Celebrating milestones is important. And I’m celebrating three this week!
I recently finished editing the final galleys for my 17th book, Colors of Truth, a Carnton novel, which releases this summer (JULY 7).

Galleys are the last time an author sees her book before it goes to print, and it was both fabulous and bittersweet to let go of this one.
I realize that 17 books is by no means prolific by other author’s standards, but for a woman who (up until 2003) had never even considered writing a novel, much less thought it an attainable goal, it’s something!
I grabbed a picture of the galleys the day they arrived. And brace yourself . . .

It’s not a pithy book. I know you’re shocked. : )
Wade and Catriona’s love story is filled with real history from Carnton in Franklin, TN, as well as the tale of two Irish sisters, and I’m excited for it to finally leave my hands and heart—and, hopefully, find its way into yours.
Another milestone I’m celebrating this week is friend and teacher Kristi McLelland’s release of her new Bible study JESUS & WOMEN! It released yesterday and trust me when I say that this study is going to rock your world in a great way!
Take a peek at this truly inspired video series:
Kristi is a Biblical Culturalist who teaches the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens. After all, the Bible was written by Middle Easterners. ; ) She’s so gifted at what she does, and this intimate look at how Jesus treated women in the New Testament is so revealing. As Kristi says often in her classes, “If he did it for them, he’ll do it for you and me!” Amen!

BUY Jesus & Women video series on LifeWay
BUY Jesus & Women video series on Amazon

I had the awesome privilege of going to Israel last year with Kristi (and 30+ other amazing women), and here we are at Masada. (Kristi, who’s been leading groups to Israel for over 10 years, is in the back row in the blue top with her arm lifted, and I’m just below her in the red and white check.) That was a life-changing trip!
Lastly, I’m celebrating having (finally) cleaned my bookshelves again!
I have sooo many wonderful books and would love to keep them all, but simply do not have the room. So, it’s time for another LIBRARY BUILDER GIVEAWAY!

That’s right!
March’s giveaway on my website is for a dozen fabulous novels. In full disclosure, some of them may have (definitely) been read and enjoyed by someone who shall remain nameless (me). So if some of the bindings look a tad bit loved, have grace. And if you win, please share these amazing reads with your book clubs, or church library, or local women’s shelter.
You may recognize some author names that are near and dear to us here at Inspired by Life and Fiction! ; )
What milestone(s) have you celebrated lately? A goal reached (however big or small)? A project accomplished? Or are you busy working toward a milestone right now? Share it with us and let’s encourage each other in “the race that God has set before us!” (Hebrews 12:1-3)
Hugs from rainy Nashville. I hope the sun is shining wherever you are!
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
I am so excited about the Jesus and Women study. Been waiting for months! I ordered the individual book from Amazon (with Prime, it arrives tomorrow), and I ordered the digital video bundle from Lifeway ($50) and they are downloading as I type this comment. Thanks for the heads up, Tammy.
Robin, it’s truly inspired—and inspiring! You’re going to soak it up just like I did. ; )
I don’t have Instagram, but I already subscribe to your newsletter and follow you on Bookbub! Having another book published is so exciting! I can’t wait to read Colors of Truth!
Thanks so much, Elizabeth! Hugs from Nashville.
Looking forward to reading your newest book! Although I really had nothing to do with it, other than to keep breathing, I hit the milestone of becoming 70 in January. 🙂 I have a few quilt projects in the works I’d like to finish soon, other than that I’m not working toward any milestones. Thank you for the opportunity to help you clear out your bookcase! I should do something like that with mine. Have a great week ahead.
Thanks, Anne, and CONGRATS on that birthday! That’s fabulous. And oh how I admire you creative people who have worked to learn and perfect your craft in quilting. That really is a lost art. Thank you for that!
After I read this post, I saw the news of the tornadoes in Nashville. I pray you and your family are safe!
Congrats on your new book! I always eagerly await your next release! I love your books…I always enjoy and learn so much!
Thank you for sharing the Bible study info! I will definitely order!
Again, I pray you are safe from the storms! God bless you and yours! Suzanne
Bless you, Suzanne. Joe and I (and our kids who live here in Nashville as well) are fine. No extensive damage where we are. We appreciate your prayers for all those who were in the path of the tornado and who lost loved ones. Heartbreaking.
As I told Robin above, you’re going to love this study and will soak up all the eternal truths about Jesus and women. Much love, friend…
Congratulations on your milestones, Tammy!
Also, prayers for those affected by the tornadoes and that you are safe.
Thank you, Betty, and much love, friend. We’re well. Weren’t in the direct path of the storm, and are praying for those who were.
Thank you for this very generous give a way. I love sharing books with others. There is a circle of friends that share books, and then they go even further out. I have a goal this year to loose weight. So far I am down 20 lbs. and still going. I also have a goal to learn how to applique. I have started and I am not perfect (but than that is Gods department) but am happy with the results. So much to learn and so much play time. I also have a goal to get my right knee better. I am doing specific exercises and they seem to be helping.
Congratulations on completing the edits! That is one BIG stack of papers! Have you ever dropped them??? LOL. I’ve just finished editing galleys for materials for leaders of preschoolers (Mission Friends). It’s a new adventure which God has provided for me. I do love my preschoolers! I’m also writing new picture books and revising old manuscripts. Submitting to agents and looking for good homes for my babies…that has been going on for a very long time. Have a blessed day! OH, and thanks for cleaning your bookshelves. I would love to share those titles with my friends.
I don’t have Instagram but I already follow on Bookbub. I organized my craft area after hubby made shelves and put up, I made a rag quilt for my sister, a memory pillow and ornament for my other sister, crochet toppers on five kitchen towels, did 8 scrapbook pages, and embroidery one dish towel. I’m on a roll.
My biggest thing that I have done this yr is clean out my closet with a lot of junk that I don’t need and that has just piled up. Donating it too good will
The giveaway sounds like so much fun
I love God’s Word, read it every day and studied many different books……BUT I have never read through the Bible completely! This year I am using the You Version app and listening to it! I am in Leviticus now and pressing on. I recommend You Version. The narrator is very good. We are so blessed to have God’s Word in so many translations and so accessible to all of us. I’m reading the NIV, my favorite version. If you’ve never read completely through God’s Word, I invite you to join me!
My biggest accomplishment is learning to drive a big john deer tractor so I can better help my husband on the farm with hay.
I’m working on losing 10 pounds but it’s going slow and steady and that’s ok. Want to still enjoy food and make sure it’s sustainable. I did finally get under a certain weight last week and that was pretty awesome.
I have let myself become quite the introvert over the years and I’ve been yearning to overcome this self imposed “trait”. Recently I have joined a book group and have taken steps to become an active participating member. Each time we meet I get a little more confident to share my thoughts and opinions. It feels so good to slowly shed the shell.
Love your picture from Israel. I visited there many years ago (1985) what a life changing experience that was. Would love the books, I just started a library at my church & they would be very welcome😊
I so much enjoy your books and always looking forward to the next release. I do not do Instagram but I do receive your e-mails. I appreciate the chance to win the books. I already share my books with others so can share and donate them to the library.