At different times different themes seem to appear in my life. Right now I am surrounded by people who are called to be braver than they ever imagined.
The dictionary defines brave as: ready to face or endure danger or pain; showing courage.
None of the people I’m thinking of think of themselves as brave. In fact they would probably tell you they are in a place of uncertainty, pain, or fear. Yet they are walking the paths with a courage that humbles and challenges me. Maybe it’s the mom who’s walking through experimental cancer treatment with her oldest–a treatment that requires a long separation from her family and is filled with its own uncertainty. Yet her posts are filled with the belief and certainty that God is bigger than cancer and any other problems they could face. And in the reading and praying, I am challenged.
Then there’s someone close to me who is going through huge personal challenges on two fronts. She’s under attack in a real way on both. Yet, she’s making the hard choices. Choosing to do something. Feeling her way along on a wing and a prayer. Such courage in the face of uncertainty. The unknown. Fear. Challenges.
Or there’s my brave six year old…I’m typing this from a room where we’ll spend the night so she can have an unnecessary test. It’s not painful, just weird. Yet she’s approached it with such stoic grace. Don’t you love it when your children are the ones who challenge you?
What are you facing right now? Is it hard? Something where you are being called to be brave? To step out onto the raging waters and follow God in a way that is oh so scary? Is He asking you to really believe and trust Him? Is He asking you to take a hold of His promises and apply them to your life in a new way? If so, may I just encourage you with a few truths.
God never changes. Malachi 3:6
- He never lies. Numbers 23:19 and Hebrews 6:18
- He will never leave us or forsake us. Never. Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5
- When you walk through the fire, He will be with you. Isaiah 43:2
- There is no place you can run from Him. Psalm 139:7-12
I wish I could share a cup of coffee or tea with you, hear your story, and pray with you. But know that these truths are sure, and He will give you the courage you need to make it through whatever trial exists in your life right now. He is faithful. Cling to that. Take courage. And be brave.
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Cara, this is so critical. We need to understand that bravery doesn’t always show itself as Mel Gibson in Braveheart. Sometimes it’s Frodo as he debates throwing the ring into the fire. We know what we need to do but the choice is *so hard* that we agonize, sometimes literally over the pit, before finding the strength within to make the choice.
My bravery has never been the swashbuckling bravado of Errol Flynn. Sometimes bravery, depending upon what you face, is getting out of bed, getting dressed, and pressing on. Pressing on down the road God has you traveling. Sometimes my bravery is sitting down in front of the computer. (I need that bravery more often … )
That is so good, Mike. Bravery is that simple act of doing what is right…and the agonizing strength to actually do it!
Thank you for this post Cara. Michael’s response is right on. Bravery comes in many forms. I don’t think that I have been brave very often in my life, at least not until someone asks me how I did that…things that I don’t think show much bravery but are somehow an encouragement to someone else who doesn’t feel very brave either. At those times I know that God’s grace is sufficient and His power really is made perfect in my weakness.
I’d like to say that I get this bravery thing and I really demonstrate God’s power in my life, but some days, as Michael said, bravery is getting out of bed.
It is often that we don’t see what we’re doing as brave. We’re simply trying to live.
Thank you, Cara. This post is an excellent reminder of the importance of pressing on – – no matter what the challenge may be. And knowing that above all, God is with us, and always will be.
Prayers for your precious child.
Hugs, Patti Jo
( 1 Peter 5:7 )
Thank you, Patti! I so appreciate the prayers!
Thank you for this message. It’s truly a Godsend. I’ve got things I’m needing to do that is requiring bravery and lots of it on my part. I’ve been truly tussling with this thing I have to do. I Would welcome prayers please and lots of it. God bless you and your lives, and keep you and yours in His care daily. 🙂
So glad to know this was an encouragement today. Prayers and cyber-hugs coming your way. Lean into God and do what He calls you to with the courage of knowing He will go with you.
Your message was such a blessing. For me; it wasn’t so much about the bravery; but the verses that really spoke to my heart. I read them all last night before I went to bed plus I have a list of them in my Bible so I can read them again when I need to be reminded! Your message was/is much appreciated. Blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ be yours more abundantly. 🙂