Hi friends, Always happy to spend this time with you. I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend. We had family time early on and then I spent the remainder of the three-day weekend writing. Yep. It’s that time again. My eleventh novel, The Crushing Depths, released on June 30th and my deadline for book 3 is in two weeks. This equates to crazy time. Literally. Trying to juggle the two is an art … [Read more...]
When something old is made new again . . .
A month ago I shared pictures of some older pieces of furniture that I wanted to paint. Well, I managed to get one of those pieces finished and want to share the results. But why on earth I chose a massive king-size bed as my first chalk painting project, I'll never know. LOL. Ah well, live and learn. Here's the king bed in the guest bedroom before I painted it. . . I inherited this … [Read more...]
Celebrating Independence Day
What I’ve missed the most during this virus quarantine, is being with family and friends—especially for holiday celebrations. We could invite some fearless souls for a get-together this Fourth of July and wear masks, use hand-sanitizer, and stand six feet apart. We could still have a picnic and play horseshoes on the lawn. Unfortunately, the fireworks that we usually watch from our beach on Lake … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashEntertainment.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
Book Release and a Giveaway!
A BRIDE OF CONVENIENCE, the third book in my bride-ship series, is now available! The title says it all! This is a bride of convenience story. In the romance genre, that means the lead couple gets married for a reason other than love, usually because of some mutually beneficial arrangement. Writing a marriage of convenience story is fun but challenging. First, the writer has to figure out … [Read more...]
Dressing for the 4th of July (Plus a Giveaway!)
Nothing puts me in a patriotic frame of mind more than seeing bunting proudly displayed on homes and businesses. In fact, last year when I traveled to Honey Grove, TX for the book launch of More Than Words Can Say, I saw this house. Not only was this a gorgeous Victorian-era home restored to its former glory, but it was a patriotic home as well. It was only the middle of June, but they … [Read more...]
Our Anniversary Experience
We’ve been a little lax about celebrating our wedding anniversary over the past few years. It started with our 30th rolling around just weeks before our son married—our first child to do so. The next year passed on repeat, this time his brother meeting his bride at the altar. Last year, we were more engaged in traveling to see our new grand baby than celebrating our anniversary. And then this … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashEntertainment.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
Guess what day this was for me?
Mammogram Day! And here's how it went down . . Click to see the video on YouTube What do you do to celebrate this annual milestone? I told the technician what I was going to do right after and she got so tickled, then said she was going to start celebrating her annual "squishing" too. So tell me, have you had your annual mammogram this year (or whatever procedure you choose health … [Read more...]
Beautiful Days of Summer
Hi friends, I pray you are healthy and enjoying the warmer weather. I’m a beach girl at heart and a summer girl through and through. In fact I’ve made an ‘office’ for myself out on the back deck where I spend the day (and evenings as deadline approaches) writing. Besides the warmth and sunny days, there’s just something special about summer. Maybe it comes from being a kid. Having the … [Read more...]
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