I read a disturbing article this week in The Atlantic by Jean M. Twenge called, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” The article cites many problems that have arisen in what she calls the iGen (kids born between 1995 and 2012) as a result of their obsession with their smartphones: an increase in depression and loneliness, higher suicide rates, remaining more dependent upon parents, a … [Read more...]
A Favorite App plus Puppy Photos!
Last week a PDF copy of my first pass pages of You're Gonna Love Me arrived in my inbox, with a print copy arriving at my door a few days later. Depending on the publisher, these can be called different things, but basically this is the author's last chance to catch typos and other errors in her manuscript before it goes to press. Although most authors probably still write their … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Rachel Hauck
Robin here: For those who aren't on Facebook with me, we lost our precious Poppet in April. I asked Tammy to cover for me the week following Poppet's death, and Rachel Hauck has been a dear friend to fill in for me today. Enjoy! What's in an App? The world is full of smartness. Smart phones, smart TVs, smart refrigerators, cars, you name it. And as time goes on, the world will get “smarter” … [Read more...]
If You Can’t See a Web Page, Clear the Cache
Hi, friends. In my Wednesday post, I shared that we had been having issues with the server for our blog. Seems it was under attack from a country on the other side of the globe. We think ... HOPE ... that the problems have passed. However, some readers think we are still off-line because the default message that the site is down is stuck in their browser cache. To be able to see the website … [Read more...]