A BRIDE OF CONVENIENCE, the third book in my bride-ship series, is now available!

The title says it all! This is a bride of convenience story. In the romance genre, that means the lead couple gets married for a reason other than love, usually because of some mutually beneficial arrangement.
Writing a marriage of convenience story is fun but challenging. First, the writer has to figure out a unique circumstance that causes the hero and heroine to agree to get married. This usually means one or both are experiencing some level of dire circumstances that cause them to put aside convention and personal desires in order to make this “sacrifice.”
Often the sacrifice involves marrying for the sake of a child or children. It could also be for safety and security, to overcome difficulty, or to escape hardships. Sometimes, the couple gets married in a moment of panic or emotional distress. Other times, they make a calculated, business arrangement. Whatever the circumstances, the couple is thrust together into a relationship.
After the couple is together, then the second thing the writer has to do is figure out a way to keep the two from falling happily in love right away. That means a writer has to put obstacles in the lead couple’s path to true love. Perhaps they’re each carrying baggage of previous relationships that prevents them from trusting one another. Or maybe current circumstances cause conflict in their relationship. The key is stirring up trouble for the newlyweds and keeping things from being too easy for them.
Finally, once the conflict is established, then it’s time to throw the couple together in all kinds of romantic situations where their attraction to each other begins to grow. They learn to genuinely like each other, develop a bond of friendship, and tune in to an undeniable attraction.
A marriage of convenience story allows for plenty of opportunities to develop the romance because the couple is stuck together. As I mentioned in a previous post (HERE), the challenge in a romance is balancing the push and pull of conflict versus attraction. The challenge is even greater in a marriage of convenience story.
All that to say, if you love marriage of convenience stories, then check out A BRIDE OF CONVENIENCE. Here’s a little bit more about the book:

Unemployed mill worker Zoe Hart jumps at the opportunity to emigrate to British Columbia in 1863 to find a better life and be reunited with her brother, who fled from home after being accused of a crime.
Pastor to miners in the mountains, Abe Merivale discovers an abandoned baby during a routine visit to Victoria and joins efforts with Zoe, one of the newly arrived bride-ship women, to care for the infant. While there, he’s devastated by the news from his fiancee in England that she’s marrying another man.
With mounting pressure to find the baby a home, Zoe accepts a proposal from a miner of questionable character after he promises to help her locate her brother. Intent on protecting Zoe and frustrated by his failed engagement, Abe offers his own hand as groom. After a hasty wedding, they soon realize their marriage of convenience is not so convenient after all.
For a chance to WIN a copy of A BRIDE OF CONVENIENCE, enter the Rafflecopter form below.
a Rafflecopter giveawayDo you like marriage of convenience stories? Why or why not?
Jody Hedlund
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I love marriage of convenience stories.
Yes & no – it all depends on how the writer handles it…
I would always hope the characters marry their true love. If the characters who had married of convenience end up being able to marry people they really love, it would be best! But that would usually include a divorce or a death (which is worse than a marriage of convenience) or else the characters aren’t likely to end their marriage of convenience.
Makes me remember the Sherlock Holmes story The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist. In the story, the forced marriage turned out illegitimate so fortunately, Violet wasn’t stuck with Woodley.
Yes, I like to see how the writer managed the tensions.
Back a hundred years ago and before that there were marriages like this. i remember reading love Come Softly by Janette Oke. Great Story! i like these kind of stories.
I’ve never read of marriage of convenience. Should be a good read.
I do love to read marriage of convenience novels! Obviously, it’s not prevalent in America anymore, but it’s interesting to see/ read about the situations that caused women and men to go this route. Reading religious fiction marriage of convenience novels, I know that it would have a happy ending, that the main characters will work out their differences, and that it won’t confuse my faith to read this- rather than reading a full on romance novel. Not many people know about these types of marriages, or even mail order brides, so it’s fun to teach them about it. I do know that some women weren’t as lucky as those portrayed in the novels but I do love to read about the marriage working out. It is almost like the reality show “married at first sight.”
I like some marriage of convenience stories. It depends on how the author manages the main characters’ transformation.
I don’t think that I have read a marriage of convenience book yet, but it sounds like a good read.
I love a good marriage of convenience story!
A Bride of Convenience sounds great!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I enjoy most marriage of convenience stories. It’s got to be believable. This looks good!
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I find myself getting caught up in the stories. Then when the book is over I want more more more. They let you become one with the characters. Taking you to another time and place in life.
Like some of the other comments, I love a good marriage of convenience book. As long as it is written well.
These stories are interesting how they play out. You want the bride to learn to love each other. And it’s interesting how that happens.
I enjoy marriage of convenience stories as long as they are well written.
I think it depends on people.
Yes, I love marriage of convenience stories because they always work out well in the end (perhaps not realistically), and it’s great fun watching the romance develop.
I do – as long as they end happily. It proves that marriage is something you have to work on – together. You take a situation where you know nothing about one another and you have to blend two strangers into a couple. Face it as much as you think you know someone, being married still means finding out about that person and compromise on both parts as well as commitment to make it work.
I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories!Like you said, I think it’s seeing people in difficult circumstances being forced together, but being willing to work and making it work out in the end.
I have enjoyed your Bride Ships series thus far! Marriage of convenience stories have always intrigued me, especially in a bride ship circumstance…makes me curious if I would be daring enough to do something like that. Thanks for sharing!! 📚🥰🎆🇺🇸
I shared about this new book on my Facebook page.
I find marriage of convenience stories interesting. I wonder what endings to those kinds of stories have not been written yet.
I like books where the author has sense of humor in her stories.
Yes, they are my favorite romance trope!I love the progression of the romance!
These stories are great – very enjoyable. Mail order bride stories are a good introduction. This book sounds like it has so many challenges to engage the reader.
I love these types of stories! They exemplify the fact that even though we go through hard and uncertain circumstances, God works everything together for good. Thanks for writing wonderful stories that teach us to trust our faithful God!
I have read other marriage of convenience books and depending on the reason they are usually wonderful. I haven’t tried your stories like that though, but I have been thinking about it.
I love marriage of convenience stories because they launch the couple into a relationship quickly, allowing me to get invested in their relationship from the start, and then enjoy the growth of their relationship throughout the book.
The neighborhood I grew up in, had a couple whose marriage had been arraigned by their parents, so I have always had an interest in relationships that were outside the “normal”.
I very much enjoy marriage of convenience stories for some reason. Maybe because it’s so extremely opposite from my experience so it fascinates me.
I loved this book! I love marriage of convenience stories because I love seeing the people falling in love.
I love marriage of convenience stories. I kinda wish we had modern day ones then i could actually be married lol.
Yes, I love marriage of convenience stories because it is always so fun to see how their love progresses throughout the story.
In historical fiction, I enjoy marriage of convenience stories because they take me outside my thought process and introduce me to a system that used to be extremely common.
This sounds like an amazing story! Thank you for the opportunity to win this fantabulous prize!
I do! I read mail order stories all the time, so this series is right up my alley!
I like marriage of convenience stories if they are well written and the characters are appealing. I would never enjoy a marriage of convenience story if the husband is a brute, for instance. But if the marriage occurs for a reason that touches my heartstrings, I am all in.
I like marriage of convenience stories especially in historic fiction. I think it was more necessary in the past. There weren’t many ways for a single woman to support herself. Men didn’t have time to work and take care of a home without modern conveniences. Also women needed the protection of a male.
I absolutely ADORE them!!! They bring a deeper love to the story and Marriage of Convenience means all the cards are played on the table! Who is willing to play for love and win?? Lol!!! Thank you!!! God bless!!!!!
I don’t mind them as long as the writer includes many situations that allow them to get to know one another and fall in love. If there’s chemistry between the two that helps. 🙂
Yes, I like these type of stories. They are a different twist to the norm.
Love stories of marriage convenience!
I like these stories. I think they are sometimes romantic.
I love Marriage of convenience and Mail order bride stories…we’re watching Sarah Plain and Tall this weekend and it’s a little of both!
I do like marriage of convenience stories. I love to see a couple decide they will love in spite of the challenges and overcome all of the obstacles to have a great marriage.
I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories. This plot is one of my favorites!
“Marriage of Convenience” is my all time favorite trope! I love the “slow burn” romance.
I do like marriage of convenience stories. The couple have to spend a certain amount of time together, for whatever reason they got married, and usually learn to see a new perspective or different side of the person they’re currently tied to. I like ones that aren’t too full of drama and include some humor/comedy. Looking forward to reading this newest book in the Bride Ships series!
I love a Marriage of Convenience stories, I’m always excited to see how it turns out at the end of the story. Thanks for your great generosity.
I like marriage of convenience stories because I enjoy seeing how the author develops the couple’s path to true love.
I absolutely do, especially when they fall in love realistically, with a genuine conflict. The payoff is much sweeter that way.
Pinned on Pinterest!
I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories because it’s part of history. They happened due to different circumstances and I enjoy HEAs.
Thank you for the chance to win a copy of your newest book!!
Yes, as I believe those stories have an added layer of interest to a typical romance .
I have read and reviewed the other two books in this series, and I greatly enjoyed them. Very educational, too.
Oh yes I love those kind of stories. I like to know why the Bride is leaving her past behind to go somewhere she doesn’t know anything about!
Thank you for this opportunity to win Jody’s next book. I love this series!!
I do like them. I like finding out why they are together and how they get to know each other and the troubles they have before maybe falling in love. Thanks for the chance. It sounds good.
Yes I like these types of story lines and always hope that the two people end up in love.
I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories! They teach us you can build a happy marriage with anyone, if you are BOTH willing to work together, and make sacrifices. No marriage is perfect, but you can still be happy together when you work as a partnership.
I love marriage of convenience stories because it shows love for what it is…a choice not merely an emotion.
I usually do like them, but it depends on how the characters treat each other when they aren’t in love with each other. But what I love most is the first softening of the heart. ❤ I can’t wait to read this one. It is on my TBR this month!
I do like those stories and seeing the characters work towards getting to know each other and finding ways to make the marriage work.
While this doesn’t seem to happen much today, I admire people who are faithful to each other for the good of others. I suspect it honors God as well!
Yes, I enjoy marriage of convenience stories! I hate it that the couple can be forced into marriage, the woman treated as a prize for the man to win, but I love seeing what God can do to them. 🙂
I shared on Facebook!
I throughly enjoy marriage of convenience stories! I love reading as their story unfolds and seeing their romance blossom slowly. The plot has always fascinated me and I am so excited about reading this book!
I love marriage of convenience books. They’re sort of like a mystery with the build up to finding out how they come to love each other.
I like to read marriage of convenience stories, especially when the author is talented and makes it seem exciting and new. This sounds like a book I would really enjoy. I’m adding it to my wishlist.
Marriage of convenience stories spark an immediate conflict and challenge. Like all times of trial, they can lead to incredible growth. They are truly an opportunity for God to show how all things work for good.
I like marriage of convenience stories because it shows that you can choose to love.
I haven’t read any of the stories yet but they sound like interesting reading.
I love reading this type of story. There are always interesting reasons the couple is getting married and I love to see how it all works out.
I don’t know why, I just love them to bits. I especially love fantasy/paranormal but anything is good!
I love them! They are my favorite type of romances!
I enjoy marriage of convenience stories.
I do like marriage of convenience stories because the circumstances of their marriage are always pretty interesting.
I like these types of stories because they seem to foreign nowadays and I like to learn about things that have happened in the past!
Oh, I like them! Drafting out one now – an Italian war bride and an American GI.
I like them because you have 2 people going into this with logic and learn that you cannot forget the heart.
I like marriage of convenience stories. It’s wonderful to see how two strangers work together and try to make a life together.
Marriages of convenience stories SCARE me… I was in a horribly abusive marriage, and, “got out” b/c of the day/age we live in (I have an education, and had a good job, before retiring) but, “what if” I had lived in a time when women had no rights!?
I love reading them because it’s interesting how the author throws the characters together and to see how it all ends. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I do like marriage of convenience stories. There are so many ways to have the two come together and so many ways that it could go once they do marry. I love to read how they work through situations with Gods guidance.
I love marriage of convenience stories. This one sounds great!
I like marriage of convenience stories because the couple can concentrate on getting to know one another and falling in love without other potential mates being options. Also, they can’t ever go too far. If their romance crosses a line it’s okay. They’re married. They can go as far as they want.
I do. I love to see how the author develops the relationship.
Yes, I enjoy them in both historical and contemporary stories. There is just something about a couple, who when they first meet don’t look like they will mesh and watching them work to grow to love each other. I think that makes me root for them even more. 🙂
I do like them if they are handled well. Thank you for the chance to win!
sure they can be fun
This book looks great
I love MOCs. They offer so much in regards to the storyline. Like, humor and a slowly building romance. I especially love a slow burn romance that amps up the swoon factor.
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Yes, I think they put an interesting spin on how a relationship progresses from courtship to marriage, only in reverse of course.
Yes, I do because I love when an author is able to take two people who did not expect/want love and work through whatever issues they have to give them something. It is an example of how God exceeds our expectations in a beautiful way.
Sounds great. I love your stories. Congratulations on the new release. 📚❤
I like them if they are believable and there’s a happy ending 🙂
I love marriage of convenience stories! They’re my favorite type of CF story. Can’t wait to read your newest! 😊
This sounds like a good book and an interesting concept.
I do like Marriage of Convenience stories. I think part of it is that the couple is not able to avoid each other when conflict arises–they are forced to work through their differences to create a better relationship.
I enjoyed the Reluctant Bride, audio version, and I’m looking forward to reading or listening to A Bride of Convenience. I do like marriage of convenience stories.
I enjoy marriage of convenience stories. They bring hope that the Lord will turn things around for good.
Shared giveaway on Pinterest and Facebook.
I’ve never read any of these books! But I’m ready to give them a try! 🤗
I absolutely love marriage of convenience but only when the situation has a happy ending. And it’s hard to think about all the ones that probably weren’t happy!
I think any story can be intriguing if it is written well. Thank you
I like reading “marriage of convenience” stories. They show that people are willing to do what’s necessary for their survival. I especially like the ones with a historical setting. Thanks for the chance to win.
Yes, I enjoy them if they are well written.
I do. I think they are interesting!
This story sounds so delecious!!! Bring on the Chocolate!!!
Thanx for the giveaway!!!
Marriage of convenience isn’t my favorite trope, but I do enjoy reading them occasionally. I especially love following along as the couple works through realistic challenges and as God works in each of their lives.
I love marriage of convenience stories. It’s the ultimate romance theme — finding out that the stranger you thought you got “stuck with” turns out to be the love of your life.
I love marriage of convenience stories! In fact, I’m setting out to write one soon. Thanks!
I enjoy marriage of convenience stories especially if they become friends before the romance starts.
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If written well, marriage of convenience stories are delightful! Some of my favourites include: A Bride most Begrudging by Deeanne Gist, The Rose Legacy series by Kristen Heitzmann, An Uncommon Courtship by Kristi Ann Hunter (although this one was more a marriage of inconvenience 😜), and The Esther Paradigm by Sarah Monzon.