Each season brings a beauty of its own, but I have to admit that spring is by far my favorite season of the year. It never fails to cheer my heart to see dormant plants come to life again. Brown replaced by green. Rose bushes that looked like sticks a week ago now team with green leaves and new buds.
For me, spring doesn’t truly arrive until I spot the first Texas bluebonnets of the year. We don’t get as many in Abilene as they do down in the hill country, but I know which places along the highway to check once the temperatures begin to warm. This year, I spied the first hint of blue on April 1st.
I took these pictures several years ago when my kids were much younger, but they are still some of my favorites. I have framed versions sitting on my desk in my office so I can look at them every day.
Another favorite sign of spring in my area are the bright pink blossoms of the redbud trees.
Those gorgeous pink blossoms never fail to make me smile.
We also have a family of birds that build their nest on our front porch every year. They leave quite a mess on the front step, but I don’t have the heart to shoo them away. The kids love to see the babies hatch. Okay . . . I do, too. Their fuzzy little heads and open beaks as they cry for Mama to feed them is too precious to miss.
How about you?
- What are your favorite first signs of spring?
- Do you have any spring blossoms that are unique to your area?
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Hi Karen!
You will realise we are in Autumn at present but our weather pattern is so changeable right now. We are certainly experiencing all four seasons rolled into one!
Today, was a glorious 25 degrees Celsius but tomorrow, we are back to 19 degrees with showers.
Last week we had a week of sunshine and as we drove up our street, having checked out the beautiful autumn leaves in the hills and admiring them profusely ,we could not believe our eyes as we rounded the corner and a bush of Aussie Wattle came into view,in full bloom. A delightful scent filtered through the car vents and the vibrant yellow bush was just gently wafting in the breeze….Note… the wattle flowers only in Spring (or has done so up until now) .Mother Nature is certainly keeping us on our toes !LOL
In five weeks, we will be experiencing a Northern Summer(I hope!):) Enjoy your Spring while it lasts Karen.:)
I wish you and your family, a truly Blessed Easter.
Rosie – That’s right. It’s fall in your neck of the woods, isn’t it? I know all about the fluctuating weather. Texas is famous for having 80 degree heat one day only to have it snow the next. And, no that is not an exaggeration. Happened just this year. Crazy. Glad you got a little glimpse of spring with the beautiful wattle blossoms. 🙂
Karen I meant to comment on your photos, they’re awesome!:)
Thanks! I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing my kids in the bluebonnets. 🙂
I love seeing the Dogwood trees in bloom! I’m not sure if they are a tree that grows mostly in the south or not. I grew up in MI and we didn’t have them there… It’s so neat to just be driving along and see them out in the wild. You can spot their white blossoms easily in the woods.
Dogwoods are gorgeous. I’ve seen them in real life, just in pictures, but I would love to walk through a bower of them when they are in bloom. How romantic would that be?
Karen, I love that awakening of spring. Our irises are poking up and everything is beginning to come back to life. It’s been an odd winter with snow even this week. Sunburn on Saturday and frostbite on Tuesday! Glad it didn’t effect my plants!
Hi, Cara. Before we moved, I had an iris bed that would bloom every spring. Such tall, proud flowers. I hope you avoid the frost. We dipped into the low 30s the last couple nights but are supposed to be on the way back up, so hopefully the plants are safe. I trimmed back my roses right before the last cold blast came through in March and had to see all the new growth shrivel and die. Thankfully, they rebounded and are covered in leaves and even a few early blooms now.
We always “raced” to see who could spot the first robin. I saw them very early in the “season”, this year. It was still very winter when I spotted the first one.
The weather here in Ohio has been extremely bipolar–we are like Rosie down under, enjoying each and every season through out the week.
The trees started to bud and the day lilies have bloomed. On Tuesday, God sent us a big surprise–snow. The flowers have seemed to survive the sudden return to winter.
Merry Easter (Without Christmas, there is no Easter) to you and yours.
Dora – Glad your flowers are proving hearty. Those late snows can wreak havoc. May you have a blessed Easter as well.
I saw my first crocuses this week, but they were buried yesterday under another ten inches of snow . . . So it will probably be a few weeks yet before the bloodroot, hepatica, and spring beauty arrive – the very first tiny wild blossoms popping up out of the leaf mold, while the sun can still easily penetrate the barely budding trees. At my parents’, the spring beauty forms a hazy, pale pink carpet in the woods for the week it blossoms.
10 inches???? Wow. That’s a lot for a late snow. Your descriptions of what is coming sounds lovely, though. I’d love to stroll through the woods at your parents’ house. Sounds gorgeous!
The signs of spring that I most appreciate – and miss terribly since living in Phoenix – are the first crocuses peeking through the snow, and the lilacs. The scent of lilacs, the beautiful colors and shapes, everything about the lilac is so wonderful! Where I live now, some of the cacti bloom in spring. The ones we now have in bloom are the torch cacti in various colors. Beautiful as they are, thought, I miss watching the Midwest winters turn into the beauty and new life of spring.
What a beautiful picture you painted, Jeanie. The desert does have a rugged beauty all its own, but I agree that the lush colors of spring in wetter climes, just can’t be beat.
My first love of springtime is when the clock is moved forward! What a nice boost to evening daylight! Plus, the steady gain of a couple of new minutes of daylight each day at this season of the year is also very much appreciated.
Winter here most often prefers to drag on and on into April and even quite boldly at times into the month of May, with overcast skies and freezing temperatures. Once in a while, we are teased with a couple of glorious spring days — sunny, breezy, with a touch of actual warmth which may even appear, soothing my impatient heart.
These conditions, especially during the times of more stubborn weather patterns, teach me to more greatly treasure and value all the glorious aspects of springtime each time they dare to make their presence known.
Great perspective, Evie. I have to admit I usually grumble about the spring time change because I lose an hour of sleep, but I do like watching the days grow steadily longer. I hope spring will arrive for you soon!
I’m just down the road from you, Karen, and we have blue bonnets, too. Also, those pale pink wildflowers that grow close to the grass. (I’m not an expert on flower names). 🙂
My favorite sign of spring: the leaves. Just stepping into the backyard, I can look up now and see a whole canopy of pale and new, bright and fresh, green leaves. Just a week or two ago, my trees were barren. Now they’re full and lovely. Here’s to spring!
I know what you mean about the leaves, Becky. Their color just seems so much more vibrant when they are new. And I love the mesquite in spring. Their light green, feathery leaves against that dark bark is beautiful.
Hi Karen,
We had one inch of snow this week and below freezing temps. So hardly anything is green or blooming here in central Michigan yet! It’s been an unusually long winter for us. So it makes the warmer days and any hints of green all that more special this year! 🙂
Oh, and BIG Congrats on your Christy nomination, Karen!!! I saw that earlier in the week and have been meaning to tell you congratulations! I’m so proud of you! 🙂
I hope spring finds you soon, Jody. You’ve had to deal with brutal conditions this winter. maybe that will produce a bounty of beauty when the thaw finally hits.
I always think Autumn is my favorite season––until Spring arrives! 🙂 LOVE the photos of your kids in the bluebonnets. What a great background for beautiful kids!
For us here in Kansas, the first signs of spring are the red-breasted robins, the Bradford and Chanticleer pear trees in gorgeous white bloom, and daffodils and tulips everywhere. I just came from Santa Cruz, CA where spring is well underway, and it was neat to see how different the season is in different parts of the country.
I love all those bulbs, Deb. Always so bright and cheerful. Hope you enjoyed California!
Hi Karen! I think my favorite sign of Spring is when the first crocuses bloom. It will have been dark, dreary, and snowy for months, then all of the sudden there’s this bright, gorgeous flower blooming! It reminds me that winter can’t and won’t last forever. As for flowers that are native here, I honestly don’t know of any right off. I love tulips and gladiolas, too, but I think those grow almost anywhere. 🙂
Thanks for sharing with us! I love your pictures – the redbud tree is so pretty, as are the bluebonnets.
We don’t really have crocuses here in Texas, but they seem to be a symbol of spring . . . along with the robin, of course. Maybe one day I’ll get a chance to see them in their full spring glory.
I love the daffodils, and they are just starting to push up from the ground here in Wisconsin. Or maybe those are crocuses. They’re beautiful too.
Oh Karen, your kiddos are precious! Love those Texas Bluebonnets – – WOW!! 🙂
Here in my part of Georgia, we’ve been having a beautiful spring season, and I’m very thankful. Many of our trees have already bloomed out but are now filled with lush green boughs – – much better than seeing those pitiful bare branches for so many weeks in the winter. Recently our redbud trees have bloomed and the ones here are a gorgeous lavender shade—breathtaking. And the wisteria is beautiful right now too – – yes, a Georgia spring is lovely (I appreciate it fully, because come July and August, I’ll be miserable in our heat/humidity). 🙁
My Mama LOVED the spring, so we thought it was fitting that she went to Heaven in the spring (April 2005). It was a beautiful day, and there was a very pretty pink azalea in full bloom outside her nursing home window—even in the midst of our sorrow that brought a smile to us.
Thanks again for this post today, and have a Blessed Easter. 🙂 Hugs, Patti Jo
P.S. YIKES!!! I also meant to say CONGRATULATIONS on being a Christy Award Finalist!! 🙂 I am thrilled for you, Karen!!
Thanks, Patti Jo. I’m still in a state of delighted shock. Such a dream come true for me. 🙂
Congratulations on your Christy nomination, Karen! I hope you have a great time at the awards ceremony. My favorite sign of spring is when the grass finally turns from dull brown to GREEN–my favorite color.
Our lawn is finally greening up. We aren’t quite there yet, but more than halfway. Seeing all the new green makes me smile.
Thanks for the well wishes, Lynn. 🙂
Karen, those pictures are priceless!
I love the fresh air that comes with spring. After all the winter blasts we had this year, the whispering wind is nice and clean and refreshing.
Hi, Andrea. I bet the gentle breeze is a welcome change. Have a happy Easter this weekend!
Spring is beautiful. Spring is my favorite season. It cheers my heart and put a twinkle in my heart to see the flowers,trees and plants be renewed. One of my favorite sign spring are the bright pink and purple blossoms of a redbud trees because I always remember my grandmother walk out to her redbud trees early morning everyday and look up at the beautiful redbud trees. They always put a twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her face. She also had a family of birds around her spring bird house all the time. She would sit at her kitchen table and watch them eat. She would have radbirds, bluebirds,ribons and many more. She really enjoyed watching mother’s feeding them. My favorite about Spring is the redbud blossoms and the dogwood trees. I enjoy the Spring weather and going for a early morning spring walk and enjoying the Spring sunshine. I just love Spring.
Hi, Tara. It’s hard to beat the bright blooms of the redbud trees and the sweet song of birds as spring settles in. Thanks for sharing!
I love to hear the birds sang there songs. I love to watch the different kind of birds eat from my bird feeder.