This Sunday feature is brought to you by You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
An Invitation to Join “Jody Hedlund’s Reader Room”
With the many changes Facebook has made over the past years, we never know what will show up in our “home feeds.” Sadly, Facebook limits the number of posts we see from the people we follow and instead inundates us with ads. To combat this trend, many people start Facebook groups so that they can “chat” without Facebook’s interference. There are many, many groups out there, including some for … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek & Sale
It's always exciting when a new book gets dressed up and ready for her big debut at the Reader's Ball. More Than Words Can Say has finished primping and is anxiously waiting for the carriage that will carry her to the Bookstore Ballroom. Unfortunately, that carriage ride is still two months away. But never fear . . . our little princess is a lady through and through. Because you are such … [Read more...]
The Austin Central Library
Libraries held a significant place in my younger years. First was the library at my elementary school, with a librarian who recommended books that nurtured my reading and sparked my love of story. Then was the branch public library near my suburban home, where we would venture every week of summer, browse for a good hour before bringing home a stack of books checked out on my own library card. … [Read more...]
Walking Where Jesus Walked
Hey friends! I’m currently in Israel with my daughter, Kelsey, and 34 other fabulous women! We fly home on Thursday night, so we have 3 more days here. We’ve seen and done so much, yet it’s still surreal to be here. To walk where Jesus walked. But what has made the biggest impression on me is how much BETTER God is than I ever imagined. And how radical Jesus’s love was—and is! … [Read more...]
Celebrating Community
I’ve done a lot of odd and interesting things in my life as an author, but being auctioned off at a fundraiser last week was a first! Happily, it was for a very good cause—the 90th annual Tulip Time Festival—and it turned out to be a lot of fun. The evening included a gala dinner, entertainment, and lots of other prizes to bid on besides me. Each May since 1929, the town where I live—Holland, … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
Seeing the World, Finding God Heartbeat
Earlier this month my husband and I joined a small group that traveled to Istanbul, Turkey. We had a week there, exploring the city, interacting with locals, and learning about the culture while also encouraging and living life with a team there. I can't say that Istanbul had necessarily been at the top of my list of places to visit, but that changed pretty much the moment we landed. The city had … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek at The Killing Tide
Hi friends, I’m beyond thrilled to share a sneak peek of the first book in my Coastal Guardian series. The Killing Tide releases this summer and it’s available for pre-order now. Pre-Order the Killing Tide: Amazon | Christian Books | Barnes and Noble The entire series focuses on the Coast Guard Investigative Service and the Wilmington, North Carolina team. Last … [Read more...]
Most Commented Upon Historical Fact From All My Novels?
I have to do a lot of research to write novels set in England in the early 19th century. Some books have been more difficult to research than others (The most challenging: The Apothecary's Daughter. The most fun: The Maid of Fairbourne Hall.) But after thirteen novels, there is still one historical tidbit in a novel of mine that stirs more discussion and raises more questions than any other. … [Read more...]
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