I’ve absolutely loved seeing the cover shoot posts that Tammy, Becky, and others have shared recently. I’ve never gotten to be involved in a shoot for one of my own covers, but since I’m married to a graphic designer who’s created many book covers, I’ve been on the other side of the shoot, toting the tripod, fluffing models’ hair, and tilting the reflector just so.
Ken wrote and illustrated two children’s picture books that were published when our kids were younger, and we went through some crazy things getting photo reference for the images of a little boy who discovers a flying stick horse. At one point our youngest son, then five, posed astride a wooden stick horse–which was strapped high atop the jungle gym at the school playground. His big brother held tight to his belt loops and tried to stay out of the frame while Ken directed Trey to scream and kick his feet and pretend he was flying. A little risky maybe. But we ended up with these wonderful colored pencil drawings for Stick Horse. Trey lived to tell the tale and now has his own little boy, our newest grandson.
And then there was the photo shoot of our daughter with our pet triceratops for Ken’s children’s picture book, It’s Probably Good Dinosaurs Are Extinct.
Okay, just kidding about that pet triceratops part, but I did pose with our youngest son who had his hand on the head of a dino (okay, it was really a basketball taped to a tripod, but it sure looks like a dino in the finished book.)
This page is called “Can I keep him, Mom? Pleeeeaaase?”
Our grandson didn’t have a clue why his Papa asked him to pose on a pillow flopped over a sawhorse a couple of summers ago…
Until he saw his Christmas present the next year–a painting of him riding a fierce T-Rex, of course!
And then there’s the food. I’ve made scones and trifles, all in the interest of getting an image for a cover design. (Of course, somebody has to eat all that yummy food when the photo shoot is over.)
I think our most interesting photo shoot recently was the day we had “guerrillas” with AK-47s on our back deck. The shoot was for a cover for a graphic novel published by Voice of the Martyrs about the life of Russell Stendal, a kidnapped jungle pilot. The guerrillas were models and the guns weren’t real.
But our neighbors, of course, had no way of knowing that. One of them told us later they watched out the window and wondered if they needed to come and “rescue” us! But look how wonderful the cover for Rescue the Captors turned out:
Never a dull moment when you’re married to a graphic artist. Those are my photo shoot stories, and I’m stickin’ to ’em!
So fun, Deb!! So creative!!
Tricia, I’ve tried to reply to your comment 3 times now, so sorry if they all suddenly show up later. ANYWAY, as I was trying to say, my husband got the gift of creativity X10, but I think YOU are that way, too, so it means a lot to have you call this creative!
Those pictures were amazing. I am truly awed by some the gifts, which God gives. Your husband’s abilities to “see” things in a way I would not have dreamed is amazing. You and he are truly blessed with a vivid imagination.
Dora, I’ve always told Ken that I wish I could see the world through his eyes just for a day!
Such an interesting article and the pictures were great! I love seeing how things are created and the end product!
Me, too, Gail! I always love watching “the making of” clips re movies and books and yes, photo shoots!
Oh my! I’m in awe of the way that Ken can use technology. And some of that wasn’t very recent, so he has definitely been on the cutting edge! And how fun for your kids.
You’re right, Linda, and our kids could tell you some stories about their creative dad. Some that their mom wasn’t too happy about, like the night the grocery run included 5 foam dart guns for the huge INDOOR “gun battle” that ensued after groceries were put away.
What a fun post, Deb. And I am in awe of Ken’s creativity – – wow!
Loved seeing these photos and getting a behind-the-scenes peek at how these covers were done.
Just have to add again how HAPPY I am that you’ve joined this blog!
Thanks so much, Patti Jo. I am having a blast on the blog and love reading my blogmates’ posts! Thanks for ALL your encouraging words both here and everywhere else I run into you online and in person!
Oh, what fun, Deb! I’m only surprised your neighbors didn’t call the cops. Boy, would you have had some ‘splaining to do, as Ricky Ricardo always says.
LOL! I think after even just a year of living beside us, our neighbors know not to be too surprised when something “strange” is going on at our house. But I DID worry that someone else might call 911. :}
Thanks for the Behind the Scenes peek into your husband’s process! I’m in love with the painting on your grandson on the T Rex. My son was crazy about dinos for years — he would have been thrilled to receive that as a gift.
Thanks, Becky. Our two oldest grandsons got T Rex paintings and Ken’s thinking about painting our granddaughter on a giant butterfly some Christmas soon.