It was a beautiful summer day when my family and I climbed into a horse-drawn wagon and were taken on a ride through the hills of Northwest Montana. Our tour guide had grown up Amish. Ora Jay has a way with horses. He and his wife Irene also have a way of telling stories. They once told me about a time when they and their Amish friends took a wagon ride from Montana to Idaho. It took them two … [Read more...]
It all happened on a dare
A neighbor recently asked me what inspired me to write novels... I didn’t have to think long to recall the exact moment that my journey in novel writing began. It all happened on a dare, really. From my husband, Joe. But first, as we say, some backstory… In 1995, my mother-in-law, Claudette Harris Alexander, gave me a book she thought I would enjoy––I took one look at the cover and … [Read more...]