The trouble with going to writers' conferences is that you come home with a head full of ideas that if you don't take action on immediately are likely to dissolve into the mist of someday without ever being accomplished. Well, this year, I decided to take a couple of ideas and put them into action as soon as I returned home. My favorite, by far, has been starting up a private FB group for my fans … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Rachel Hauck
Robin here: For those who aren't on Facebook with me, we lost our precious Poppet in April. I asked Tammy to cover for me the week following Poppet's death, and Rachel Hauck has been a dear friend to fill in for me today. Enjoy! What's in an App? The world is full of smartness. Smart phones, smart TVs, smart refrigerators, cars, you name it. And as time goes on, the world will get “smarter” … [Read more...]
Being real in a social media world
My husband and I went out for an impromptu breakfast the other day and he asked me, "Aren't you going to take a picture?" (Meaning, for Facebook...) I said, "No, let's just let this one be for us. For you and me." But it caused me to wonder: has my life been reduced to a post-a-day on Facebook? I hope not! We all know that Facebook isn't exactly "real." Most of us put our best foot forward on … [Read more...]