• HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! • This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashEntertainment.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
3 Tips for Writing (or doing anything you love!) When Life is Chaotic and Crazy
With having five kids, my life has always been kind of chaotic and crazy. But summer always seems to add a different dimension to the busyness. As summer gets underway, I find myself facing new challenges to the schedule: summer activities, kids off school and needing more attention, college kids home and adding to the busyness, and a calendar that fills up with trips, appointments, company, … [Read more...]
Suggestions for the Off-Deadline Writer
The last two and a half weeks I have been a page proof and writing queen. I spent a week giving Delayed Justice its last read -- what we call the page proof stage. Now that novel is on its way to the printer preparing for its October release date. I'm getting excited and nervous about this book's release. Just part of the life cycle of a writer. [Tweet "Have a writer in your life? @cara_Putman … [Read more...]
My Five Star Reads in 2018 (So Far)
I love to track the books I read using Goodreads. Because of deadlines and college work, I reduced the number of books I planned to read this year. Nonetheless, I've already enjoyed several Five Star reads in the first half of 2018 and thought I would share them with you. Please note: I am usually way behind in my reading. Although I buy a lot of books when they are first released, it is often … [Read more...]
Want to go to England next year?
As I write this, our second group-tour of England is one year away (Lord willing, as I always feel compelled to say when planning anything so far out). We had such a great time with our first group, that we've decided to offer another trip next summer. And since our own Becky Wade was just in England, the timing seemed right to post this. The trip dates are June 11-20, 2019. How much fun … [Read more...]
Dear editor…
I wrote a letter to the editor yesterday. And then declared to my husband that I was never going to read a newspaper again! Of course, I didn't really mean it, but getting all riled up over something I read is certainly not my choice of how to spend a Sunday morning before church. I was minding my own business watching the sun come up, enjoying a cup of coffee, and reading our local newspaper … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashEntertainment.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
Reader Quirks
Back in April, I wrote a post celebrating writer quirks. A few of you responded in the comments with your reader quirks, which inspired me to dedicate an entire blog post to the wonderful world of reader quirks. On my Facebook author page, I invited readers to share their quirks and was blown away by the fantastic responses. Thanks, everyone! I've quoted many of you below. Many … [Read more...]
It’s Release Week!!!
It's finally here! More Than Meets the Eye released on Tuesday. I always find the release of a new book exciting and slightly terrifying. What will readers think? Will they love it, or will it be a disappointment? This one was especially nerve-wracking since it is the first in a new series. More Than Meets the Eye is filled with secrets, flawed characters fighting for a fresh start, a hero bent … [Read more...]
Suggestions for Portland, Oregon trip?
For the past several years, my husband has traveled extensively for work. Once the kids were all in college, I began to go with him more often, usually when the trips entailed more than a couple nights and/or were to places interesting to me. But I confess, I’m a reluctant traveler. It’s not that I don’t enjoy experiencing new places, it’s the actual traveling part i don’t like. (Planes, trains … [Read more...]
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