Today I’m giving away a copy of my newest release, FOREVER SAFE, which is part of my lighthouse series. Although it’s the fourth book, they’re all stand-alones (meaning you won’t be confused if you read them out of order).
When you get to the bottom of this post, make sure you enter the giveaway for your choice of either a print OR ebook of FOREVER SAFE!
One of the things I especially love about a book’s release is seeing the various ways that God uses the themes, messages, and spiritual truths within the book to bless people. It’s really interesting to note that readers often have varying reactions to the same story.
So much goes into a reading experience, doesn’t it? We bring our backgrounds, prejudices, values, world views, past hurts, present struggles, and so much more. Sometimes our reading experience is even influenced by our hormones, stress, and the amount of sleep we get.
In other words, we all carry some amount of bias into our reading experience. Sometimes a book that someone else is raving about may not resonate with us simply because the message or theme doesn’t hit us the same way it did the other person. Other times we may love a book that someone else couldn’t stand.

Graphic created by Rachael Merritt with her favorite quote from FOREVER SAFE. Picture taken by her husband in a place they enjoy going together!
Whatever the case may be, I love hearing how my books touch a reader in a special way. FOREVER SAFE did just that with one of my Influencers, Rachael Merritt. After Rachael read the book, she sent me a beautiful message that really touched me in return.
I asked her if I could share a little bit of it with you here today. FOREVER SAFE involves a couple of characters who have physical disabilities, showing their struggles and fears as well as their methods of handling their impairments.
The struggles of the characters in FOREVER SAFE really resonated with Rachael. In high school, during a regular basketball game, she experienced a strange loss of energy and stamina. A week later she was bedridden and unable to walk or feed herself. And strangely the condition didn’t go away.
For a long time, doctors were confounded by what was wrong, until eventually after numerous tests, they diagnosed Rachael with a genetic disorder called dystonia which is a muscular disorder similar to Parkinson’s disease.
She never imagined she would get married, was in fact, totally against it. Because of her crippling condition, she’d resolved herself to a life of singleness. God had other plans for her and brought her husband into her life (in an amazing story of faithfulness, which you can read more about on Rachael’s website).
She and her husband even have a beautiful daughter now (who posed for a picture with my book!). Although the health problems persist, God has used Rachael’s story to provide inspiration and encouragement to others (including me!).

Rachael’s daughter with FOREVER SAFE!
Rachael said this: “This book really connected with me…oh, how I understood the fear! Thanks much for writing a book with people who have physical challenges and emotional challenges. It’s rather rare to find characters with major physical limitations in books. This book will be on my forever shelves!”
Isn’t it awesome how books have a special way of drawing us in and meeting us right where we need it most, almost as if God ordained it?
How about YOU? What book have you read recently that especially touched you?
Jody Hedlund
Latest posts by Jody Hedlund (see all)
- Saying Farewell - October 7, 2022
- Another New Book Release - September 16, 2022
- The Beauty of Weddings - September 2, 2022
I just finished A Flight of Arrows by Lori Benton and I loved it.
The Thief was a powerful book for me. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
Clicking through to read Rachael’s story. …wow! How amazing is God?
I also loved Forevrr Safe! It had me smiling and on the edge of my seat the whole way through. I also recently read “Counted with the Stars” by Connilyn Cossette; it is one of my new favorites. It’s fantastic! I could not put it down and am telling all of my friends about it. I would totally recommend it if anyone needs a good read!
That is an amazing story! i was touched by a book by Laura Story and the story of her and her husband.
I loved your comments about how books touch us in different ways based on our backgrounds, current struggles, or even hormones! This looks like a good book! I recently read “Starting With Elle” by Rachel Hauck which inspired me about prayer.
I loved this blog post. It was so inspiring. There is this book Hear Again. I am currently reading it and it is so good!
I love your books, especially since the characters have challenges to which I can relate. Forever Safe will be next on my reading list!
Wings of a Dream by Anne Mateer really spoke to me–not that our physical circumstances were similar, but the message on hopes and dreams was desperately needed.
I loved Wings of a Dream!
A book that I read years ago that literally changed my life was, “Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You’re Going” by Joyce Meyer. God used that book to change my whole perspective on life. Thanks for the giveaway; sounds like a great book!
The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers–an amazing picture of the work of Christ.
Love your books. Thank you for the opportunity to win one. Here’s hoping…
No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer. The humor and lighthearted story was fun but the desire of helping people find a refuge and place to start over touched me.
Becky Wade “Meant to be Mine” I enjoy any positive theme woven into a story. Jody you will be a new author for me 🙂
I recently read Land of Silence, by Tessa Afshar. Beautiful story.
Wow! What a great story. I love hearing stories like this. God is so good. I’m trying to think of the last book that I read that made an impact on me. I read so much that that is a hard question. I read pretty much fiction inspirational books and they all have wonderful messages to them. But, I’m going to go with Pepper Basham’s Book entitled The ThornKeeper.
Huge Pepper fan here! 🙂 That book really is an amazing and touching read! Keep an eye out for her next release which is even better! 🙂
Through the Shadows by Karen Barnett. The social injustice, political corruption, racial discrimination are just some of the topics touched on. Themes of love, redemption and God’s grace was strong. Made an impact.
The last book that really touched me was A Son’s Vow by Shelley Shepard Gray. Any book that can bring tears to my eyes gets 5 stars from me 😉
Sydney Tooman Betts’ A River Too Deep and Light Bird’s Song really spoke to me. Who I am as a wife and about my relationship with the Lord. I highly recommend her books.
I pinned this twice on Pinterest. Here’s the link.
The last book that deeply touched me was To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer. The story resonated with parts of my life and a couple times brought me to tears.
Thanks for sharing how Rachael was touched by one of your books! Inspiring!
I am reading some books I checked out of the Library. I just read the Captive Bride by Melanie Dickerson and I have started reading the Healing Apprentice I believe is the title. I prefer a book over e books.
The last book I read was Burning Proof by Janice Cantore. I prefer a paperback book. Thanks for the chance to win.
I recently read A Lady of Esteem and A Noble Masquerade by Kristi Ann Hunter and really enjoyed them both.
Your love of lighthouses is no better testament to this book…can’t wait to read this one,thanks for sharing ,I shared also on my fb page.
I know it will be a winner.
“It’s really interesting to note that readers often have varying reactions to the same story.” Yes! I’m endlessly fascinated by this truth. I think it definitely has to do with each reader’s bias (as you mentioned, Jody). And I think it also has to do with how God is able to speak through the books directly to each reader in a knowing and individual way.
How nice to Rachael’s story highlighted in today’s post! Your testimony has inspired me, too, Rachael. 🙂
Thanks, Becky! God writes the very best stories, and he is so patient with us as we learn he knows what is best for our lives.
Hi Jody, I have read a few of your books and have really enjoyed them. A book that has touched me? I can’t narrow it down to just one. First of all I have to say, the Bible, God’s Word when He brings it to my mind and the Holy Spirit seems to speak to me and work something in me through it. I love fiction, mostly romance, and mostly inspirational, but I do read contemporary as well. A few of the contemporary romances have touched me. I recently read “In His Eyes.” by Peggy L Henderson. It is a secular historical romance, and the heroine is blind. I’m often touched by stories of heroes or heroines that have “handicaps or disabilities” because I have Fibromyalgia which really handicaps me and often “messes up” my body and my life. Harlequin Love Inspired has published a number of books with “disabled” heroes or heroines, and I’ve really been touched by all of them.
I hope I “win” your book, Jody. it sounds great. I live in Canada so may not even qualify, but that’s OK.
I was really touched by a book by Laura Story, “When God Doesn’t Fix It”. I am dealing with chronic lyme that has me disabled and my financial issues are so great. So I reread many underlined parts of her book.
I have your book on Kindle and plan to read it soon! Love your books and have read all to date.
I recently read The Feathered Bone….wow….can’t get it out of my mind….what a book!
One thing I truly love is that Christian Fiction books do have an impact on ones life. I have several that have kept me thinking and pondering. Another one besides Forever Safe would be Secrets She Kept. A book that I still ponder…
I think every book I read touches me in many ways. I am reading In His Place by Harry C Griffith right now. I can’t get get it out of my mind. I keep saying How would I react?
Looking forward to reading this book! Thanks so much for featuring Jody’s newest for us. 🙂 Happy weekend!
*fingers crossed* Hope I´ll win 🙂
Every Christian fiction book leaves me with a special message an new insights both about God & me. “The Shack” left me in a whirlwind of new images. I went out & bought five copies to give away at work. Then I bought several more to have on hand. Again, many books are great to read, but the BEST book is the BIBLE!
Thank for the opportunity to win this giveaway. I’ll read it then give it away. It spreads the joy.
It is amazing how a book can touch our hearts and minds. We bring our whole life of experiences to the page, as we read. I’m so grateful that God uses Christian authors to bring new insights to each reader. Every book I read is a gift that I love to open. I recently finished reading Terri Blackstock’s Intervention series. It was intensely moving.
I would love to win this book!
Saving Abby
I read Angels Walking Book 1 by Karen Kingsbury. I definitely believe in angels watching over us. I would love a chance to win this book, I’m a big fan of Lighthouses & how the Lightkeepers who took care of them.
Room For Hope by Kim Vogel Sawyer. Thank you for the chance. God bless!
It’s been a while since I read something that really touched me. However, I am constantly recommending Debbie Macomber’s book “God’s Guest List”. I read it a couple years ago and this book really impacted my life and how I view the people that come into it and go out of it.
I am Rachael Merritt’s mother and know what an impact her life and testimony have had on people she has never met as well as those around her. All of my 5 children have the same disorder which presents itself in many ways in each of their lives. As their mother it has been difficult to watch their suffering, but I know God has a purpose and so do they. I can’t name a particular book other than the Bible that touches me, but there have been many along the way. I find that the ones that touch me the most are about unfortunate individuals who have been crippled emotionally by uncaring parents who have rejected them or those who do not have a personal relationship with the Savior. Once they find salvation, God always brings someone into their lives to love and cherish them. That has been the case with my precious children and I have all confidence that His children are all forever in His care.
You, mommy, are my best friend , my confidante, and my hero. Thank you for praying that God would send a mate perfect for me even when I didn’t want one. Love you more than words can say, and I couldn’t have handpicked a sweeter more Godly mother than you!
I haven’t read any books recently that have really touched me, but the one series that I have read that totally blew me away would have to be the Mark of The Lion Trilogy. So good!!!
Breaking Free by Jennifer Slattery
The Feather Bone was another..
The last book that really touched me was A Sparrow in Terezin by Krisy Cambron.
I recently read The Featheted Bone. A frightening story told with sensitivity. One I won’t soon forget!
recently read the latest from author Gerald Lund. His books are very emotional to me. I would love to read yours also, Jody!
The book Fair Is The Rose by Liz Curtis Higgs always touches my heart when I read it and the series that goes with it.
Absolutely amazing series!
A book I read recently that really touched me was A Cup of Dust by Susie Finkbeiner. It’s hard to even imagine having to live in the dust bowl during the 30’s but this book portrays it realistically.
I really feel that every book I read touches me in some way. The Sound of Glass by Karen White did touch me in the way people how people learn to pull together in tough times.
To be honest, I must say I’ve not read anything that has really touched me for a while. I’ve been reading a lot of fluff to take me away from my daily life.
A few weeks ago I read, The Girl Called Ella Dessa and the sequel Within The Candle’s Glow they were touching. Overcoming physical scars, abandonment, fear and a host of other traumas serves as a reminder to not judge by outward appearances. Not something I’ve ever really done but I know plenty that do. I am one that is often judged by my outside. I wish the public in general would just show kindness to one another.
One I book I have loved recently (listening to the end of the audio today) is The Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson. It is a beautiful fairytale re-telling. The main girl in the story has to pretend to be someone she is not. Sometimes in life I think we all do that to some degree when we are trying to impress others or when we are not comfortable in our own skin.
Mary Balogh just released the final book in her Survivor’s Club series, Only Beloved, which I am anxious to read. This is a series of seven books, each one about a survivor from the Peninsular Wars who has some disability from the war – physical, mental, emotional – and must find a way to put their lives back together. One was blinded in the war at age 17. All of these books have deeply touched me.
Thanks for the giveaway – would really love to read this book, and I always prefer a paper book!
I’m very excited about your new book. Can’t wait to read it!
I recently read Counted With the Stars, by Connilyn Cossette. It’s about the Exodus from Egypt. Powerful.
I think the last books that I read that touched me deeply were Ted Dekker’s “Outlaw Chronicles.” The way the books approach our world really hit me and made me sit back and think about things. One of my favorite quotes from “Eyes Wide Open” is “If you secretly disapprove of any part of yourself, you will secretly hate part of the One who made you.” As women, we all struggle with self-image, so this really struck a chord with me–trying to accept who I am, flaws and all.
Pinned to Pinterest ~ Didn’t see a place to leave pin location 😀
The Red Door Inn by Liz Johnson was outstanding. Caring and observant people who brought love and worth out in others. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
A book that has made a lasting impression on me is Julie Lessman’s ‘Isle of Hope’- I related to so much of the book through my past life experiences.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity of ‘Forever Safe’, Jody – having some serious health issues myself, I’m sure it will have special meaning for me!!
Piece off writing writing is also a excitement, if you be acquaijnted with then you can write or elsee iit is complex to write.
Hi, Jody! I have really enjoyed the “Lighthouse Series” and all of your other books. Best wishes for all your releases. Thank you for offering this giveaway. I am a lifelong bookworm, and a diehard print book person. I have been blessed and touched by books all my life. I have experienced many profound and revelatory moments in the quiet enjoyment of a book. “Like Never Before” by Melissa Tagg is a sweetly poignant contemporary romance that touches on personal and societal issues that many of us face in today’s world.
I have been touched by many books throughout my life. I particularly enjoy books in which the characters are not perfect or strikingly beautiful. I just find them to be far more relatable. 😉
Saving Amelie by Cathy Gohlke
Glory Days by Max Lucado
I just finished A Noble Masquerade, and in it, the main male character appreciates the female character’s honesty and her sometimes unladylike behavior. I think that it’s wonderful if you can find a relationship like that, where you’re appreciated for your spunkiness! As for disabilities, my husband has been disabled for a year now, and I have so much sympathy and admiration for him. He’s been through so much, and he still maintains a great attitude. I love that about him!
I have 2 books that really touched me. Sydney Betts 2 books “A River Too Deep” and “Light Bird’s Song” was amazing! She brought in Bible Scriptures and wrote about things that made me think about our situations in life. We may not like our situations & our problems but God may have us at that spot for a reason! They were such good books! If I win I would love to have a paperback. Thanks for the opportunity.
I’ve sometimes had trouble with liking books that others rave about; I watch booktubers on YouTube, and if they’re talking about a book that looks interesting to me, I’ll put it on my TBR and usually eventually pick it up from the library. However, I’ve found that the books that they really like often don’t hit me as hard or the same way. A book that I’ve read recently that I really enjoyed (though I’m not certain if it exactly especially touched me…though the sister relationship may have had something to do with my great enjoyment) is Wake by Amanda Hocking.
In His Place by Harry C. Griffith is the modern day version of In His Steps and it is excellent!!