“Hope deferred makes the heart sick,But desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”(Proverbs 13:12, NASB95) Back in October, I shared with Inspired by Life and Fiction readers about the historical series I've wanted to write since 2010. Well, at last, at last, the first book in the series is almost here. The official release date is Monday, May 22. But if you can keep a secret 😉, the non-Kindle ebook … [Read more...]
Book Party!
I just love book parties. Don't you? A chance for book nerds to get together and share their love of words and stories. So fun! If you enjoy Christian historical romance, I'd love to invite you to a book party happening Monday, May 22 on Facebook. Hosted by the lovely Kathleen Denly, this party will feature authors Carolyn Miller, Kim Vogel Sawyer, Joanna Barker, Cara Grandle, Stephenia H. … [Read more...]
Spring Game & Giveaway
I'm a Word Nerd, and as such, I love playing word games. Words with Friends, Boggle with Friends, UpWords, Taboo, Scattegories, Bananagrams, Scrabble. I even keep a crossword puzzle by my place at the table, so I always have some word fun to work on. So for our Game Day today, I thought we could stretch our Word Nerd muscles and with some acrostics. To play, create a poem or sentence where … [Read more...]
The Things That Last
As a Christian novelist, I believe that I need to be steeped in God’s word if I am to have anything of value to offer the readers of my books. My desire for every book I write is that it will (1) entertain the reader while (2) drawing them one step closer to Jesus. “The grass withers, the flower fades,But the word of our God stands forever.”(Isaiah 40:8, NASB95) Since 1997, I have made it a … [Read more...]
A Collection of Historical Tidbits
Research is a huge part of writing any novel, but it plays an especially key role when it comes to historical fiction. Historical details are the building blocks that shape the story world for readers. They can help shape the plot and give extra dimension to the characters. They bring the setting to life and even offer wow moments when something particularly unique is revealed. My latest … [Read more...]