I love to cook, and especially loved to bake. Life has been a blur lately, so I haven’t gotten to do much of either, but that doesn’t stop me from browsing sites for new recipes and ways to improve my cooking skills.
Here are some of my favorites . . .

Kathleen has lots of GF recipes and generally healthier—and delicious—fare. Plus I love how her recipe videos are simple and to the point.

Tammy is a hoot and her food is truly Southern delicious! If you’re looking for comfort food (or something distinctly Southern), you’ll find it here.

Where to start on Nagi… She’s an amazing cook and comes up with some very different dishes. And she’s a doll! You’ll love her site.
So do you have any favorite foodie sites that you visit for inspiration? Or just because you love recipes and cooking/baking like me? And have you visited any of these before? Please share, I’m always up for more!
Love from Nashville,
Tamera Alexander
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Here’s one we follow https://www.sloanetaylor.com/ who has many recipes and cookbooks.
Thanks, C.D. Much appreciated!
My family’s love language is food (the heretofore unknown 6th love language 😀 if you’re sad, here’s food. Happy, here’s food. Angry, here’s food. Sick, here’s food, and more food for your freezer. Food can fix everything, haha. One of my favorite sites (and it’s also a TV show) is America’s Test Kitchen. I love it because they tell you the science behind everything. They spend so much time testing recipes that everything is figured out before it gets to the chef/baker. Their whole goal is to making everything as easy as possible so anyone can follow their recipes, and they test so many foods from different cultures. americastestkitchen.com
LOL, Katie. I love that—and agree. Food can be a love language, and especially comforting at times. I have never heard of America’s Test Kitchen so thank you for this introduction. I’ve already taken a peek and wow…so much great information and, as you said, interesting tidbits behind the science of cooking and baking. HUGS!
I go to my friend’s site. It’s http://www.outoftheboxbaking.com. Yummy desserts, breads, and all things sweet. You almost want to eat the pictures Janice posts on Facebook. 🤣 PS: Janice Hanna Thompson is also an excellent writer!!!
Oh yum, Janetta! Thanks for sharing this. I’ll check out both the recipes AND her books. 🙂
I love following Cooking with Brenda Gantt. Southern cooking but she almost always includes her testimony for Christ. Another I follow is The Best Cookie Recipes. By the way, if you don’t already, check out Avid Readers of Christian Fiction. There are certain days when authors can promote their own books.
Hey Jeanne and thanks for sharing today. I just watched Brenda cook a roast and she is a HOOT! Her love of cooking—and for Jesus and others—shines through so clearly, as you said. Thanks, too, for the cookie site. I tell ya, I could get lost in these sites—just like I could read cookbooks for hours, especially the older ones. You can tell a lot about a culture and people by their food and manner of preparation, can’t you?
I love Avid Readers of Christian Fiction and appreciate all the banter of books and the encouragement for authors. That’s a great group!Hugs, friend.