I’m fashionably late today but if you could see my pajamas and my puffy eyes, you would not call me fashionable at all. I have many excuses, however. Sunday afternoon, I put the finishing touches on a book due on Monday. Then my husband and I cleaned and rearranged my office so I could see out into the front yard more and enjoy the new recliner Santa brought me. It has beach words all over it! (And had my name written all over it, according to my husband.)
After we had rearranged, I cleared away the clutter that comes with researching and working on a book. Lots of scribbling that now makes no sense at all. Then on Tuesday, I did edits on a suspense, started research and the draft for the next proposal and thought about working on a sweet novel due to Tule in about a month. (Never got that far, however.) Finished up and went to eat lasagna my husband had cooked. Good! Add to that, watching the weather because a huge ice storm has covered the South and well, most of the rest of the country, too. So I promptly forgot to write and schedule this post. EVEN THOUGH I HAD IT WRITTEN ON MY CALENDAR PAGE!!!
But I’m here now and since writing is such a fast paced, get it done job, we like to celebrate the fruits of our labor. So here are two of my upcoming books:
This one is from Tule Publishing and will be out in February. It’s a modern day version of the Cinderella story that involves Castle’s Department Store in Dallas, Texas and … shoes, of course!!! Such fun to write.
And this one is a totally different book, my first Amish book. I never thought I’d write Amish but this idea came to me while I was walking on the beach and it stayed with me. This book was challenging but so healing to me. I do love this cover. And because I’m celebrating a clean, rearranged office and new books out this year, I’m giving away a copy of Their Amish Reunion! Just post here and tell me if you’ve ever been late for a very important date or have you ever forgotten something you needed to be doing?
P.S. We got a smidgen of ice and snow this morning. Snow on palm trees is something you don’t see every day. Stay safe and warm, my friends.
Latest posts by Lenora Worth (see all)
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- When you reach the end of the road, find a new path - February 21, 2018
I was so embarrassed when my neighbor friend called me one day to ask if I were on my way to the restaurant to meet her for lunch as we’d planned a week or so prior to that date. I had forgotten because we had a plumbing emergency at our house that completely distracted me that day. She graciously suggested that we reschedule the rendez-vous.
Suzanne, that happens! Plumbing has to come first though!
you have a gem of a husband. sounds like a keeper. I have one of those also. congratulations on both of your books. I love that the one is a Cinderella story and that they are in Castle Department store. They both look fantastic. Stay warm and safe.
Thank you, Lori. He is a good husband. He puts up with me!!!
I missed my flight to Miami to go to a convention while in college, so I show up way, way early at airports now!
Oh, Melissa, that is always my fear, too. I don’t fly much these days since my husband drives me most places so we can take mini-vacations but missing a flight is not fun!
i haven’t ever been late for a very important event. but i hate being late so i am always prepared to be early or on time.
My husband is the same way, Susan. He’s never late and he frowns when I’m not moving fast enough. But we need people like my husband and you!
Love the looks of both books. I read anything and everything Amish. Love romance novels also. I understand that sometimes you cannot help being late. I always try to be early. You are forgiven so do not be hard on yourself. Write on. After seeing those book covers. Must reads.
Thank you, Sandra. I like those covers, too. Two very different stories but still have wholesome threads in each!
My mom and family were late to my wedding. It was in a city four hours from home and they got lost. It ended well and is a fun story.
Okay, that can happen. Weddings are always stressful so I’m sure they were in a frenzy trying to get there. Glad it ended well for everyone!
My Dad was a career military man serving in the Army for 29 years spanning World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Being raised as an Army brat, you learn one thing – you are NEVER late. You might be an hour early but never late. It was instilled in me from day one and has stuck all these many years later. I get very nervous if even running close to an appointment time.
As for forgetting what I’m suppose to be doing, oh my goodness I can’t remember how many times. Now I can pass it off as old age but I’ve been that way all my life I believe. Firm believer in list for that very reason.
Our scant bit of snow quickly disappeared but it was 7 degrees this morning so still very cold. I’ve not been outside in several days due to the extreme cold. Our critters (deer, squirrel, rabbits, birds, raccoons to name a few) are happy that we keep our seeds and corn as well as water. It’s fun to sit by the windows and watch them.
Thank you ever so much for the chance to win a copy of “Their Amish Reunion”. I love Amish stories and I just know you did a fabulous job writing one. <3
Thank you, Kay. You have a zoo around your home. We have birds and squirrels and the occasional bear. This weather is confusing all of us!
I can relate to your being late and forgetting things! I have never had a good memory and it’s getting worse all the time! One recent example was totally missing a meeting that I had thought about and planned for all day. By the time I had made dinner and got that cleaned up, the meeting was completely gone from my head!! UGH!! I love your books and the Amish one sounds intriguing! Thanks for your writing!!
I’ve missed a few meetings, Kathy. Sometimes, we just have too much spinning in our heads and it catches up with us!
I was once late for a funeral because I had the time an hour off. Embarrassing to walk in near the end.
Well, not much you can do at that point, Mary. I once got up too early and had my daughter ready for school an hour early. She was not happy. That rarely happens now, though. Thanks for sharing!
Well done on getting your work completed! I’m usually the person TOO early to events. But last Mother’s Day we ended up at the phone store to fix my phone, which resulted in getting new phones and getting them set up…and then had to run all the way home for the baked beans. And we were perfectly late to a Mother’s Day BBQ. No one ate the beans, they were on to dessert. Sigh. Stay warm and safe!
Beans on that, Angie! Electronics can bring everything to a halt. Thanks for stopping by!
Both books sound very interesting. I read some Amish fiction over the holidays and was so glad to return to that world.
A very frustrating, “almost late” time for me was in the summer of 1991. I had just completed teaching for half a year under a temporary contract and had an appointment to sign a regular contract for the upcoming school year. Since I was now going to be guaranteed a position with full salary, we had just purchased a new car. I headed out to drive to my contract signing, and my new car wouldn’t start. I ran back in to call my husband and ask if there was something I was doing wrong. My phone was dead – no cell phones then. I hurried across the street to the only neighbor who was home, and her phone was dead. Frantic with worry because I could not even call the school administration office to explain why I would be late, I tried the car again and finally hit the right combination to get it to run. Thankfully, I arrived in time to sign my contract. Later we heard on the news that there was a major telephone outage on the east coast. I will never forget that.
Love the covers of both books. Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh, Betty, what a story. You were meant for that job! It seems the worst can happen when the appointments are so important! Thanks for sharing!
I have not read any of your books yet but am pleased to see you have written an Amish story. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of “Their Amish Reunion”, looking forward to reading it.
wfnren at aol dot com
Thank you, Wendy.
Never late. sarahmom335@yahoo.com
I hate being late.
Just to let everyone know, I will post the winners on my FB Lenora Worth page and I’ll repost here on next time I blog. I will also Message the winners promptly!
Thanks so much!!!
I seem to have a touch of ADD and often think I can do more then time allows. I seldom forget things but come close to being ‘late’ often.
I love your books so will be on the lookout for these.
Thanks for your give away!
Thank you, Jen!!
The absolute worst thing to be late for is a job interview. I stewed for days while preparing for a dream job that paid well only to have it blocked from my mind the morning of the interview! As it turned out, the company reorganized within six months and that job was eliminated anyway. Could be my mind had a little intuition!
Markell, sounds like you dodge a bullet!
It happens to everyone:) hope you managed to get to the grocery store before the storm
What a sweet and thoughtful husband you have! I have one, too! I get distracted easily and tend to go from one project to the next. I do finish them all but it is overwhelming sometimes to try to get all the ends tied. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Thank you, Linda!
I can remember forgetting something important when my son had a birthday party to go to. He kept insisting it was one day, I said no, it’s tomorrow. Needless to say we were a day late and he was sad he missed the party. I felt terrible.
Merry, that’s tough. Sorry that happened but I certainly understand!
I was very late for work one day, where I worked at a hospital in the surgery department. My husband also worked the evening shift and told me to drive to town and rent a motel room , where we’d be closer to work. We live about hour away from hospital and a huge storm was in the forecast. We got hit. Early the next day I went out to my car preparing to clean off my Windows. To my utter dismay I had neglected to put up the slippers and they now we’re frozen into their place under ice. I had to run the car hoping to melt the ice . I patiently chipped away at the ice hoping to speed things up and knowing I would be late for work. Then came the problem of getting the car out of the parking place . I finally made it to work approximately two hours late. A lot of the surgeries had been cancelled due to the storm and my boss was very understanding .I didn’t forget to put my whipers up after that.
Wipers not slippers.
Wow, Shirley, that’s so hard. When the weather is nasty, it’s always tough to get to work. Glad you had understanding co-workers!
I forgot – twice in a row – to take my son to get his haircut. We were just sitting at home and I realized that we had just not gone! We’ve had the same hairstylist for over 20 years and she cuts all of our family member’s hair. In some ways, it was more embarrassing that she knows me so well. The last few times he has had an appointment, I have put sticky notes on the cabinets and the dashboard of my car that say, “Heath has a haircut today!”
Melissa, it makes it worse when you know the person waiting on you! I’ve missed mammograms before and had to reschedule. I love that doctors now send emails as reminders. And so does my hairdresser or I’d forget that!
In December 2017, I made an appointment for Jan 2, 2018 for my annual physical…and did NOT write it down on my new calendar or my planner…I remembered on Jan 3.
Ha, Ms Barb. That’s what I’ve done, too! My doctors probably dread scheduling me!!!
Nothing like forgetting to file forms that are due every month on the same day…
Thankfully the people were very understanding….have a great day!
Julie, I forgot to mail the bills once when I worked or a YMCA. Boy was I embarrassed when those we owed started calling!!
My Mom says I was late to my wedding, but only about 5-
10 minutes, LOL.
I’m guessing the groom was happy to see you!
I’ve always had the bad habit of running late. Think the only “appointment” I was ever truly on time for was my wedding; my mom made sure of that (ha ha). I used to blame my running late was due to being so busy raising 4 boys and trying to get “one more thing taken care of” before running out the door.
Susan, four boys is a good excuse!!!
Last year, I was late to my son’s parent teacher conference because I was having conferences for my students and their parents and couldn’t get away from one particular meeting….my son’s teacher was very sweet and understanding about it. It was so embarrassing!
Dianna, I can understand that predicament. I’ve been late before because I was waiting on others but then i feel bad and try to explain and make it worse! Glad you got it worked out!
I hate being late and was taught to be on time by my mother. I have been married to a husband who has gotten more relaxed and unworried about being late. Takes a lot of patience. Would like to win a print copy of your Amish book.
I love your beach recliner. My husband would say the same thing about me too.
If I could go anywhere in the world with money being no object, you would find me doing a world tour of beaches.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
I was driving home from San Diego on the freeway and realized I had a doctor’s appointment in like 15 minutes and was 20 minutes from the office and had no way to contact them. I’m never late for anything. That stressed me out. At least it was just off the freeway once I got close but, traffic was terrible.