The Alexanders are dog lovers. You likely already know that Joe and I have two dogs—Murphy and Bailey (who has a treat in her mouth but stopped briefly to pose)…

Half siblings, they share the same mom but different dad
Kurt and Kellie, our son and daughter-in-law, also (as of this weekend) have two dogs. You may have already met Malcolm, a Double Doodle (a multiple hybrid mixed breed containing elements of Golden Retriever, Labrador, and Standard Poodle in their makeup). Here he is as a puppy…

And here’s Mal NOW!

And now meet Malcolm’s newly-adopted sweet sister Rue!

Kellie and Kurt just adopted Rue this weekend. Isn’t she a beauty? And she and Malcolm are already getting along famously.
Our daughter Kelsey also got a dog this weekend, but not “for keeps.” Kels has decided to foster dogs for a local animal rescue called Proverbs 12 while the dogs await adoption.
Meet Clifford…

If you live in Middle Tennessee, check out Proverbs 12 Animal Rescue, an organization committed to ‘Helping His Helpless’ through quality care and healing, adoptions, and population control awareness.
Finally, it’s RELEASE DAY! But not for me. : )
Our own Deb (Raney) and I have been writing critique partners for over—what, Deb—22 years now? And Deb’s newest book has just released…
Grab Breath of Heaven on Amazon
I’ve read this story and it is gripping!
The setting is South America. David and Natalie Chambers are newlywed missionaries to the villagers in Timoné when the unthinkable happens. As the backcover blurb states, “Their faith—and their love—will be tested in ways they never dreamed, and the decisions they make will echo for generations to come.”
Breath of Heaven is the third in a series but also stands wonderfully on its own. If you haven’t read Beneath a Southern Sky (book 1) and After the Rains (book 2), now you’ve got three fabulous new reads!
So are you a dog lover? Cat lover? Llama lover?
What’s your favorite animal of choice?
Blessings on your Tuesday, friends, and hope you had a wonderful July 4th celebration!
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Congratulations, Deb, on the new book, and congrats, Tammy, on the new granddog! And blessings on your daughter for fostering. Our new puppy, Toby, had a wonderful foster mom, and we’ve kept in touch since welcoming him home. Just last night I was teaching my grandkids about that proverb: “Blessed is the man who regards the life of his beast.” Animals are such an amazing gift to humankind!
I’ll pass along those blessings to Kels. She has a heart for animals, as I know you do! And God too! Animals ARE such an amazing gift to us from his gracious hand. Hugs to Toby!
Congrats Deb on your new release! It must be bittersweet to be finishing a series! Tammy, I’m definitely a dog lover but we have a cat as well. I love that verse the Rescue chose and that your daughter chose to partner with them. I can’t imagine fostering dogs and letting them go. I’d be the crazy dog lady! LOL!
LOL, Kelly! Crazy dog lady. Love that. I’m sure that letting go of them to adoption families will be hard. We’ll see how things progress!
Love all your family’s doggies. I’ve met acouple of them face to face, and they are sweethearts!
Thank you so much for sharing about my book release! You know that, as always, you get loads of credit for anything good in this book! ♥️
Aw, thanks. They’re are sweet—and rambunctious! : )
CONGRATS on this release! I know you said this was the one book you wanted to write before you died. LOL And I understand that feeling. I want to finish the Carnton series too. And will.
Such cute pictures! We have had dogs through the years, but our last pet was a cat that adopted us. He was such a charmer. My sister has taken in rescue dogs through the years, and my daughter recently adopted a rescue dog. What a wonderful thing for Kelsey to foster a dog! I recently read a really cute short book/novella about a young woman who fostered a dog: A Dog Called Valentine by Roxanne An open.
Tammy, you have prayed for my husband who has advanced dementia. He was finally able to move into a wonderful Veteran’s Care facility last week. This is definitely an answer to prayer. Thank you!
Betty, what wonderful news on the Veteran’s care facility for your husband. Is it near you? I hope so. I continue to pray for him and the difficult road ahead of you both. Our God is able, more than able, and he will go before you and behind you, hemming you both in with his grace and mercy. Remember to take care of yourself too, as you’re caring for him.
And how sweet that the cat “adopted” you guys. A gift from God.
Not too far away. The Sitter and Barfoot Veteran’s Care Center is in Richmond, two hours away from our home in Virginia Beach. I’m originally from Richmond, and my sister and brother still live there, so I am staying with my sister – can go home once a month. He has a private room, a one-on-one caregiver at present, everyone is compassionate and well trained. When I was there today, he smiled and said, “I am so happy.” Many more wonderful things, which give me confidence. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers. That means so much! Blessings to you.
Betty, that brought tears. “I am so happy.” Bless you both. One day we’ll look back from heaven on this earthly journey and we’ll see all the ways that God blessed us and our loved ones. We see his hand now, for sure. But we have no idea just how deep and wide his love is and ALL that he does for us. Bless you, Lord!
I’m so glad you can stay with your sister. Safe travels as you go back and forth.
Proverbs 12 sounds like a fabulous organization! I researched dog rescue (because the heroine of Turn to Me runs a shelter) and came away with so much respect for the people who work day in and day out caring for animals. Volunteer “foster parents” like your daughter make all the difference. 🙂
Yes, those people are amazing. True servants at heart and so kind. Kels called this morning and told me that, somehow, Clifford locked her out of her bedroom! LOL She got the door open while I was on the phone with her, but we were laughing at how a pet changes your life!
I am definitely a small dog lover. But being 80 years old with health issues I don’t have a dog now. It would be too hard to walk one and not haveing a fenced yard, that’s not fair to the dog. Love seeing the pictures that you and other authors I follow post, though.
Ann, your post blessed me. Just to see your tender heart and love for animals is precious. Much love to you, friend. As I head to bed tonight, I’m praying for you and your health issues. Love from my corner of the world to yours!
Beautiful pics Tammy! It’s really hard to just love one animal and living on a farm, you get a fair share of animals to love. 🙂 Goats, cows, geese, dogs, guinea pigs… they’re all great!!!
I love that you live on a farm, Alexis! I wish I could see pics of your animals. Do you share on social media, by chance?
Unfortunately, I don’t have a social media account but I do have a blog… only, I don’t post on it very often.
No worries! I’ll just dream of all your cute farm animals! ; )
Hey Tammy! Well, I’m 3 days late in commenting, but with the 4th of July AND my grandgirl’s 5th birthday this week, I’m behind on everything!
Just a quick note to say I enjoyed your dog post, even though I’m Team CAT (no surprise to you, LOL). I’m also a llama lover, although I just can’t convince my husband to let me have a llama in our yard. 😉 (In fact, my 5th book is titled For the Love of Llamas). 🙂
Stay cool in this summer heat, my sweet friend!
I’m definitely a dog lover. As a kid, I was never allowed a pet. My Dad loved dogs and my Mum loved cats! Never the twain shall meet. So when I asked for a pet, the answer was always a resounding “No!”
When I moved out of home aged 16, the vast majority of people I shared a house with had dogs. Their dogs always fell in love with me, (one took longer than the others), and I didn’t mind a bit! It didn’t take too long for the one dog who terrorised me to give in her death wish for me, for which I was eternally thankful! Over the years, I’ve had a Spoodle, (spaniel/poodle cross), some Jack Russells, some Spaniels, and a Chihuahua call me theirs.
Only one of them was truly mine though. A friend was moving house and needed some packing boxes. I live with my spiritual parents. They went and took our friend some boxes and asked me to go along. She had a dog that absolutely terrified me! He barked so savagely when we arrived, and I refused to get out of the car. I had one really bad experience as a kid with an aggressive German Shepherd. It took a lot of coaxing, but I finally got out of the car and crept to one of the seats and stayed still. He, Bailey, (the spoodle), sidled up to Joan, (my second mother), and charmed her for all he was worth. She’d had dogs growing up, so she was fine with him. The next thing I know, he’s making his way to me. I very gingerly reached over and give him a pat. Then he headed to John, (my second dad). That was interesting because he’s a cat person. He was won over too. It wasn’t until a couple of days later that the truth came out. John and Joan had gone there to check him out. They had told our friend that they’d take a look at him to see if they might know of anybody who might be able to take him. They could recommend him. I didn’t know that. I also didn’t know that they were looking to see if I’d be interested in having him. When they first asked me, I originally said no. I knew he wouldn’t be allowed in the house. To me, that was cruel. All the other dogs I’d been in contact with were all allowed in the house. Western Australia can get very hot and very cold. I didn’t like the thought of him out in the elements. Anyway, we worked our way around that. He was nothing like the savage he made himself out to be the day I met him. He was so loving, affectionate, gentle, well mannered, loyal and so many other things. Bailey and I adored each other. John and Joan jokingly used to say to me that if Bailey was a human, we’d be married!
He was such a funny little character! Prime example. Joan often had problems with her knees. One day, the 3 of us were sitting outside with Bailey. Joan was experiencing a lot of pain so John and I went to pray for her. As soon as we went to lay hands on her, Bailey came over and laid a paw on her knee. No prompting or anything! His paw on her knee and his head bowed. We never forgot it.
I sure do miss my little man. We knew something was really wrong when one day he stopped walking. The next day, he stopped eating. The next morning we took him to the vet. He had 4 tennis ball sized tumours in his liver, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. WE couldn’t let him suffer. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I told him he wasn’t supposed to get sick in the same places as me. He wasn’t supposed to get sick, period! That was just over 3 years ago now. I’m hoping that God has allowed our beloved pets to be waiting for us when our times come.