The concept of “freedom” has been on my mind a lot this year, especially since I taught U.S. History this past year to a group of high school students. I learned a LOT about the freedom that Americans purchased with their sweat, blood, and often their very lives.
Teaching the class reminded me of all of the many brave and intelligent people who came before us, people who lived with integrity, honesty, and for the greater good of the nation.
Teaching the class reminded me of the hardships, the difficulties, and the sacrifices that it takes to maintain freedom.
Teaching the class reminded me of what happens when governments grow too big and gain too much power.
Teaching the class reminded me of how quickly people can lose their freedom if they’re too easily swayed by the culture around them. After all, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and within ten short years had destroyed half of Europe.
Can those of us who live in free countries lose our freedom?
It’s scary to think about. But if it happened in the past, it can certainly happen again . . .
If we’re not on guard.
If we let others think for us instead of thinking for ourselves.
If we allow ourselves to be swept up in cultural fads and popular opinion.
If we become passive and think that the “problem” will soon pass.
If we allow ourselves to be frightened to stand up for truth.
If we fear persecution for opposing what isn’t right.
I’m sure there were plenty of Germans who opposed Hitler’s philosophies, those who thought for themselves, who didn’t get swept up in the popular opinions of the time.
But did they stand up for the truth while they still had time? Or did too many sit on the sidelines with the belief that the fad would soon pass?
I love reading stories about people who defied Hitler like this one this week in the Business Insider: “The tragically powerful story behind the lone German who refused to give Hitler the Nazi salute.” There were people who stood up for freedom and faced persecution as a result.
However, how did the people of Germany reach the point where they’d lost complete control of their personal freedoms? And how do we keep that from ever happening again?
During this weekend of celebrating freedom, I pray that we will never take our freedoms for granted. That we will be on guard, that we will think more deeply about issues instead of letting media and culture sway us so easily. That we will stay strong and stand up for the truth no matter the personal cost.
Freedom always comes with a price. Usually a very high price. After all, the freedom Christ purchased for us came with the cost of his life.
Maybe we won’t need to sacrifice our lives to maintain our freedom. Yet. But it is time for us to step up, be alert, and to stand guard. We can’t let our freedoms to slip away while we’re busy with our lives. Instead, we need to cherish and protect it as the treasure it truly is.
Happy 4th of July!
Jody Hedlund
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The loss of our freedoms is happening at an alarming rate. The “thought police” persecute anyone who dares have a different opinion. I’m currently reading “The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech” by Kirsten Powers (who identifies herself as a liberal but who is writing with brutal honesty). Add this to “How Do You Kill 11 Million People: Why the Truth Matters More than You Think” by Andy Andrews, and the edge of the precipice we are standing so close to becomes all the more frightening.
When I read “Bonhoeffer” by Eric Metaxas (another great book), I kept thinking, *This could happen to America in a matter of months.*
Thanks for sharing your concern with us. I agree with your analysis. I read the letter from the owner of Hobby Lobby yesterday. Unless he can find relief from the government, he plans to close all his stores. He refuses to pay for his employees abortion pills, and the govt. will fine him millions of dollars. Personally, I think anyone should have access to these pills, but a private business should not be forced to provide them against their moral beliefs or for any other reason. This is an attack on freedom. There are many attacks on our freedoms, but this one really hit me yesterday.
Thank you for sharing. I pray we will take to heart what you have said and remember!!! I am also accountable to stand firm!!!
Our pastor had a very strong sermon Sunday about taking the log out of our own eye before worrying about the splinter in another’s eye. As Christians we have sat back far too long and let things in this country go the wrong way. Too many have fallen in with the world instead of following Christ’s example. There may very well come a day in the not too distant future when we have to become martyrs for our beliefs. I really feel for our children and especially our grandchildren. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Thank you so much for sharing. Recently, I was reading Time to Choose: Growing Up under Hitler and Watching History Repeat Itself by Dawn Kazmierzak and Hilda Gutwein. It’s Hilda’s story through her daughter, Dawn’s, voice of what life was like growing up under Hitler’s rein. It was powerful and makes you stop and think, especially with the current events that are currently happening here in America. I fear it’s going to come here all too soon.
Gail said it perfectly in her comment, that “As Christians we have sat back far too long and let things in this country go the wrong way. Too many have fallen in the world instead of following Christ’s example.” This is the sad truth and many Christians are still falling in this trap. It’s time that we help America wake up by living by Christ’s example and showing them what the things that Jesus taught before it’s too late. If we aren’t already standing up for what we believe in, the time is now. Praying for our Nation.
I have a friend who was a teenager in Germany at the time of Hitler. She could not understand what was going on and her parents just kept telling her to be quiet as the Nazi’s attacked their Jewish neighbor’s business and home. She could smell the stench of the concentration camp’s human incinerators but never had a clue what it was all about.
One man made up a lie, indoctrinated the children and the world changed. We are already well on our way. At this point the real battleground is heavy duty prayer. We fight what we can but the battle has to be won in God’s armor. We are under judgment. We pray for mercy. “…in wrath remember mercy.” Habak 3:2
Very well said!
Well said. Yes I could see it happening here in the USA as well.