My family members were some of my earliest critics, reading my manuscript before I ever even tried to get published. Ken, the world’s most supportive husband, first read the prologue of the manuscript that would become my first novel, A Vow to Cherish, and deeply encouraged me. I’m not sure I would have continued without his affirming words. But he gave me the courage with his words: “This is good, babe! Keep writing.”
Both my daughters have a real talent for writing themselves. Our oldest daughter, a high schooler when I started my career, was a great proofreader. And when our youngest daughter was eight, we took turns reading A Nest of Sparrows, my seventh novel, aloud. We giggled over how many times I had my hero winking. Alas, the book had already been published and it was too late to change that nervous tic. (Although I did delete a few of those winks when Raney Day Press reissued the book two years ago.)
Our oldest son read a couple of my books when he was in college, only because he was donating plasma and discovered they would only allow reading (no TV or video games), so he grabbed the first book he could find before dashing off to the blood center. But he had encouraging things to say about my stories.
Since my recent stories have been set in Southeast Missouri near where both our sons-in-law grew up and attended college, they often help me with research questions about the area and about what my heroes their ages would say or do in certain situations.
I got this fun photo of our youngest daughter and her husband in a text last week. She said: “We’re reading on the couch and drinking tea like old folks… Our night has a theme though!”
I can’t tell you how much that tickled me! I guess this past Thanksgiving weekend got me thinking about the blessings in my life, and particularly in my life as a writer. And my reading family is definitely at the top of the list.