I’m in the Caribbean at the moment, so author Carol Moncado is guest-blogging for me today AND offering a giveaway. So be sure to check the bottom of this post for the inside scoop on the prize pack we’re offering.
I first touched bases with Carol when she sent me a note of encouragement after the release of my first novel for the Christian market. Shortly after, I was able to meet her in person at the American Christian Fiction Writer’s Conference. She was the one with a big smile, a bigger hug, and a huge box of cookies that she’d baked to give to friends. Who can’t love a lady who walks around giving out cookies? She’s a delight! – Becky
When Becky asked if I’d like a guest post, I jumped on it! Because Hello! Becky! I knew from the first time I read “It’s on like Donkey Kong” in My Stubborn Heart I would like her.
I was right.
“Life” has been happening to me this summer. Anyone else?
Last week and the week before I was a band mom for at least forty-five hours during band camp — often necessitating 2-3 daily trips to school. It’s not far and I loved doing it, but the busyness was wearing.
In the past few days, one of my kids needed a chiropractic appointment (me too!) and a ride to work (and back again). Another kid went to see a new dentist to get three teeth pulled. But they only pulled one and we have to go back in a month for the others. A third kid (who is actually my fourth kid) had a birthday. And… well, other stuff that’s weighing very heavily on me.
I haven’t written a word since Sunday, which was the final day in a not-as-successful-as-I-wanted writing weekend. The fact that I’m writing a Christmas novella in July is maybe part of why I haven’t written nearly enough this month. Regardless of the creative and scheduling reasons, I’m feeling huge pressure to get the novella and the next novel done.
Recently, I read Connilyn Cossette’s Counted with the Stars. It’s the story of an Egyptian slave girl who left with the Israelites. In the reading of it, I was reminded of the necessity of being still. Of letting God wash over me with peace that only He can provide. I try to make time for Bible reading in the presence of the One who knows me better than I know myself. Beyond that, SLEEP! Reading. Massage.
I think many of us struggle to be still because we’re so busy. There’s always one more thing that needs doing. One more person who needs us.
I know moms of little ones know what I’m talking about. There are times when you need just a few minutes vacation from the One More Thing that’s wearing you down. My children aren’t as little anymore, and I still feel that way often. Instead of snacks and diaper changes and refusals to nap, I’m grappling with kids who need me to drive them somewhere or to sit with them when they’re crying over things far more serious than a broken toy.
In the midst of it all, we need to take care of ourselves, too.
All of us — moms or not — have people in our lives who depend on us. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t be able to pour into others.
What do you find most effective when you need time in the stillness?
When she’s not writing about her imaginary friends, Carol Moncado is hanging out with her husband, four kids, and a dog who weighs less than most hard cover books. She prefers watching NCIS to just about anything, except maybe watching Castle, or Girl Meets World with her kids. She believes peanut butter M&Ms are the perfect food and Dr. Pepper should come in an IV. When not watching her kids – and the dog – race around her big backyard in Southwest Missouri, she’s teaching American Government at a local community college. She’s a founding member and President of MozArks ACFW, category coordinator for First Impressions, blogger at InspyRomance, and represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency.
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The below giveaway is now closed. Warmest congratulations to the winner, Joyce Heffron. And many thanks to everyone who entered!
I remember those band camp days! Our kids are out of high school now, so watch out because that happens fast. Hopefully now that band camp is over, the Christmas novella words will be flowing. Have a marvelous vacation, Becky Wade.
I loved every minute of it! (almost ;)) Looks like I’ll be a band mom until 2025 – but then my oldest wants to take over for her director when he retires so… :D.
It must be challenging to juggle between being a prolific writer and managing your busy household. If you lived next door to me, I’d offer to drive some of those band camp trips! Bless you.
Aw! Thank you! I loved spending time getting to know the kids! And seeing kids I already love… but it did take a lot of time. It’s my first year volunteering so I’ll have a better idea for next year.
I remember those hectic crazy days. But being on the other side of that now, I can say I really miss it. Empty nesting can often be a lonely time. Especially after kids move out or get married and are building their own lives. I often have too much time to reflect on times past, mistakes made, hopes dashed, plans diverted. But the one thing I treasure, besides the sweet memories and not so many distractions, is taking more time now with my hubby and my Lord.
I’m sure I’ll miss it too, but I can’t say I’m not looking forward to school starting in a couple weeks ;). It’s hard to get much work done with all we have going on in the summer! I’ve got three years before the first one graduates high school so I’ve got a little bit of time too…
I always thought that once my kids grew up I would have time for myself, so I didn’t take it then. I should have, because now I’m spending time doing things for my 3 adult children and 6 grandchildren! I am, out of necessity, taking it slower and finding more time for myself, but I wish I had done it then also!
I think we all need to take time specifically to take care of ourselves at every stage! I’m looking forward to the grandkid stage, but not for a while!
I am an introvert, so alone time is essential for me. Whether I’m reading, writing, praying, or meditating, my alone time refuels me and readies me for ‘peopling’ times.
Heart of a Prince has a gorgeous cover!
Thank you! I love the cover! It’s probably my favorite!
The older I get, the more introverted I get. I’ve always been pretty much an ambivert, but more and more I’m more introverted. I TOTALLY get that!
The one time I’m a full on extrovert though, is when I’m at the ACFW conference – because if I’m too introverted I miss times to chat with Becky and others I would miss (and only see once a year!), but one of my best friends (and conference roomie) is much more introverted and spends a lot more time in our room when she needs to.
Sticky notes, pens, and a Carol Moncado book? This giveaway is designed for me.
Never done band camp, but I did a traveling symphonic band in college. That was crazy.
I can imagine! My oldest wants to take over for her high school band director when he retires, so I’m sure there will be much more band momming for years (but when she becomes a director, I get to be band godmother ;)).
Sometimes it is hard with all that is going on to find the time..” be still”. I think it takes conscious effort and I know for me it is hard. But as my pastor says you “need to prioritize your schedule …not schedule your priorities.”
Oooo! I like that! Summer is hard to find time to be still for me. Even at the massage today it was hard because my hip is also out of whack :p. Just so much going on. But necessary!
Usually, my happy place is poolside, but with my oldest working this summer (and not driving), I’ve spent precious little time there…
I’m interested in enjoying this book! Have a great day.
You too!Hope it’s been fantastic!
Carol is a new author to me, and I would love to win a copy of her book. Thanks for the chance.
The cover is beautiful and the story sounds great. I enjoyed the blog. Even though I have now reached my 80th year, I have not forgotten those busy days when our three children were home and our home was overrun with church kids as well, since my husband was a pastor. Those were busy but wonderful days. Blessings on you writers who provide so many great books for this avid reader. 

Hi, Evangeline! Those days sound wonderful! I want to have all the kids at my house too (which means I probably need to find time to clean it ;)). I had a lovely chat with a couple in their 80s today – so much wisdom! I wish I could do the same with you!
Love these wonderful books. Thanks for all you do for your readers.
Hi, Linda! I’m so glad!
Love your thought of Be Still. Something I think the whole world could do more of and it’d be a much better place.
Oh my! Wouldn’t it?! I would totally be on board with the afternoon siesta thing too ;).
I can’t wait to read this new book from Carol. I love reading her books. Thanks for offering them.
Hi Susan! I’m so glad!
I love stories that take me away when I am dealing with lots of life stuff. A few minutes ( or more!) of escape can make it possible to go on with a better attitude. We do need to take time for ourselves so we don’t wear down our joy in living.
Yes! I get so grumpy when I don’t have that time – either sleep or reading or just being still! So much easier to find the joy when we’re not worn out!
Congratulations, Joyce!! You have won the prize pack that includes Carol’s new book, a set of sticky notes, and a set of pens. Thanks for visiting our blog and commenting on this post.
Please email me via my web site to let me know where you’d like your gifts sent.
The Heart of a Prince sounds like a good read! And thank you for the reminder to just Be Still!
I like to think it’s a good read!
I have enjoyed many of Carol’s books & would love to read this one as I prepare for the craziness of a new school year!
Hi Rachel! I’m so glad to hear that! Two weeks from yesterday – that’s when my kids go back! Fall will be busy (/cough/band/cough/) but overall it’s slower than summer is around here anyway!
It’s very important to find time to “be still”…sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t, depending on the season of life. Looking forward to this book!!
It’s definitely easier at some times than it is at others! We went on a cruise for Spring Break (20 years this year! But took the kids – because there’s four of them… and it’s hard to get them taken care of for a week with all we’ve got going on!) and my favorite part was sitting on deck 4 (where the shuffleboard is) and just… being. Summertime? So much harder! (And harder now in some ways than when my kids were younger – but also easier in others… or at other times of year anyway…)
Thanks for the reminder to be still and take time for ourselves. I’m in the thick of busyness right now so those word were needed. And, thanks for the giveaway!
I hope you get some still time!
I’d love to read Heart of a Prince as I haven’t read that one. Love your books Carol! Thanks for the reminder to take care of ourselves and to be still.
Hi Pam! It comes out 7/31! I kind of love it! I hope you do too!
We don’t do band camp at our house but my daughter just came home from a week of choir/voice camp and will be heading off to dance camp in a couple of weeks. Fun times! I’m so glad kids can have positive experiences at camp.
Fun! Ours isn’t an “away” camp. They’re at the high school from 8-5 every day (well, on the practice field ready to play at 8!) and come home ready to nap ;). She loves it though! Next year, I’ll have two there – but one wants to do color guard, so that’ll be new…
I desperately seek peace when I’m dealing with teenage drama at home and at work. The Spirit always whispers Breathe, just breathe. Exercise is a way for me to unwind and listen to Him.
Oh! Teen drama! We’ve had our share! And more coming, I’m sure! I’ll have three girls in high school at the same time in a couple years…
I need to use exercise time for that. I need to exercise more in general, but using that time to listen is brilliant!
I remember the band camp days of my youth. Now my summer busy-ness consists of VBS and children’s church camps. I definitely can relate to the reminder of the importance of being still.
And I’m glad to get to read your guest blog, because now I know about a new author I can check out.
We had VBS the first week of band camp – but my oldest didn’t participate. She came home and slept.
My next two volunteered and the youngest attended. Did I mention my husband was also out of town 6 of those band camp days? :p
Still is hard to come by but so necessary!
(I do have two free Kindle books to get you started! Would love it if you’d check them out!)
Okay I buy everyone of your books. I so enjoy them and hate the wait at times. Trying to get my girls to read your books. I know they would fall in love also.
That would be awesome! I love that you love them! I’m trying to make the wait times as short as possible, but books take too long! If only I could think it and have it show on the screen ;).
Hope you enjoy your vacation. I had two kiddos in band camp for years. and the chiropractor has been a friend since before I got married. You are one busy lady. My hat is off to you. I was reminded recently about taking time to be still before the Lord. Thanks for the reminder again. It is way to easy to be constantly busy.
Busy is my middle name it seems! I should have seen the chiropractor years ago but didn’t. It’s so easy to be so busy, but I’m learning to be intentional about stillness!
Well I’m not a mother, I’m a teacher and I know that the business that I see mothers involved in during the school year has been exhausting to watch for the past 25 years of my teaching. I totally applaud mothers. I loved reading your blog post, but it sounds like you got the right mix there. Have you ever tried essential oil’s diffusing them helps to call me. I’m looking forward to reading your books I’ve never heard about you until today so hopefully I’ll win LOL! Have a great summer! Mary
I have not tried oils, but I do have lots of friends who do, including one who does all kinds of trainings and such. I need to set up a time to chat with her.
Thank you for all you do as a teacher! Teachers know busy too! I come from a family of them (and my degree is secondary education, though my certificate has lapsed)!
Hi everyone!!! Y’all are on the ball this morning!!!
Because I tend to work best late at night, i also tend to sleep in. This morning I have a doctor’s appointment (nothing big) and them my tri-weekly massage!
But first I have a kid headed to a water park with a friend who needs her hair braided ;).
I’ll be back later to reply individually, but for now – so glad to see all of you!!
Also – COUNTED WITH THE STARS is available for FREE right now on Kindle. I’ll dig up the link later if someone else hasn’t already :).
Looking forward to reading Heart of a Prince!
I hope you enjoy it!
I would love to win a paperback
Good luck!
I’d love to win this prize package. The book sounds awesome!
Good luck! I kind of like it ;).
I would love to read your book!
I hope you enjoy it!
I just recently heard about Carol as an author. I haven’t read any of her books but this series sounds very interesting – great in fact. Would love to win and try this (new) author. Also, I always leave reviews on books I enjoy. Have a blessed weekend.
Hi Pat! This would be a great time to jump in because it’s a new series! (Eventually it will connect with the others, but it’s not necessary to have read them :)). I hope you enjoy them!
It’s agonizing waiting for the next book by your favorite authors to come out! Thanks for all you do ladies with your writing, keep them coming! I enjoy them greatly!!!
I know! It is agonizing! I’m so glad you enjoy them!
Congratulations your book! Both of you writers (ALL writers, I mean to say) work so very hard to tell beautiful stories! Thank you!
Thank you! I never realized how hard writers work until I became one! They do!
Thanks just what i needed to hear today.
I’m so glad Kimmie!
I find it all too easy to wait until I’m tired before making time to rest and “be still” with God. But, when I do, it is ALWAYS worth it!
Oh, it’s always worth it! And it is easy to wait too long!
A Mom’s life is just busy, busy, busy! My girls always told me for a ‘stay-at-home’ mom, you don’t stay at home much! When those quiet moments come, we know to cherish them all the more! And just cherish the busy with our kids, it’s just a Season and it goes by fast!
Oh don’t I understand that! I cherish these times – but need that still time too!
Would love to read this book (and get the other stuff too). Thanks!
Hi Tammie! I hope you get the chance!
Hi Carol! Wow its sounds like you are a busy Mom or should I Say Wonder Woman!
LOL! Busy yes. Wonder Woman, notsomuch! (Cara Putman gets that honor ;))
I just love Becky Wade abd Carol Moncado books! Looking so forward to their next books. My alone time is late night and early morning! Watching the sunrise is spectacular and you see God`s handiwork anew each time you witness this.
Hi Debbie! I’m so glad! Becky’s books are fantastic aren’t they?! I love them!
I don’t see sunrise very often (on purpose), but I do love sunsets!
Oh I completely understand your busy-ness. That’s been my summer in a nutshell. And yet every morning I pray for less busy and more family unity. It’s slowly turning around.
Thank you for the guest post. I love the cover of the book.
Summer is actually busier for me than the school year – though my kids might disagree! I’m so glad it’s turning around for you! I love this cover too!
Thank you for writing down the words I feel! It has been a crazy-busy summer this year, but I keep reminding myself and rediscovering that time with the Creator and His Word is more refreshing to me than any other alone time. Why do I keep forgetting this?
Because it’s so easy to forget! It’s easy to put that time off until later and then later gets pushed later and later… Oy! But it’s so important!
Looking for new authors so would love to win this book:)
Good luck! I love new authors!
(I do have two free books on Kindle! I’d love to have you as a reader!)
You will have lots more time when your nest is empty! If you love parenting, and it sounds like you do, try to see the best of each day, because when those years are gone, there is nothing but time to remember. I would like to read your book to get to know your style. Thanks for blogging.
I do love parenting! And I LOVED spending time with the band kids, just wasn’t mentally prepared for how much time it did take! I’ll be better prepared next year! I do have two free books on Kindle – I’d love to have you try them!
How fun! It’s been a crazy time here as well … we’ve been way busier than is good for us even though we dropped several activities. Having teens who work but don’t drive has turned me into taxi mom extraordinaire!
That is such a neat reminder – it is so important to take the time to be still. I really like the giveaway idea, I think royal sticky notes could be really fun!!
Heather – Yes! I only have one teen who works but doesn’t drive, but she’s working like 38 hours this week so lots of chauffeuring! Plus everything else we’ve got going on!
Fortunately, we’ve never had too many activities but it does seem like the ones we have are overwhelming sometimes (really, just band and swim team – which is about 6 weeks in the summer and all the regular stuff.
Emily – I’m wondering if I can get in on this giveaway for those sticky notes ;).
This book sounds very interesting to me adn I would love to read it!
I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for filling in for Becky today. For a time of stillness each day I turn to my devotions and Bible study. I like to do this in the mornings.
Thanks for your most generous giveaway.
That’s fantastic! A great time to do it!
This boo looks great! And who doesn’t love pens ?
Everybody loves pens! And if they don’t, they should!
I needed this blog post today.
Me too! And I wrote it ;).
I thought when my husband and I retired we’d spend our days doing what we enjoyed (RV camping) but alas not so. We are keeping grandkids and a MawMaw (my mother).
Gail – I hope you have the opportunity to do more camping, but sometimes responsibilities do have to come first. I hope you’re taking the time to be still in the time you do have.
Reading helps me during my “still” time to relax. Thanks for your giveaway. You are a new author to me. I enjoyed reading this blog post.
Hi Donna! I love reading too! I’d love to have you as a reader (and I do have a couple of free Kindle books if you’re interested :))! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Carol, thank you for the guest post. It indeed is very difficult to be still, especially with four children and their constantly changing and demanding schedules. Just forcing myself to sit down for a few minutes, without my phone, to-do list, and *gasp* even a book, helps me refocus when I feel like pulling my hair out
On a different note, I love your books! I just recently discovered them and am so thankful!
Hi, MH! Yes it’s busy and demanding but I do love it! Sitting down without a book? Is that even legal?
I’m so glad you’re enjoying them!
Wow! You do a lot! The prize pack looks great so pick me to win.
Good luck, Martha!
Stillness: I remember that still small voice once saying to me, “be still, and know that I am God” and my response was – “I don’t know how to be still”. . . .even now I find myself “chattering” away to God as I try to be still – even with grown up children life happens! That moment (or hour) of buried in my Bible and Prayer Journal offer a moment of stillness before my God. Sometimes it’s in the middle of the night when sleep alludes me. Carol – I love you books. Today (as my author daughter was complaining she hadn’t met her writing goal) I was thinking about the many new authors I have found recently – and I am so impressed with the effort that goes into make time to write something that gives enjoyment to so many. Editing as you Mom! So many of us “wait” until we have time – instead of making time. I guess the same holds true for stillness. . .
I’m so glad you love the books! It’s great that your daughter is an author! It’s not easy, but it is worth it to have this as my job ;).
I Don’t get a lot of alone time but I love and need to be alone and read sometimes.
Thanks for sharing with us.
I think we all need alone time and some time or another, even if it’s just a few minutes here and there.
Shared by Tweeting Blog Post https://twitter.com/LindaMoffitt02/status/891023093707288576
Be still so important to remember. I have older kids and things are certainly more complicated then when they were younger. . (of course I still have little kids too.)
Love the cover of your new book.
Hi Becky! I think it’s a different kind of complicated, but definitely different! I’m so glad you love the cover! I do too!
I recently discovered Becky’s books (yay!) & I’d love to enjoy Carol’s

I homeschool 4 kiddos so every “be still” time i get is fought-for & precious! But God seems to multiply the moments & make each second count
Aren’t Becky’s books FABULOUS?!?! I love them all! I can’t wait for her next one! Homeschooling is one of the things I know I couldn’t do (unless I absolutely had to… that’s why we moved into the district we did – because of the schools).
I have never done band camp, but we did Debate and would volunteer to help with that when our school held theirs. Would love to win!
Hi Carol! Turning everything off. Or turning everything off except some music that brings me closer to Christ. Either of those help me.
Barb – We’ll be doing competitions and who knows what else too ;). Love band kids! Good luck!
Sabrina – that sounds wonderful!
“Be still.” I keep the front of a Christmas card with Psalm 46:10 in the pocket of my Nook cover as a continual reminder. After retiring June 1 from 34 years of teaching, I still have not slowed down, but I am beginning to learn how. And I, like so many, need to take the time to know more of our Heavenly Father.
Glad to learn about you, Carol and I am looking forward to reading your books. I love to find new authors and it is especially exciting to learn of one who feels like a neighbor. I was born in Southwest Missouri and grew up in Northwest Arkansas. There’s no place like the Ozarks!
You’re right! No place like the Ozarks! I love it here!
And wow! 34 years! Good for you! Congrats on your retirement!
You know I have loved every single on of your books I’ve read Carol, which is most, though I do have them all I believe. When I really need wind down time I like to walk….problem is sometimes my youngest wants to go with me so it doesn’t end up being wind down time.
Andrea – I’m so glad! Big hugs! I understand! That’s a hard choice sometimes – the alone time or precious time with a kiddo. Maybe there’s a way to alternate days or something?
Oh I so agree- the art of “Being still” as well as the Knowing he is God is so important and therein lies peace. Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh yes! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for the giveaway…and enjoy your kids during this phase…my baby is now 31 (agh!!) and lives 10 states away….but she’s coming home in October…YAY!!
31?! I’ve got a while before I get that far – but I’m kind of praying they all stay more like 10 miles away instead of 10 states ;).
Great guest blog, Carol. Thanks for the reminder to be still. That is something I really struggle with, partly because there is always something to do, and partly because its hard sometimes to do nothing. Its important though because otherwise we miss out on so much. Hope your writing goes well and you can take it easy soon.
Hi Megan! There always is something more to do. But yes, we do miss things if we don’t listen for that little voice!
Thank you so much for the chance. I wasn’t in band, as my parents couldn’t afford an instrument. My daughter played flute and piccolo.
I understand how that goes! We’re fortunate our kids can be, but I know others who weren’t. Right now, my oldest plays tenor saxophone (and also has two alto saxophones that need fixing up, a clarinet, and a keyboard). My second plays flute and has worked for me enough to pay off getting a piccolo fixed up (it’s still in the shop) and has a guitar and ukulele. Third plays trumpet and guitar (and has a ukulele too). Fourth is only in 5th grade so no band yet, but he got an electric guitar/amp for his birthday this week and has a ukulele too. My husband is also learning guitar.
Me? I play the radio. On a really good day I can get Pandora to cooperate ;).
Whew! All caught up I think!
Connilyn Cossette’s book is currently free at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BZBCQ1S
I have two free books for your Kindle:
FINDING MR. WRITE (if you ever wanted insight into writers, this is it!): bit.ly/FindingMrWrite
And HEART OF A PRINCE is still the special preorder price of 2.99 – that’ll go up when it releases: bit.ly/HOAPMoncado
You can find all of my books at bit.ly/moncado
Thanks so much for stopping by, everyone! And thank you for having me Becky! I hope you’re enjoying the Caribbean!
My 8 children are all adults now but I certainly remember the driving, driving and more driving. Now I get to drive some of the grandchildren. I don’t think I have read one of your books. I would like to win this one.
Hi Carol! 8?! My lands! My four are enough ;).
My sister-in-law lamented how they always had a year or so after the driver moved out until the next kid could drive. We won’t have that issue ;). And so far they seem to be involved in a lot of the same activities so… :D.
Love meeting new authors. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Hi, Linda! Good luck!
I remember those busy times when the children were younger. Now they are both grown and living on their own so I have lots of alone time. Since I work at an elementary school, I have summers off and lots of time for quiet and to recharge. When I’m at work, I still need to have a quiet lunch (just my book and me) to settle my spirit and recharge to have enough energy and be nice in the afternoons. I also have Bible reading and prayer in the morning and before bed and try to pray at times throughout the day. Stillness is necessary for me.
Good for you for recognizing it and figuring out how to make life work for you! Love it!
If an man has the heart of a prince it seems he would be willing to sacrifice himself for others.
Yes, he should!
(And I like to think Jordan would ;).)
I can’t believe July is almost over! I’m not ready for school to start again and I’m not ready to give up my reading time to grade papers!
I don’t blame you! I’m ready though ;).
I am looking forward to reading Carol’s series
Hi Chris! I hope you enjoy it!
(It looks like this comment from last night got caught in moderation bc it had a link in it. I’ve put a couple spaces in the link to Connilyn Cossette’s book, so you’d need to take them out and copy/paste it into your browser :).)
Whew! All caught up I think!
Connilyn Cossette’s book is currently free at: https:// http://www.amazon. com/dp/ B01BZBCQ1S
I have two free books for your Kindle:
FINDING MR. WRITE (if you ever wanted insight into writers, this is it!): bit.ly/FindingMrWrite
And HEART OF A PRINCE is still the special preorder price of 2.99 – that’ll go up when it releases: bit.ly/HOAPMoncado
You can find all of my books at bit.ly/moncado
Thanks so much for stopping by, everyone! And thank you for having me Becky! I hope you’re enjoying the Caribbean!
(It looks like this comment from last night got caught in moderation bc it had a link in it. I’ve left the product ID for Connilyn Cossette’s book in there to help you find it.)
Whew! All caught up I think!
Connilyn Cossette’s book is currently free at: Search this on amazon: B01BZBCQ1S
I have two free books for your Kindle:
FINDING MR. WRITE (if you ever wanted insight into writers, this is it!): bit.ly/FindingMrWrite
And HEART OF A PRINCE is still the special preorder price of 2.99 – that’ll go up when it releases: bit.ly/HOAPMoncado
You can find all of my books at bit.ly/moncado
Thanks so much for stopping by, everyone! And thank you for having me Becky! I hope you’re enjoying the Caribbean!
Love that book cover.
Oh my! With one of my kids headed to her first year of college (5 hrs away
), another starting his first yr of high school
, and my third one finishing up her elementary years this year
, is their time to be still anymore!?! I find myself taking a little longer in the bathroom and shower, my only place of solitude anymore!They tell me I will survive these years, but only with God’s help!! A good book and some quiet time goes a long way with this mom! Thanks for writing books I can enjoy and escape for a little while! Onward to the next debacle coming our way.. it’s always something around here!
I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks!
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