Are you a creative? Or struggling to find your niche? History is rife with stories such as Albert Bierstadt's (below), but I always love happening across them. When I was writing my Colorado Territory fiction, I had images of Bierstadt's paintings scrolling by on my second monitor. So inspiring. His story… Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902), was a member of the … [Read more...]
Movie Review: God’s Not Dead
Today is a fifth Wednesday of the month. Not a scheduled post day for the regular bloggers. So I thought I would use this day to do a movie review. Brief, since I'm deep in revisions. A little over a week ago, I finally had the chance to watch God's Not Dead. Can I just say, WOW! Truly, truly, I found this to be one of the best made Christian movies that I may have ever seen. Well acted. … [Read more...]
A Rewarding Experience…
The annual American Christian Fiction Writers conference was a month ago and a few others have already posted about their experiences. But two nights ago, at the monthly meeting of the Minnesota chapter of ACFW, a panel of 6 of us shared conference highlights with those who weren’t able to attend this year. So, since it’s top of mind for me again, I thought I would share a few of my highlights … [Read more...]
A Trip Down Memory Lane
It's been a difficult year for my family, moving my mom into a nursing home after Daddy could no longer take care of her at home. But she's doing well, my dad has moved to be closer to her, and we're adjusting to a new normal. A couple of weeks ago, my sisters and I talked our dad into taking us on a drive to places from our childhood in Kansas and to the places where he and our mom grew up and … [Read more...]
The Plot Thickens|Suzanne Woods Fisher
Each Sunday "Inspired by Life...and Fiction" shares a Christian novelist's newest book and the garden spots where they find inspiration. Suzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling author of the Lancaster County Secrets series and the Stoney Ridge Seasons series, as well as nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace. She is also the coauthor of a new Amish children's series, … [Read more...]
The Beauty of Fictional Towns
It's my joy to introduce you to my friend, Katie Ganshert! Katie contacted me at a writers conference two years ago because she'd enjoyed My Stubborn Heart. We shared lunch and struck up a friendship. The next chance I got, I read her debut novel, Wildflowers from Winter, and was blown away by her literary and lovely, emotional and creative writer's voice. We've been buddies ever since! Plus, … [Read more...]
Bravery…let’s step into it.
At different times different themes seem to appear in my life. Right now I am surrounded by people who are called to be braver than they ever imagined. The dictionary defines brave as: ready to face or endure danger or pain; showing courage. None of the people I'm thinking of think of themselves as brave. In fact they would probably tell you they are in a place of uncertainty, … [Read more...]
Don’t Look Behind … Follow Me
My church just finished a year-plus long study of the Gospel of John. Rich, rich stuff! I have a particular fondness for the final chapter of this book in the Bible (and have blogged about it more than once). It is a favorite for lots of reasons. But here are the verses I wanted to share with you today: Peter therefore seeing him [John, who was following Jesus and Peter] said to Jesus, "Lord, … [Read more...]
What are you reading?
What are you reading right now? Are you loving it? Is it changing you? If yes, I'd appreciate you sharing the title and author. I recently read a book that touched me in a deep place. Wrestling with Wonder: A Transformational Journey Through the Life of Mary by Marlo Schlaskey is a phenomenal book about the nature of God and how we struggle to understand him. To make sense of things. Just … [Read more...]
A Flight of Faith
Every now and then I have the opportunity to get away from my desk and travel somewhere to speak. For months I had been looking forward to a Ladies’ Brunch at a church in St. Louis, Missouri. Flying there the day before, I arrived at O’Hare Airport in Chicago at 8:30 AM and checked the board for my gate number. FLIGHT CANCELLED What! I skimmed down the roster and saw that nearly every flight was … [Read more...]
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