Today, I’m super excited to share with you more about my upcoming medieval series, The Fairest Maidens!
For those who’ve read The Lost Princesses (a novella and three-book series which released last fall), this new series takes place in the same story world, except that it’s set earlier in time involving characters and places mentioned.
Readers will get more of what they love: medieval adventure, dangerous dilemmas, and plenty of sweet romance. The heroes of this series are three brothers, princes who must undergo a period of Testing to determine which of them is worthiest to become the next king of their country. Their Testing takes them each to a different country on the Great Isle and exposes them to extreme challenges. Of course, in the process, each one meets a brave and beautiful woman who captures his heart and wins his affection.
Without further ado, here are the covers! Drumroll, please!

Pre-order Here: BEHOLDEN
For more information visit my website: http://jodyhedlund.com/books/beholden/

Pre-order here: BEGUILED
For more information visit my website: http://jodyhedlund.com/books/beguiled/

Pre-order here: BESOTTED
For more information on my website go here: http://jodyhedlund.com/books/besotted/
Getting three books ready for a rapid-release this coming fall has been no easy feat! Many people have combined their time and talents into the endeavor!
A special thanks to my editor, Julee Schwarzburg, who is incredibly talented. A shout out to my keen-eyed proofer, Katie Donovan. A HUGE thank you to Roseanna White Designs for putting together such stunning covers! Thanks to my daughter for her artistic talent in drawing the map for the front of the book. Many thanks to my select group of first readers for your dedication, time, and effort in giving me additional feedback! And an enormous thank you to Rel Mollet, my assistant, who is invaluable to me in more ways than I can count!
If you have enjoyed my previous medieval YA’s and want to keep informed on Launch Crew happenings for the upcoming Fairest Maiden series, please make sure to join my Facebook Reader Room where I post sign-ups for early reading/reviewing opportunities.
Question: What is your favorite thing about the medieval/fairy tale genre? What do you like best about those kinds of stories?

Jody Hedlund
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Ooooooo!!! I’m already anxious to see all three lined up on my shelf together. 😍
Oh, I cannot wait for these books! I love all your Medieval romances!
It’s a delight to work with you, Jody. You make writing look easy, but I have the privilege to see, more than most, the tireless effort, dedication, and care you put into writing your novels, always striving for the best outcome for your readers. You are such a blessing! I can’t wait for readers to enjoy the Fairest Maidens xo
I love everything about fairytales, the drama, the feelings, the romance, being swept away completely into another time and place. It’s wonderful and I can’t wait to read these!!!
The covers are absolutely stunning! Your books have the best covers, an invitation to check what’s inside! I love fairytales as an escape into a world of good versus evil where evil is defeated. Nothing better than a handsome knight rescuing a damsel in distress or sometimes the damsel does the rescuing! So looking forward to this series!
I really enjoyed your Noble Knights series and look forward to these as well. There’s just something about a knight fighting for his lady that makes me insides all mushy :-). And since you mentioned my favorite Australian (and your assistant) that’s all the endorsement I need to know these books will be great as well.
What beautiful covers! You can just sense the mystical, magical atmosphere in the backgrounds. Just as amazing is how prolific you are! How do you do it?
Ever since I was a child, I have loved fairy tales. There are so many aspects – the magic, the honor, the loyalty, enduring difficult tasks and challenges, and overcoming in the end. I still have a treasured volume of Hans Christian Andersen’s tales that I received for Christmas when I was ten. I have shared my love of fairy tales with my children and now grandchildren. My granddaughter, who is now 12, was inundated with fairy tales, princess dolls, and every Disney costume available. At her preschool graduation when she was four, each child was asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. She proudly announced, “I want to be a princess.” Right now she’s a dancer and a singer, who wants to be a veterinarian.
Congratulations on a new series, Jody! I adore your titles. I love the wordplay with the alliteration of the “be”ginnings. 🙂 The font is perfect for the medieval setting, and the colors are so rich and vibrant. Well done! I also love the premise of the three princes going out for a time of testing and falling in love along the way. Wonderful!
The covers are beautiful! I just love feeling like you are in another world– danger, chivalry, enchantment. So fun. I also enjoy seeing how you weave the themes and messages throughout the writings.Can’t wait!
Wow. Fantastic covers, Jody. the series looks awesome!
Oh my word, such beautiful covers. I have gotten so behind on your books. I need a month just to binge-read all your latest novels! 😊
Absolutely lovely…will definitely get our hands on these. My daughter squealed!
The covers are gorgeous!!
Wow, lovely! Look forward to reading this prequel trilogy when it’s released this fall.
Roseanna White is a Maryland based novelist so I recognized her name.
Beautiful covers!
Who doesn’t love Fairy Tales? I just love the drama, danger and Romance!!!
I’m very excited about this series. The covers are gorgeous too!
They are absolutely beautiful! I tried to pick my favorite cover and I can’t. They all are my favorite.
Thank you all for your very sweet comments!!