It's been a while since we've played this— Describe the last three photos on your cell phone(it could be a photo you've taken or maybe a screenshot, whatever, just the last three) And no, I didn't go look at my last three pics before deciding to do this. I might have chosen a different topic if I had! ; } #1 The last picture on my cell is a screenshot I took yesterday: Maaike … [Read more...]
What entices you?
I love books, and I think that's true of everyone here in the Inspired by Life and Fiction community. It's a primary commonality that brings us together. But the reasons behind why we purchase the books we each purchase vary as much as, well, as much as the myriad genres and sub-genres there are available to read! To that end, I'm coming to you today with one simple question. But first, some … [Read more...]
WHO do you follow on Instagram?
Are you on Instagram? Do you have favorite follows? I do. People or companies (which are really people, of course) whose posts I look forward to reading. Here are a few of said favs . . . More views from The Dogist. Because, well, we can! Are they not so cute! These images make really good responses via text, too, when you have no words but want to express an emotion. My daughter … [Read more...]
Tangible Encouragements
"Take heart, daughter." "Take courage." "Don't be afraid." Jesus spoke these words to lost, searching, and hurting souls when he was here on earth, and he's still speaking them to us today. And aren't we grateful? Especially in these uncertain times. But while these may be uncertain times for us, they're not for him. Because, even now, he stands in the moment when you drew your first breath … [Read more...]
Favorite Website Features
Not long ago, I took an informal poll of readers' favorite features of authors' websites and found it very interesting. To that end, I'd love to know what you like best about authors' sites. What information you appreciate seeing when you visit an author's online home. In response to reader feedback, I added a "Bonus Features" page to my site which includes a slew of icons that lead to other … [Read more...]