Nothing like a summer ride up into the woods and mountains of Washington State. Here’s my dear friend, Linda, and I preparing to go. Since my next hero is a horseman, among other things, I’m rehearsing the role, so to speak 🙂
The woods were so cool despite the 80 degree day and so lovely with the sunlight filtering through the trees…
My favorite summer flower here is the wild rose but the fireweed and avalanche lilies and other blooms are in abundance…
After taking some switchbacks, we were up on the ridge behind my house with an inspiring view of the water blanketed with mist…
The same view at twilight, taken by Linda’s photographer husband, Roger, who captures such unforgettable images wherever he roams. He even snapped these pics of Linda and me without my knowing! His Facebook photography page is full of inspiration if you want to take a look…
I rode Major, a Tennessee Walker, who has lots of personality! We’d be tearing down the trail and he’d snatch a big ol’ helping of salmonberry brush without missing a beat. Linda’s little collie followed us all the way…
An unforgettable day with God’s glory on display!
Any other horse lovers out there? What do you do for inspiration?
~Laura Frantz
Read an Excerpt from Love’s Fortune
Tamera Alexander
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Hi Laura!
I’m about halfway through Love’s Fortune and LOVING it!! I recently turned in the second book in my recent series which is set in West Virginia and Pennsylvania and since I was born and reared in Pittsburgh–and because I researched the area for my recent books–I’m loving your book even more. I’ve truly enjoyed the first two books in the Ballantyne Legacy and this one doesn’t disappoint. 🙂 As for inspiration, long walks along the lake and reading good books. ~Judy
Judy! I’m thrilled to see you here! In fact, I’ve pre-ordered your book and actually looked again yesterday to make sure of the release date and was so happy to see it coming in October:) The cover is my favorite of yours! THANK YOU for your gracious words about Love’s Fortune. It means so much to think of you reading it, especially given your busy schedule. You’re a gem of an encourager! Wonderful we share that love of Pennsylvania history!
I do love horses. These pictures are breath taking! Once I got to do a trail ride in the Colorado Rocky Mountains & loved it. Thanks for the reminder of that long ago day! 🙂
DK, Your ride sounds incredible as Colorado and the Rockies are exquisite! Glad this post/pics brought that back for you. Horses are incredible creatures. I think of Tamera’s latest series when I ride! Thanks for taking time and stopping here today!
Such a magnificent setting! I can see how you are inspired and such exquisite photos displayed on your post.
I visited Roger’s FB page and his photos are awesome! Thank You for sharing for such beauty.:)
Rosie, Oh, bless you for visiting Roger’s page! He’ll be honored. And thanks for your gracious comments about these pics. Even though I’m a Kentuckian, I must admit God’s handiwork in on glorious display here in Washington State. Bless you for being here today!
Hi Laura, I loved seeing the beautiful views on your ride!
Carrie, So happy to see you here – you’re always a burst of joy! Glad you enjoyed these photos. Riding is one of my most loved things to do:) Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your picturesque adventure on horseback. What enjoyable research! When I was a child we did not own a horse, but several of our neighbors did. I grew up on a ranch in Indian country and I don’t need to tell you what “adventures” I had (in my mind) while on horseback!! The ranch to the north of ours raised Appaloosas. It was an exciting when a new foal was born. The markings of each one was so unique and beautiful. I have Love’s Fortune on pre-order, but they say they won’t ship until about September 16th. Can’t wait! Great seeing you on this blog.
Dear Mary, Love hearing from a real horsewoman! Growing up in that glorious horse country is truly an adventure just like you worded it. And your foal comments make me think of a scene I recently wrote for my next novel as I have my hero in the barn with a new foal:). Now that you speak of markings, I should add that in as that’s a wonderful touch! A few years ago we took our boys on the train through your neck of the woods to Glacier National Park. One of the most thrilling sights was seeing wild horses roaming free. I’ll never forget it.
Thank you for your pre-order of LF. I just checked CBD and they moved the date back. They’re usually first out of the gate with deliveries and I pray Wren’s story will be worth the wait!
Hi, Laura!!
Such beauty!! Your pics have certainly created a desire in me to take a tour of Washington state!! I’ve toured a large portion of the U.S. – however, that is one state I’ve only seen from the air or airport. Traveling and viewing, new to me, beautiful vistas of God’s landscape is one of my passions, I only wish I had the opportunity to do it more often. It’s mind-boggling when one stops to consider what He has created, isn’t it?? And I believe He wants everyone to take pleasure in as many of those natural creations as often as possible.
While I grew up on a farm where my father owned ponies and mules – I haven’t ridden one since childhood when I had a scary accident while riding. However, I do have a respect for horses and admire their beauty, speed and strength. I have a tingle of excitement knowing you’re in the process of creating another novel, Laura – I can’t wait to see how you incorporate horses. Even though there is much work involved in the research, plotting, writing, publishing, and promotion of a novel – the research must often be so rewarding, beautiful, pleasurable, and interesting.
One form of inspiration, for me, is viewing pics such as yours (photography used to be one of my hobbies) – I checked out Roger’s beautiful photography also. Some other forms are music, travel/nature, and the gift of beautiful, musically rhythmic words which God has infused in many people.
“Love’s Fortune” is absolutely beautiful, Laura – such joy and inspiration I’m receiving while reading it!! God has inspired and given you such a wonderful gift through the beauty of your use of words and I am so blessed by, and thankful for – that gift!!
Post Shared!!
Bonnie, SO happy we can connect here if not my own site – though I do think those technical difficulties have ceased:)
Really appreciate your thoughts and words here. We share a mutual love of travel. I think you’d love WA since it is so pristine and isolated still in many respects. Untouched. Given the state was settled in 1889, it feels young to me:)
Roger would appreciate your visiting his page very much. I often see him on our rural road as I whiz by, patiently capturing these beautiful images to share. He’s a Texan, by the way, and has some lovely images from there, too. But you may have already gathered that!
I hope I do my horseman justice in this new novel – I have a month more to read/research before starting in. Though I’ve been so anxious to get started I’ve created the file and page numbers! It’s a joy to think of you reading Wren’s story and anticipating the next ones along with me. Bless you for your presence here!
Hi Laura,
Just received my copy of Love’s Fortune today! I sent you a Facebook message. Surprise! Then here you were a post or so later! Those photos are beautiful. I enjoyed them earlier. Thanks so much for sharing. Looking forward to beginning book 3 of the Ballantyne Legacy.
Mary K.
Mary K! So happy Wren is in your gracious hands! I will check Facebook, too, after this:) Thanks for telling me. Hope you’re enjoying the transition to fall though I covet your sunshine on this rainy day here! Bless you for stopping!