Please join me in welcoming Jill Lynn back to the blog! It’s a pleasure to host you here, Jill. Thanks for guest blogging for me! -Becky
Writers have a tendency to be easily distracted.

I wish I could say other writers in that above sentence, but that’s not the case. I need to get some work done, and since Instagram sucks me in with the snap of its greedy fingers, I just deleted it from my phone. I’m not even going to bet on how long that will last. As long as it allows me to cross something off my to-do list, though, I’ll take the extra minutes no scrolling gives back to my life.
As a writer, I enjoy studying, listening and observing the world around me. That makes it that much easier for me to get pulled away from the task at hand. (At least this is the excuse I tell myself.) It could also simply be that we live in a world of social media and internet access that constantly tempts us to check in.
Whatever my excuse, distraction happens.

Writing is a mix of creativity and determination. Many days I don’t feel like writing. Often, I force my butt into the chair and go for some word count. Other days the keys fly under my fingertips and it all seems easy. Today, as I sit down to write, I’m currently engaged in a weird stand-off with a squirrel in my backyard. Yes, an actual squirrel—not of the internet variety.
I went out to water my summer flowers this morning, and it sat two feet away from me, staring at me. I yelped, because it was so odd to have a squirrel underfoot. Usually they’re long gone when they see me coming.
It didn’t move when I clapped and made loud noises. (I must have looked very strange to the neighbors. There she is again, that crazy lady. I heard she’s a writer. Very odd. Maybe even eccentric.)
I threw a stick near the squirrel. (Okay, sorry squirrel lovers, I threw the stick at the squirrel. I missed. No squirrels were harmed in my attempt to make the thing get out of my space.) But the squirrel just checked out the stick like it was a dog ready for a game of fetch. And then, horror of all horrors, it came my direction.
I may have run for the house. I’m not the best with critters. Critters and I have decided to live separately but remain friends. From a distance. Sort of like a Hollywood divorce.
Minutes later when I decided to check on the whereabouts of the squirrel, I opened my backdoor and scanned along the back fence where we’d first met.
It was sitting two feet away from my door. I screamed and leapt back inside.
I shut the door loudly a few times and told it to shoo.
It just walked along our picnic table like it was on a leisurely stroll.

After scanning the house twice looking for my coffee—I do this almost every morning when I set the cup down somewhere and then forget where—I realized I’d left it outside. It was a fresh cup, too. Just the right mix of cream. I wanted that coffee. I scanned the yard for the squirrel. It was back by the trees now, along the fence again. I texted my husband: I’m going out for my coffee. If I’m not back in two minutes, call for backup. While doing that, I realized I still had my phone in my hand, so if the squirrel did head my way, I could reach out for backup myself. But it sounded better with a hint of danger, so I sent the text.
I stealthily scooted out to where I’d left my coffee, snagged it and raced back inside. The squirrel climbed a tree and the furthest branch (closest to me), then proceeded to bark and yell. Now I’m sitting inside on my computer, watching for it to approach the door again.
So many thoughts are going through my head: I should put this in a book. But would anyone believe me? And am I ever going to be able to go outside again? There’s a tennis racquet. I could take that with me for protection. I really do need to water my flowers today.
Maybe I’ll give Mr. Squirrel some time to find another yard to play in. The flowers can wait until tomorrow, can’t they? It’s only going to be ninety today.
I take a sip of my coffee. It really was a cup worth saving. And I think I’ll be writing inside today. 😊
With all of the distractions in the world, I’m always thankful when a finished book makes its way to print and publication. Only by the grace of God do the words find their way onto the page and end up forming a story—always with the help of editors and friends.
CONGRATULATIONS to Suzanne Sellner, winner of Jill’s new book!

Jill Lynn is an award-winning author, hot mess, loud laugher and coffee addict who lives with her husband and two children near the beautiful Rocky Mountains. She writes the kind of stories she likes to read—ones filled with grace, humor and happily-ever-after. Her latest release, The Bull Rider’s Secret, is in stores now, and her current giveaway can be found here.
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Letting bull rider Jace Hawke back into her life breaks all of Mackenzie Wilder’s rules—just like he broke her heart years ago. But he’s working at her family’s ranch while recovering from a rodeo injury…and chipping away at Mackenzie’s tough-girl exterior with each passing day. Which is the bigger mistake: falling for Jace again…or letting him go without a fight?
Would you brave a squirrel to rescue your coffee? What do you enjoy most about cowboy heroes?
Becky Wade
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What a humorous story! But, oh, so true. I am the same way… sit down to write or edit and the next thing I know, I’m going through emails, or checking out Facebook.
Thanks for sharing. I’ll think of you the next time a squirrel shows up nearby.
Ha! 🙂
Squirrels are cute to watch but can be so destructive. The one you encountered was certainly enamored with you! My cowboy heroes definitely need to wear a Stetson and always say ‘yes, ma’am and no ma’am. A true gentleman! Thanks for the opportunity to win. I so want to read this one!
Thanks for stopping by!
You have me cracking up. A squirrel 😂🤣 I have squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, possum, deer, rabbits, etc in my yard. Do you want to drink coffee on my deck and go with me to feed my chickens? Have a blessed squirrel free day.
Gotta admit… I’m a little on the fence about chickens. Sometimes they are mean! 😂 Hope yours are well behaved. 😉
Mine eat out of my hand. I’ll let you help.
I’m sorry, but I laughed a little too hard at this. Sounds like book material for sure! Squirrels don’t bother me. Had it been a snake, I’d never step foot in the backyard again without a shovel for protection. HA! Maybe take a broom rather than the tennis racket… You won’t have to get as close to it!
Me Too! Snakes are not my jam. 😂😂 Yes I would brave the squirrel.. cowboys just are romantic. Looking forward to reading this story.
The coffee is always worth it! ☕😘
Yes, I would brave a squirrel to rescue my coffee. They really will run off if you appear to be entering their space and thus threaten their security. What irks me about squirrels is that they use our peach tree as a jungle gym. Our mature peach tree in the back yard produces numerous peaches each year; however, as the squirrels race through the branches, they knock off many peaches then use the remaining peaches for teething and gnawing objects. Consequently, for the last many years, we have been able to eat not a one of the lovely peaches.
Aw, what a bummer!
Congratulations, Suzanne! You’re the winner of Jill’s new release. Enjoy!!
I am laughing out loud!!!! Squirrel escapades!! So hilarious.
I just had a run in with a squirrel over the weekend! We were at the beach and this squirrel comes on the sidewalk looking for food, expecting food. I found a tortilla someone had thrown out on the sidewalk. I fed it to this squirrel who was three feet away staring at me. It eats the tortilla right there in front of me, then runs behind me, and I’m talking close, oh goodness is it going to eat my feet??, then runs in front of me and blocks my path as I’m running away, picture a girly run too hands up at waist level, possibly a scream and a yell or two at that obnoxious creature. Then it’s another minute of dodge the squirrel and run away. I finally made it away, minus some toe nail polish. 😉 Thanks or no thanks to my family for zero help while they were laughing so hard they couldn’t talk. 😂
Oh my gosh!! Haha! It sounds like it’s a relative to the squirrel in my backyard. 😂
Loved the story about the squirrel 🐿 and how life has it’s distractions. It’s a good thing I don’t work from home, God knows me well and knows were I need to be to get HIS work done. Can’t wait to read your new book. Living in Texas…we love our 🤠 cowboys!!!
Yay! Thanks for commenting!
I would let the squirrel have the coffee, because I’m not a coffee drinker. I love reading cowboy romances, Thanks for this great chance.
Since I hate coffee, the squirrel can have it all to himself. As for what I enjoy most about cowboy heroes? Ummm..They. Are. Cowboys! Hats, Wrangler jeans, and the ability to make an article of clothing called ‘chaps’ look sexy as all get out!! Ye-haw!!!
Ha! Yes ma’am! 😘
Awesome post! I read The Start of Us and LOVED IT! I can’t wait to read more of your books, thanks so much for the chance to win! 😊
Thanks, Caitlyn! I so enjoyed writing that book. Glad you liked it!
I don’t drink coffee and there ain’t no way this girl is going after a squirrel for any reason! Nope!
And cowboys…I mean…it is a cowboy! I love the thought of what being cowboy brings to mind. Gentleman, courteous, hard worker, dedicated, strong…etc. Sigh…I love me a cowboy! 🙂
I was reading at midnight one night this week and heard a horrible ruckus on our back deck.
Four raccoons out there looking for food – cat food!! I opened the door and three of them waddled off, but the fourth one stared me down! I did not like him at all. He was quite the daring raccoon!!
Eeek! I definitely wouldn’t fight a raccoon for my coffee. 🤣
I’d probably leave the squirrel alone too, or if he didn’t go away I might send the dogs out to chase him away ;). Thanks for the chance to win your book.
Your story was hilarious to me!
I have a love/hate relationship with a squirrel in my yard also. You throw sticks and I throw mulch stones. I have very poor aim so no harm. My big gripe is that squirrel insists on eating the bird seed in every feeder I set out. Once in awhile I think about how hungry he is but the birds….
Eat your book is fun too.
This post definitely shows how wonderful you are at writing! So funny 😊 and I’m glad your coffee was perfect. My daughter lived in Cincinnati and across the street from her was a lovely large tree, which was the home of an Albino squirrel.She called him Alfred. He was quite fun to watch!
We live in town and have squirrels in the yard all the time! A bunch of them are pretty tame too! 😁 Coffee’s very important though!! 😉 The book looks interesting! 😊
A squirrel outside. Not so bad. A squirrel inside. Now that’s bad!! When we lived in New York state years ago, we lived in an old country house that had plates covering a hole in the wall where an old country stove used to be. I was washing dishes one day when I heard this awful noise. I turned around to look and the plate was on the floor and a squirrel was running around the kitchen. Now what do I do? I ran out the side door to my neighbors house. We got front and side doors open and tried to chase squirrel out of the house with a broom. It finally got the hint and left. Believe me, dealing with a squirrel outside is much better than a squirrel inside. And did I ever tell you the story of when my dog brought A live bird inside the house? That’s another story. Maybe I should stick to cowboy stories. They usually don’t include squirrels or birds inside the house. Becky: Maybe the squirrel was stalking you.
A squirrel actually got into my in-laws house this past Christmas. Our brilliant (ha!) plan to get it back outside failed (surprise), and the squirrel escaped by leaping onto my shoulder and running up my face. I adore squirrels, but having experienced that close encounter, nope. I’d leave my beloved beverage to the squirrel!
I can completely relate to being easily distracted. I would like to blame teaching music for 31 years with constant multi-tasking and a continual merry-go-round of classes. However, I think I’ve always been this way. It may have to do with being creative.
I am looking forward to your next squirrel adventures here on the blog. I will also, look forward to reading “The Bull Rider’s Secret”.
I can relate to the distractions that happen so quickly and easily. Especially on the computer. I think I’m going to check one thing and an hour later …
Looking forward to reading your book.
We have lots of squirrels nearby. 🙂 Glad you saved the coffee. Congratulations.
I can sooooo totally relate to being distracted! My husband frequently teases me about it. Yes, I would brave a squirrel to rescue (I don’t drink coffee) my ice cream (or insert any other sweet in here). 🙂
😂🤣😂 If by “coffee” you mean Pepsi (my “coffee” of choice) then YES, I would. 🙂
Jill, I can empathize with your level of distractedness. Every day of my life, I fight the millions of distractions that pull me from my writing goal. Kids, laundry, dishes, work… Life!
My favorite thing about cowboy heroes is they are both tough and tender when it matters. That’s why I married myself a country boy. 🙂
Loved the tale of the squirrel! Glad you managed to get your favorite coffee cup back.
I loved the distraction of your squirrel story. Please keep that tennis racquet handy. My husband took our cats out recently (they only go out accompanied) and they went down to the holler where there are trees and a big rock pile. Audrey (our brown tabby) and a vole struck up a friendship where apparently she forgot she was supposed to hunt him and she just followed him around instead. The vole didn’t seem to mind and just acted like she wasn’t there. Mitten (our gray furball who has more fur than body) missed the whole thing.
I do dislike squirrels! There are way to many of them! 😃
What a cute story – it definitely brought levity to my day! I’m glad you saved your coffee cup too!
Squirrels are cute, but chipmunks are my favorite little animal. I love well-mannered cowboys who have a trusty horse.
Nope, I would have abandoned the coffee. The first thing I thought when you said the squirrel didn’t move was that animals acting weird might = rabies. Yikes! But I also live out in the country where that is an actual threat.