Dear readers, did you know authors need YOUR help in promoting their books? Yes, they really do! Many readers already do a superb job promoting the books and authors they love. Some promote formally by signing up with a publisher’s book review program or with an author who asks for Influencers. (An Influencer is a fancy term for someone who gets a free book for the purpose of helping spread … [Read more...]
A different kind of cover shoot post
I've absolutely loved seeing the cover shoot posts that Tammy, Becky, and others have shared recently. I've never gotten to be involved in a shoot for one of my own covers, but since I'm married to a graphic designer who's created many book covers, I've been on the other side of the shoot, toting the tripod, fluffing models' hair, and tilting the reflector just so. Ken wrote and illustrated two … [Read more...]
Behind The Scenes of My Cover Shoot
I’m fascinated by the process of creating covers! I'm especially fascinated when the cover in question happens to be one of my covers. Last time I blogged, I introduced you to Stephanie and Leigh, Meant to Be Mine’s cover models. Today, I'm excited to share behind-the-scenes photos taken the day of the cover shoot. Last September, when I learned that Meant to Be Mine's shoot was approaching, … [Read more...]
Cover Models!
It's not every day that this writer gets to correspond with cover models. But that's exactly what I've been doing lately! Leigh Foster and Stephanie Gooley posed for the cover of my soon-to-be-released contemporary romance, Meant to Be Mine. Here's what the final version of the cover looks like: When I contacted Leigh and Stephanie and asked if they'd be willing to answer a few interview … [Read more...]
What Are You Reading Today?
I read a lot of fiction. A lot of Christian fiction, both contemporary and historical. A smattering of general market fiction, just to keep a finger on the pulse of what catches readers' attention. But I also like to read non-fiction, including Christian living, bios and memoirs, histories, etc. Usually I'll have one novel and one non-fiction title going at the same time. I also am a huge … [Read more...]