This Sunday feature is brought to you by You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
Cover Matching Challenge and Giveaway
When Tressa from the Wishful Endings blog asked me if I wanted to host a blog stop in conjunction with her Tackle Your TBR Read-a-Thon, I immediately said yes. The goal of the Read-a-thon: to spend extra time reading in order to diminish our to-be-read piles of books! For more information and a list of the other blog stops (most of which are offering prizes), click here. For my … [Read more...]
Animals in Our Stories
Writers who pen westerns must have a deep-seated respect for animals. All those horses and cattle. The loyal dogs. The villainous rattlesnakes. Shoot, even the chickens have a role to play. Out on the lonely prairie, a fella was more apt to talk to his horse than another person for days on end. I love animals. But I have a confession to make . . . I don't own any. Part of the reason is that my … [Read more...]
Are we ready for fall? And a giveaway?
It's that time of year. The days are getting shorter and the air is getting cooler. I like fall. It's time to settle down and get more work done after finding excuses to goof off during the summer. It's time for soup and pumpkins, football and s'mores, mums in pretty pots and leaves falling gently to the ground. It's that time before the harshness of winter when we can enjoy a long walk or a nice … [Read more...]
When heaven feels close
Better late than never? Not sure that's true in this case, but oy... It just hit me—at 8:47 PM tonight!—after going on a walk with Joe and Murphy that this wasn't the 2nd Tuesday of the month but the 3rd. Which is my day to blog. And yet all I have on my heart and mind right now is my sweet Dad . . . Me and Dad in July of this year. Love this man. I've been keeping the roads … [Read more...]
Coming Soon!
The excitement never grows old. In less than two weeks, my newest novel, “Where We Belong” will be out in bookstores. This is book #25 for me (unbelievable!) yet its release is as exciting to me as book #1 was. I have spent a year working on this manuscript, researching, writing and rewriting, editing and revising. It has required a lot of hard work and many long, lonely hours. And now, readers … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
Out-of-Control TBR Piles: The Effects on Readers AND Authors
I recently posted this graphic on my Facebook Page and asked readers about their To-Be-Read (TBR) Piles. At the time I posted, I had about 5 or 6 books waiting for me to read (both on Audible and on my shelf). I’m always somewhat giddy when I have a stack of really good books awaiting me, books I know I’ll enjoy, books I can’t wait to get to. Don’t you agree there’s something pleasurable in … [Read more...]
ACFW Bound + Ebook Sale on Beyond Justice
It's that time of year. The time when authors head to the American Christian Writers' National Conference. It's three days of teaching, fellowship, and spiritual renewal. I'm excited because this year I'll co-teach a continuing education session with my good friend James Rubart. We're calling it pulling back the curtain on publishing, and I can't wait to dive into the process of writing and … [Read more...]
Another Year in BSF Begins
This morning I begin another year (Sept-May) in Bible Study Fellowship. I attended my first study in BSF beginning in September 2000. We studied the book of Matthew that year, and oh, what a blessing it was. At that time, BSF had seven different studies. Today they have ten (five Old Testament and five New Testament). So if you are able to attend every year without a break, you finish … [Read more...]
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