I love #ThrowbackThursdays on Facebook. I love looking at photos of big hair and bell bottoms. I love noting changes in my friends and in my kids. (They were such cute babies!) Likewise, I enjoy taking time to look back and see how my writing has changed. More than that, I like to replay how God showed up, meeting me as I worked. When I was researching for my novel, Arms of Deliverance, one of … [Read more...]
Fan Art
Recently, I heard a statistic that surprised me. The speaker said that from 5% to 25% of fiction readers draw/paint/sketch pictures of the characters and/or scenes from the books they read and love. Really? So many? That fascinates me. Curious, I asked on my Facebook Page if there were any fans of my books who have illustrated characters or scenes from them. Granted, Facebook showed that … [Read more...]
5 Places to Find Book Recommendations
If you're like me, you're probably anticipating a family vacation during the summer. Or at the very least you're looking forward to some down time swinging in the hammock in the back yard or lying in the warm sand on the beach or sitting in a comfy chair outside a mountain cabin. Whether you have a long car ride ahead of you, or whether you have to spend a day in an airport changing planes, … [Read more...]
Women Who Succeed in a Man’s World
Full Steam Ahead, my latest novel, officially released this week. Hooray! It's always an exciting and nerve-wracking time when a new book comes out. Exciting - because I love hearing from readers who have been looking forward to the book and finally have it in the hands. Nerve-wracking - because . . . well . . . will they like it? So what does that have to do with women succeeding in a man's … [Read more...]
Favorite Quotes from Christian Novels
I recently had the awesome experience of working with a launch team for A Beauty So Rare, the second standalone novel in the Belmont Mansion series. And oh, what fun it was! I'm honored that the nearly 60 bloggers were interested in partnering with me to help get the word out about this novel, and I enjoyed each minute of our chatting and sharing. As part of the process, I created a … [Read more...]