Confession: I have a tendency to trip and fall. Yes, if anyone in my family is going to trip over a step or crack or stray rock, it's usually me. In fact, I did just that last weekend at a wedding. After the ceremony and pictures, I pushed open the heavy wooden door of a beautiful old chapel. I lifted my face to bask in the bright spring sunshine, the warm breeze, and the waft of blooming … [Read more...]
A Stitch in Time
I am an avid cross-stitcher. When I can find time, that is. I love creating art with needle and thread. My best friend in high school is the one who got me hooked. She and I both worked in a little California tourist town called Solvang one summer, and we found part-time jobs in needlework stores. I might have been forced to wear a peasant blouse and a red Danish corset covered in flowers, but I … [Read more...]
Reflections on an Empty Page (Guest blogger Janice Thompson)
As I sit with pen in hand, ready to face the stark, white reality of the empty page, I find myself consumed with thoughts that pull me away from my task. “Am I writing out of passion?” I wonder, “or am I writing to fill a need?” The question brings instantaneous guilt. It also sends my mind off in a thousand different directions. I can’t help but think of Laura Ingalls Wilder in her prairie … [Read more...]
If this Writing Gig Doesn’t Pan Out… (Guest Blogger, Regina Jennings)
Every adult needs a skill set that makes them valuable and employable. Sure, I love being an author, but there are no guarantees in this business. If this doesn’t last I must have something to fall back on, some skill I can rely on to contribute to the family coffers. That’s why I keep my training current so I’m prepared to, in an emergency, go back to the lucrative career of...weighing … [Read more...]
Spring has sprung at our house!
“I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.” ― Virginia Woolf Well, I must be getting older because this year I've officially converted from an Autumn-is-best mindset to an I-adore-Spring one! Perhaps it's because we had such a long winter this year. And I'm fickle, so it's possible when autumn does come, I'll flip-flop and change my loyalties again. … [Read more...]