I’m often asked, “How did you not cave to the pressure last summer when your publisher threatened to cancel your book if you didn’t make their requested changes?”

In short? God started preparing me for that challenge a year before that day came (when my novel Colors of Truth was ultimately cancelled).
It’s not something I’m proud to admit (to confess), but it’s a forever lesson God engraved on my heart. A lesson that not only shaped the foundation for the novel I was writing at the time—Colors of Truth—but that has forever changed me.
I recently shared this experience with Karen Ball and Erin Taylor Young from Write from the Deep. Amid lots of laughter and also some fairly sober moments, we talk about authenticity and about how important it is to tell the truth and keep your word. Because God is Truth, and he demands that his children be people of Truth.
I invite you to listen to the podcast (or read the transcript) here. This link will open a new window so you can easily hop back over here and leave a comment on this blog post, if you wish.
But a quick caution . . .
After listening to the podcast, you may well be disappointed in me. And, if you are, I’ll understand. I was greatly disappointed in myself.
But I also think you’ll see how God was preparing me for that moment of decision that was coming a year later when I would be asked to rewrite Colors of Truth to be better received by this current culture we’re living in.
Was saying no to my publisher’s request easy? In a way, yes! Because the God of Truth had already dealt with me about telling the truth, about not lying. But in another way, no. Because standing by my convictions meant severing ties with a publisher I’d enjoyed working with in the past. It also meant they were cancelling my next book (the third book in the Carnton series) as well.
Yet this experience also gave me the opportunity to publish a novel on my own, something I’d been considering doing. And though I was filled with uncertainty as to what the outcome would be, you (my readers) received this novel with great enthusiasm. And I’m so grateful to you for that, and for your kind words of encouragement as Colors of Truth came to print. They made all the difference!
So . . . though this is a personal question for sure, what is a defining moment in your life where God lovingly but firmly taught you a lesson you needed to learn? And notice I didn’t ask, “Have you had a defining moment in your life…”
Because if you’re a follower of Christ, I know for certain you’ve had those moments (and I’ve had many!). Because while God loves us “while we are yet sinners,” his grace and mercy refuses to leave us in our sin, in the kingdom of darkness. He changes us and makes us holy, like himself. Thank you, Lord! #Sanctification
You don’t have to share the details of your experience. But a simple “Oh yes, and this is what God taught me about himself” would be terrific!
Love you all dearly,
And look at this?!! Our own Deb Raney has a new book out!
Check out BRIDGES today! I highly recommend it (as you can see)!

Tamera Alexander
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Thank you for this podcast and blog post. I made sure I bought your book the moment it was available, not just because I love your writing and love Carnton, but because I knew a little about this book’s hard journey to publication. Now, knowing the backstory, I am so thankful you stood firm in showing the awful truth of history. History cannot be changed, even when it’s horrible. I think perhaps we don’t realize that when we put a pretty picture on the terrible past, we are cheating those who lived with injustice. May we always honor their struggle and endurance.
Thank you, Teresa, not only for your kind words here but for walking with me through all that happened last summer. God is so good to prepare us for the road ahead, even when we have absolutely no clue what’s coming. Which is all the time! I could not agree more about how, when we put a pretty picture on the past, we cheat those who lived through and with that injustice. Bless you, friend.
I’m struggling to find the words to comment on this post. So many emotions. First, disappointed in you? Absolutely not! I find you even more awesome because you shared that you’re human, that you contain multitudes as Whitman wrote, and that you make mistakes. I think you’re courageous to share this one sin I can tell hurt you deeply. Thank you for your bravery.
Second, I am a sinner, too. I completely understand that feeling of failing God. It stinks and makes one feel like a loser. I can’t count the number of times I’ve felt like this. But I ask God for forgiveness and guidance and try one more time to get it right.
Third, I bought your book. I’m going to read it (soon hopefully), and then I’m going to share my review with as many as will listen/read it. Too many places and people are compromising history these days, and I refuse to be a part of that. God tells us everywhere in the Bible to remember. History is important to God!
Bless you, Nicole. Your note feels like a hug, and I appreciate you so much. It’s a valuable truth to know who you are without Christ. Who you would be without his saving grace and life-giving hope and transformation. I’m grateful for the reminder, but even more for the ransom he paid to cover my sin. My sin, not in part, but the whole, as the old song says!
And yes to God telling us (over and over and over) to remember! Perhaps that’s why I love the book of Deuteronomy so much. Thanks for sharing today.
I just heard your podcast and I admire you so much for your transparency. I was convicted by your words about white lies and shading the truth. Your journey with your publisher was a trial most authors hope they will never have to endure. I’m so proud to call you my friend. The Lord is proud of you too. Well done faithful servant!
Okay, tears over here, Lynn. : } Your journey with the Lord—his RADIANT light shining through you—has long been a source of encouragement for me, friend. Love you dearly. (Kels and I laughed again not long ago about “vash-bear” and “Do not leave me here!”(as the elevator doors closed on me in that dark hallway. Oh how we laughed!
Tammy, I loved listening to the podcast and hearing more about your journey with Colors of Truth. It’s encouraging to hear how the Lord took care of you and your book. Thanks for the inspiration and for leading the way!
Bless you, Carrie, for being your encouraging self. God had a plan all along, and I’m so grateful he made a way.
I read the transcript and appreciate the details. I have supported you since I heard your video announcement that your book was cancelled. Thanks for standing up for truth – interesting that the book is Colors of Truth, and I own it.
Tammy, I followed your journey with your Dad, and am so sorry you were going through this at the same time. I went through this same journey with my father and am going through it again now. It truly is the long goodbye, and I gained so much from you.
One thing I have been taught over and over is that all is in God’s timing.
Bless you and your courage and your faith!
Thank you, Betty, for every word of your comment. Truly warms my heart. God was with me every step of the way that year, and yes, it was a hard road in so many ways. But God worked everything for good, just as His Word says. He’s a covenant God. Faithful even when we are not because He cannot be untrue to His name, to Himself. And aren’t we grateful.
Thank you, Tammy.
Crazy busy day and just now getting to respond for this. Thanks for sharing this. It is so easy to go down that slippery slope. So thankful for grace. And I’m thankful for you, friend. Sending you a (Covid-free!) hug! ❤️
Thanks for that “masked hug,” Linda! Love to you, friend, and thank you for your encouragement. Prayers for you and all that’s on your plate!
Thank you for sharing your story…you did not have to do that but what a witness for the rest of us…all sinners. Thank you for being a faithful servant following God’s lead. History is history. Tearing down statues and covering it up doesn’t change it. I remember in the Experiencing God study that we were told we are who we are today because of where we have been. That has stuck with me. I pray that you convicted some of the people at the publishing company as well. Blessings to you.
Bless you, Gloria, for walking this road of sanctification with me. Looking more like Christ is the cry of our hearts, no? Some days that cry is greater than others, granted. But God is always working, and he will not cease his work in us until we are perfect and complete in Christ. He is faithful even when we are not. And aren’t we grateful! Much love to you, friend.