As you know, I’m on the road a lot. I tend to accompany my husband on business trips at least once a month, sometimes more. And between times we travel to see our kids and our granddaughter, too. Sometimes I get frustrated because I never seem to get as much writing done as I would like on those trips. Mostly it’s the travel days that upend me, but it is other days as well. Days where I debate … [Read more...]
The Peace of Unplugging
Hi friends, So happy to be back with you this week. I spent three weeks unplugging from everything online. I only checked my starred emails (which includes family, editor, and agent). I pre-scheduled my posts for social media and let them go. I turned off notifications for my apps. Stayed off Voxer. If it was related to technology, I avoided it. Why? You may ask. Because I was working on … [Read more...]
Technology and long goodbyes
I'm excited to head to Atlanta this week to see my precious Dad again. I do my best to get down there every couple of weeks. Dad entered memory care earlier this year in February and has adjusted fairly well. But recently, he's becoming more confused, more disoriented. And frightened. Which breaks my heart. As I shared on Facebook yesterday, this pic is from two weeks ago when I was … [Read more...]
My Favorite Tech Tools (at this moment)
I’ve loved the lists we’ve been seeing on this blog lately, so I thought I would jump in with my own version. These are in no particular order. Just as they came to me. 1) I am an Apple fan. Period. I left the Windows world behind in early 2006 and never looked back. So no surprise that the first item on my list of favorites is my 13” MacBook Pro. I also love my 27” iMac that’s in my office … [Read more...]
Thanks a Lot!
Two more chapters to write and I will be able to type those wonderful words—THE END. The novel I’ve been laboring on for nearly a year is almost finished. Maybe I’ll be able to enjoy the Christmas season with my family this year without stressing over my deadline. But when I tried to start my computer yesterday morning, eager to make the final sprint to the finish line, I discovered that it had … [Read more...]