Every adult needs a skill set that makes them valuable and employable. Sure, I love being an author, but there are no guarantees in this business. If this doesn’t last I must have something to fall back on, some skill I can rely on to contribute to the family coffers. That’s why I keep my training current so I’m prepared to, in an emergency, go back to the lucrative career of...weighing … [Read more...]
Spring has sprung at our house!
“I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.” ― Virginia Woolf Well, I must be getting older because this year I've officially converted from an Autumn-is-best mindset to an I-adore-Spring one! Perhaps it's because we had such a long winter this year. And I'm fickle, so it's possible when autumn does come, I'll flip-flop and change my loyalties again. … [Read more...]
Behind The Scenes of My Cover Shoot
I’m fascinated by the process of creating covers! I'm especially fascinated when the cover in question happens to be one of my covers. Last time I blogged, I introduced you to Stephanie and Leigh, Meant to Be Mine’s cover models. Today, I'm excited to share behind-the-scenes photos taken the day of the cover shoot. Last September, when I learned that Meant to Be Mine's shoot was approaching, … [Read more...]
Purpose in Everything We Do
I have been immensely blessed in life. I grew up in a Christian home with a heart to serve God from about as young as I can remember. Maybe that's why this quote from Holley Gerth's book You're Made for a God-Sized Dream resonates with me. There is a purpose for everything we do. In a day and age where so much tells us there is no meaning to life, I feel the need to repeat those words. Let … [Read more...]
Plot is a Four-Letter Word
The word "plot," for anyone who hasn't noticed, is a four-letter word. That's more or less how I feel about it. Writers who are more analytical thrive as they work out the plot before writing their books. But I am an intuitive writer. I create from my gut. I write to discover what will happen next just as my readers read to discover what will happen next. I don't know what will occur in chapter … [Read more...]
Countdown to England…
Last April I posted a blog titled, Oh to be in England now that April’s there… (The opening line of the Robert Browning poem). In the post, I lamented how I longed to return to England. Now, a year later, I am excited to say I am counting the days until I take that trip, to research future books and enjoy the English countryside I’ve come to love. (Below is a photo of English bluebells author … [Read more...]
Dream Killer
One of the biggest obstacles I faced in becoming a writer was fear. What if I wrote for years and never got published? What if I was no good? What if people laughed? I was so afraid of failing and of being criticized that my husband was the only person who knew I wanted to write. One day during my quiet time, I realized fear was killing my dream. I needed to trust God and take the seeds of my … [Read more...]
Learning to Embrace Our Weirdness
I'm going to bare my deepest weirdness to you, my dear sisterhood. I know all of you will love and accept me regardless . . . and hopefully not laugh at me (at least not too hard). :-) I speak kitty-baby-talk. Yes, that's right. I have four big cats. And I talk to my kitties in the same way that a doting mother speaks to her baby, in that high-pitched, lovey-dove, sugary-sweet voice. Not … [Read more...]
The Beauty of Spring
Each season brings a beauty of its own, but I have to admit that spring is by far my favorite season of the year. It never fails to cheer my heart to see dormant plants come to life again. Brown replaced by green. Rose bushes that looked like sticks a week ago now team with green leaves and new buds. For me, spring doesn't truly arrive until I spot the first Texas bluebonnets of the year. We … [Read more...]
Amish Circle Letters
Have you ever heard of a circle letter? In the Amish community a group of people will create a “circle.” This circle can be made up of family members or friends. Letters are written and put into a large envelope and sent around. When the envelope returns to you, your job is to remove your last letter, include a new one, and then send it on to the next person. My friend Irene, who grew up Amish, … [Read more...]