Some years ago, I attended a college graduation ceremony (remember when they had those in a normal fashion?), and while sitting in the bleachers, I had an epiphany. I’d always said I was going to get a college degree (something I didn’t do at the usual age) “when I had the time.” And sitting in those bleachers I realized, as with anything else, I would never have the time. If this was something I wanted to do, I needed to just do it.
I went home, got on line, and began the registration process. Three months later, I began my first classes. In the terms that followed, I took most classes online, although a few were hybrid. Credits began to add up (takes awhile when you’re a part time student). I loved the experience of being in school again. It really is different at my age than when you’re a teenager. And since I’m going to school just for the love of learning and not because I’m wondering what I’ll do with my future, that puts a different spin on things too.
Then a family crisis reared its head, one that lasted for many months. It was a stressful time. So I set aside my education goals for a while, and let the Lord take me through that season. Oh, how faithful He is!
Well, I’m about to begin school again!! I am back to being back to school! At this point, one of my goals is to be the oldest graduating student in my class, whatever class that ends up being. Trust me, it won’t be difficult to achieve that goal.
I’m looking forward to this fall term. I’m only taking one class, but it’s one I know I’ll love: American history from the end of the Civil War up to the present. I’ll be studying the Gilded Age, the Progressive era, the Great Depression, the World Wars, and the Cold War, among other things.
Wouldn’t it be grand if I discover an idea for a future book during my studies?

Robin Lee Hatcher
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I just love this, Robin! I’ve admired you going back to school for a long while now and am so glad you’re back in class! I have no doubt your studies will bring new ideas for wonderful new Robin Lee Hatcher novels! I can’t wait to see what they are! Happy new school year!
Thanks much, Deb. After the time off, it’s a little daunting to think of classwork and tests, etc. But I’ll get back in the groove.
This class in history will really help you in your research if you write American history books someday. I have always enjoyed reading Civil War fiction and World War Two fiction. A story about how woman had to work factories during the second war. My mother was one of them. Dad was sent over seas .
Thanks, Shirley. I’ve written many many books set in the American West in the 1800s. Even did one Civil War book. Like you I love WWII fiction. Several books have had partial WWII settings (including Cross My Heart) and one of my novels was set entirely during WWII (The Victory Club). It isn’t hard for me to imagine a return to that era in a future novel.
Congratulations, Robin! Good for you! I graduated from college a long time ago, but when I started writing about ten years ago, I thought I should take a “refresher” course at the local university (not the one I graduated from,) I was working full-time and so I took a night class on creative writing. My goodness, what an eye-opener. I was amazed at the lack of interest the other students, much younger than myself, had in the class. Apparently, it was a requirement for them, not really a choice, like it was for me, and they wanted to just get through it. As a result, I seemed to be in the minority of those who did their assignments on time and actually tried. I made an A in the class, but college had certainly changed from the first time I went through. I decided that I would focus my attention on the techniques used by successful writers like you instead of taking any more classes at the college.
I’ve been told, since my return to school, that professors love older students because they tend to turn in assignments early, follow all the instructions, etc. So far, I’ve got a 4.0 GPA. I wasn’t so sure I would manage that while taking my math class.
Way to go after that goal Robin. A few years ago, my son earned his Masters Degree through the Western Governors University online program. With students from all over the country, they held a graduation ceremony in Atlanta. My wife and I went with him and his family to the ceremony. As I recall, one lady was recognized as the oldest graduate in that class. I think she was in her eighties. So, I encourage you to go for it, but you’ve got a ways to go to beat that. 🙂
I’ve been to three college graduation ceremonies in the past six years. Two had graduates in their 80s and one had a graduate in her 90s. Hopefully it won’t take me that long. LOL!
YAY Robin!! I am thrilled for you and think what you’re doing is wonderful. And that history class you’re taking—WOW! I have a feeling you might get quite a few story ideas from that course.
It’s funny, because when I was younger and in school, I did NOT like history. At all. Now I love it and have often thought how much I’d enjoy taking those same classes again, LOL.
Praying that all goes smoothly for you.
Hugs, Patti Jo
P.S. This has nothing to do with your post (haha) but a few days ago a nice, printed Idaho travel guide arrived in my mailbox. I’d forgotten I had ordered it, but immediately thought of YOU! Maybe one day I’ll actually visit Idaho in person rather than just looking at a travel guide and daydreaming. 😉
Oh, Patti. Wouldn’t that be fun to meet up in Idaho?! You let me know if you’re ever coming.
Congratulations. I’m back at school after 30 years. I plan to graduate in the spring. It does feel good to finally accomplish this goal. I’m cheering you on.
Yea, Patti. Congratulations on that approaching degree.
So happy you can return to the classroom. Enjoy your semester!
Thanks, Jen.
I’m cheering you on, Robin, as you return to school! I hope you love your upcoming history class. The subject matter sounds fabulous!
Thanks, Becky. I confess that history is much more appealing to me than the science options (I still need 3 more credits of science).
Congratulations. You will bring so much knowledge and understanding to your new classes. In my first job, after a Masters, ( science history) I was offered the chance of mostly distance teaching in the UK ‘ Open University’ Some were able to come to monthly seminars, others I’d never meet face to face. Most of my students were old enough to be my parents, one was seriously hearing impaired. To the standard academic requirements, they brought wisdom and experience. I learned so much.