One of the biggest obstacles I faced in becoming a writer was fear. What if I wrote for years and never got published? What if I was no good? What if people laughed? I was so afraid of failing and of being criticized that my husband was the only person who knew I wanted to write. One day during my quiet time, I realized fear was killing my dream. I needed to trust God and take the seeds of my … [Read more...]
Learning to Embrace Our Weirdness
I'm going to bare my deepest weirdness to you, my dear sisterhood. I know all of you will love and accept me regardless . . . and hopefully not laugh at me (at least not too hard). :-) I speak kitty-baby-talk. Yes, that's right. I have four big cats. And I talk to my kitties in the same way that a doting mother speaks to her baby, in that high-pitched, lovey-dove, sugary-sweet voice. Not … [Read more...]
The Beauty of Spring
Each season brings a beauty of its own, but I have to admit that spring is by far my favorite season of the year. It never fails to cheer my heart to see dormant plants come to life again. Brown replaced by green. Rose bushes that looked like sticks a week ago now team with green leaves and new buds. For me, spring doesn't truly arrive until I spot the first Texas bluebonnets of the year. We … [Read more...]
Amish Circle Letters
Have you ever heard of a circle letter? In the Amish community a group of people will create a “circle.” This circle can be made up of family members or friends. Letters are written and put into a large envelope and sent around. When the envelope returns to you, your job is to remove your last letter, include a new one, and then send it on to the next person. My friend Irene, who grew up Amish, … [Read more...]
Winner of the Inspired by Life…and Fiction Giveaway
Thanks to everyone who entered the Inspired by Life…and Fiction giveaway during the past week. We're so grateful you're all a part of the community here. We love sharing life with you! And now…for the winner of this giveaway, scroll down. Cynthia, please let me hear from you quickly (I just sent you an email, so simply respond to that), and we'll coordinate getting your books to … [Read more...]
The Chosen Passover Lamb
Passover officially began last evening at sundown… I'm not Jewish and I've never participated in a Seder meal, though I've always wanted to. After all, Jesus was Jewish, and when I read about Jewish history in the Bible, I feel as though I'm learning more about Christ. And, I am. In Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) last week, we focused on Matthew 26 which references the first Passover when God … [Read more...]
Speaking of what we’re passionate about . . .
It's been so long, you may not remember, but when Tammy introduced me last month, I mentioned some of the things I was passionate about, and asked you to share some of the things you're passionate about. Most of you were too busy sending warm, friendly welcomes to take the time to do that. But today, I'd sincerely love to know! What floats your boat? What makes your heart sing? What makes you feel … [Read more...]
Cover Models!
It's not every day that this writer gets to correspond with cover models. But that's exactly what I've been doing lately! Leigh Foster and Stephanie Gooley posed for the cover of my soon-to-be-released contemporary romance, Meant to Be Mine. Here's what the final version of the cover looks like: When I contacted Leigh and Stephanie and asked if they'd be willing to answer a few interview … [Read more...]
Anyone else on board for a crazy life?
Hey, everyone. This is Cara, and I'm delighted to join you here on Inspired by Life and Fiction. I love the group of ladies who write for this blog and I can't wait to get to know as many of you as possible. I know many of you don't know me, so wanted to take a minute to share a bit. My friends have dubbed me the Do-It-All mom, Wonder Woman (a nickname I would gladly accept if it came with … [Read more...]
What Are You Reading Today?
I read a lot of fiction. A lot of Christian fiction, both contemporary and historical. A smattering of general market fiction, just to keep a finger on the pulse of what catches readers' attention. But I also like to read non-fiction, including Christian living, bios and memoirs, histories, etc. Usually I'll have one novel and one non-fiction title going at the same time. I also am a huge … [Read more...]