I love beginnings. I love fresh starts.
I’ve long been drawn to “path pictures” because they represent these beginnings and fresh starts. A chance to (as the Apostle Paul says) forget what is behind and press forward to what lies ahead.

Of course, we don’t truly “forget” the past in the sense that what’s behind us is forgotten. Rather, with determination, we choose not to dwell on the past, on what’s behind us that we cannot change.
Instead, we face forward, chin up, faith fully engaged and trusting in the One who spoke the world into existence, and we step into the unknown where God is already waiting for us and is actively working on our behalf.
Where he wants us to find him, to join him.

Happy New Year, friend! And welcome to 2019! A new beginning and fresh start.

I pray 2019 is filled with peace and love and prosperity and happiness for you. But far more, I pray that this New Year is one in which you (and I) take steps closer to Christ, no matter where that leads us.
I pray 2019 is a year in which we seek God with all our hearts, and where we discover the depths of his faithfulness and lovingkindness in a way we haven’t before.
And that we get to do this together is such a blessing!
Do you have something you’d like for me—and our community—to pray about as the New Year begins?
I so appreciate your continued prayers for my sweet dad as we walk this road of dementia. Please pray for me to “walk him home well.” To be what he needs. To treasure every minute with him even as I consistently point him ever Homeward, to Jesus, and to “the best that’s yet to come!”

There’s awesome power in prayer and in leaning into the unshakable truth that the Holy Spirit is praying for us too. And if that isn’t encouragement enough, the book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus lives forever to intercede with God on a believer’s behalf (Hebrews 7:25). #incredibleblessing
Please take a minute and share something in the comment section below. It’s a privilege to be able to pray for one another!
Much love and blessings in 2019!
The real love story of Carnton and the Battle of Franklin

Hope by the Book (Reviewer: Beth Erin)Y
Tamera Alexander
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Hi Tamera and everyone,
I would like to ask for prayer for my family. Our 4 children were all raised Christian and in the church, but have all fallen away. I know that the Lord never lets us go. But our hearts grieve for them and now our grandchildren. That has been our prayer for these past years and now for 2019. Praying for a renewal of faith for them and us all 😊
Grace, I’m praying (along with our community here) for your children and your grandchildren. Something I’ve prayed for years (a phrase that’s the “heartbeat” of one of my books, The Inheritance) is for God to “Break me until I’m wholly yours.” Until I’m wholly his. Surrendered. No matter what that means. I’ve been praying that for Joe and our kids—Kelsey (31) and Kurt (29)—for the past 20+ years. And I’m praying it for your children and grandchildren. That God would lovingly break them as only he can, in such a manner that will draw them closer to himself and to Christ. Love you much, friend, and appreciate you sharing!
Thankyou Tamera 🙂 amen, love those words “Break me-until I am wholly yours” goes for all of us doesn’t it? our children are of similar ages, so I know you can empathize.
Our great God ‘never leaves us or forsakes us’ Our wedding text 😊.
I pray that God will lead our country in unity and not division.
Amen, Terry. I join you in prayer that we, as his people, would pattern for the world what it means to be a follower of Christ. What it means to do God’s will instead of following our own selfish desires and whims. That God would be merciful and not judge us according to what our sins (both as a people and a nation) deserve. And that we would turn back to him, call on him, and follow his ways. Thanks for sharing today, Terry!
I, too, pray for a loved one with dementia. I pray that my dad continues to stay strong as he watches his love venture further from him time after time. I pray for our country and it’s leaders. And I pray for continued to health for my family, my friends, and myself.
Amen and amen, Melanie. I’m joining you in that prayer. Lord, rule and reign in this heartbreaking journey, and give Melanie (and her family) glimpses of your light and love in the dark moments that are to come. I ask the same for me, too, Jesus. Keep our focus trained on you. Always, always.
Always so inspirational with the right words at the right time.
I would like to ask for prayers for my husband who was hospitalized before Christmas (Dec 20-23) with a dangerous infection. He is recovering at home, but is still weak and undergoing after care that can be challenging.
Praying for your Dad and you, his devoted daughter.
Excited for the new release. Happy 2019!
Bless your dear husband, Betty, and you as you care for him. It’s so difficult to be “a patient.” Most of us would far prefer to be the caregiver, not the one in need. Lord, be with Betty’s husband and bring him full and complete healing, we ask in the name of Jesus. Speak to him in the long hours of rest that can become monotonous and wearying in themselves. Bring him encouragement in whatever form you choose, only make it known without a doubt that you sent it. Because when our souls are refreshed with a word from you, we’re far better equipped to deal with the ailments of this life. Love and appreciate you, Betty!
Thank you so much, Tamera.
I’m praying for you and your dad as you love and support him in his final years. My prayer includes continual refreshment for you in this process. God bless!
Bless you, Suzanne, and thanks!!
Continued Prayers for your Dad and you too. Many Blessings to you in 2019!
Love to you, Jeanne! And Happy New Year!
i would like to ask for prayers for my family. My dad was admitted to the hospital about 2 weeks before Christmas. The next week he was told he had a very aggressive form of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. He just continued to get weaker and weaker. December 28, 2018 my dad passed away. His wife chose to not include us into any of the planning of his funeral. He was laid to rest this past Sunday, Dec. 30. Please keep us in your prayers.
I am praying for you at this difficult time of life. May god give you wisdom and strength.