing, I was just … [Read more...]
Reflections on an Empty Page (Guest blogger Janice Thompson)
As I sit with pen in hand, ready to face the stark, white reality of the empty page, I find myself consumed with thoughts that pull me away from my task. “Am I writing out of passion?” I wonder, “or am I writing to fill a need?” The question brings instantaneous guilt. It also sends my mind off in a thousand different directions. I can’t help but think of Laura Ingalls Wilder in her prairie … [Read more...]
If this Writing Gig Doesn’t Pan Out… (Guest Blogger, Regina Jennings)
Every adult needs a skill set that makes them valuable and employable. Sure, I love being an author, but there are no guarantees in this business. If this doesn’t last I must have something to fall back on, some skill I can rely on to contribute to the family coffers. That’s why I keep my training current so I’m prepared to, in an emergency, go back to the lucrative career of...weighing … [Read more...]
Winner of the Inspired by Life…and Fiction Giveaway
Thanks to everyone who entered the Inspired by Life…and Fiction giveaway during the past week. We're so grateful you're all a part of the community here. We love sharing life with you! And now…for the winner of this giveaway, scroll down. Cynthia, please let me hear from you quickly (I just sent you an email, so simply respond to that), and we'll coordinate getting your books to … [Read more...]
The Chosen Passover Lamb
Passover officially began last evening at sundown… I'm not Jewish and I've never participated in a Seder meal, though I've always wanted to. After all, Jesus was Jewish, and when I read about Jewish history in the Bible, I feel as though I'm learning more about Christ. And, I am. In Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) last week, we focused on Matthew 26 which references the first Passover when God … [Read more...]